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Daily Blessing

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Daily Blessing

It would be great to report that the Universe is now totally on your side and offering you carte blanch this week. However, this is not the case since October is asking us to find our direct relation to Inner Truth, Autonomy, and Spiritual Power. Like most of you, I will use this week to continue my faithful practice of being a hybrid seedling of Divinity that is actively neutralizing any shadow aspects that are surfacing for healing and resolution. I will also be mindful, as well you should, of slowing the tempo of life just a bit to more fully live and breathe inside the Newer dimensions of expression that are stabilizing our energetic divorce from being confined, tricked, or controlled to live beneath our true selves.

We are in a cosmic moment (1987-2012)

of great pressure and learning of new skills as we alchemize the density of 3D. Our human design is being flushed and purged by a spiritual fire that is beyond any human awareness throughout all time. And the cycle that is moving us into the thousand years of peace has gained momentum so we are constantly asked to quicken the disappearance of duality in order that we wake up to our Oneness with all Life. The daily intent to become Self-evident and one in heart and mind with God is in vogue. Those in the know are using focused awareness to harness their deep psychic forces and spirit-gifted abilities to move them beyond ordinary and into the vibrant new frequencies of light and life. The remaining days of October are perfect for living up to the inherent grand potentials you knew you were going to excavate this lifetime. How about joining the other Ascension Scouts in activating and unleashing every one of them!

Give no power to the ever pressing collective mortal mind in its quest to keep you occupied with external limitations and concerns. Expand your Divine identity to show up in all human circumstances and experiences. Cease thinking with the old paradigm perceptions of fear and scarcity. You are capable of so-o-o-o-o much, and are supported by a cast of heavenly guides at every turn. Because we are the lineage of Spirit we are ruled by the Law of Creation which only knows to follow our mind and hearts. Be wild enough the rest of the month to consciously create the conditions where the desires of your heart can become the reality of your being. Allow yourself to be pulled into the more Avataric realms where you find

the Inner Relief of listening to your angelic presence pointing you towards a new place of personal power. Humanity has risen into a new arena of ease and elegance where struggle and strife are distant memories as long as you are navigating from the opulence of Spiritual legacy. As I have mentioned before, 2007 will be known as the year human biology once again became consciously sensitive to inner guidance. And the timing is perfect because as we delve higher and deeper into the Ascension process anything and everything will be happening at once. I know many of you have noticed that the external world no longer offers guidance about anything you should do next. There are just too many who are out there tripping, stumbling, and bumping around - determined to remain oblivious to the " heart " energy that has saturated our realm. Their radar is not capable of picking it up yet so remain diligent about who and what you chose to follow. As I am constantly made aware, the

best place to seek guidance is now within. And since we are at the height of " harvesting / culmination " of the 2007 planetary upgrades it will not be unusual to be experiencing extra weeping, sobbing, feeling off balance, or perhaps wanting to jump out of your own skin. There is light and there is dark without much middle ground for anchoring. You may find yourself crying at the smallest of disappointments and crying at the smallest acts of kindness as well. Remember too, that tears represent a release, and collectively enormous amounts of an illusionary world and illusionary ways of being and relating have (and continue) been released. We also weep when we are finally able

to see and experience who we really are and we weep when we experience love and we weep when we feel unity with our beloved soul families, and we weep when we feel unity with nature, the higher vibrations, and ultimately Source . . . as that is what we are becoming and merging with right now in a perfect and much more intense way. The pain of certain global events and experiences also causes many to weep, as we believe that suffering should not exist in Heaven. We are overcome with compassion for every living thing, as we observe this process of shifting and sorting and what it is creating as the division becomes more intense as ever.

Even though this was the plan, and all is in order, as we are uniting with our Souls and Source energy at unprecedented speeds the impact of such prophecies appear bigger and bolder when they must be lived each day. Continue to recognize that change has been achieved and a new fluency comes with the awareness that an entire kingdom of God's creation is becoming infused with the radiance of Divine Beauty. In that embrace new possibility and all possibility is endured. Kinda gets ya right in the heart chakra, doesn't it? Reverend


Kinship with the Divine is felt as I dissolve into a place of unity that contains

all the remnants

of life. In this contemplative place of heart I touch the eternal

memory that there is only One Life. Here there is a primal affection for the

complete nature of God. With certainty of absolute union I baptize my

entire being in this well of origin welcoming the tenderness of Spirit's beauty.

In the sublime space where God and I are one, I ground and allow the sacred

divine signature of my soul to bathe in the silence of God. The ease with which

this is accomplished proves Spirit is ever near, and that the courtesy of the

universe is at my disposal. I no longer remain trapped in the mental frames of

self-reduction, or self-denunciation. Instead, I desire to celebrate the joy of

being the heir to the elegance and nobility of Spirit! A new being-ness is afoot,


I live as a demonstration of what is coming. I am a Bright, Expansive Light

of radiance. My telepathic abilities amaze those around me. My embodiment of

cosmic law, universal principles, and multidimensional sensory perception merely

become the touch, flow, and force of a new me. I live being the New extraordinary

adventure of Divinity ripening into human genius. A New tactility of God that

fulfills the master plan of

ascension and ultimate union. That state of elemental

Presence that is being reawakened and renewed in this interim world.

Dwelling in the tabernacle of the God's heart I celebrate being a greater force of

transfiguration during these times. How grateful I am to be the refinement of

Spirit's language of expression. Sending these words into the beautiful danger

of the Law wherein they manifest, I let it be done. And so it is.


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