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Ureaplasma Urealyticum results via Zapping

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(I apologize if this is a little off-topic)

>Hello rifers' lists

I have been having good results keeping a mycoplasma infection(UTI) down

using the

following protocol: (please note that I have only verified this species via

Dowsing(radionics) and do not have any hard proof that that is what it is!)

none-the less the painful urination can be knocked down somewhat using this

protocal however I think you need more voltage watt power to penetrate

deeper or plate zapping to effectively kill them ALL!!!

I have constructed one of Luke Parishes(?sp) Zappers and have modified it

to output

a 18.80 KHz freq by using the same values for all the parts but different

wattages for the resistors Instead of using the 1/2 watt fatter resistors

as he suggests I have substituted 1/4 watt resistors keeping everything

else the same see diagram


It seems that this capacitor which is a 1000pf cap seems to deliver a

stronger punch

when it comes to penetrating organs and tissues compared to the Zapper Deluxe

all this without plate zapping...At least this is what I have found...

I hope to perform the plate zapping technique when I can afford the parts..

(I cannot say for a fact which zapper performs better on an scope as I dont

have one and someone could test this to see shape of wave in body!)

After zapping I also hit it with mesosilver A FINER SMALLER colloidal

Silver which works but I have found the Silver 100 to work as equally well!

If one can afford it Thymic protein extract(A VERY GOOD PRODUCT!)EXPENSIVE

seems also to re-program the white cells to

find these enemies and starts to gobble them but it cant seem to get all of

them (ie the ones inside your cells)

I have hooked the electrodes up to my feet as I find since the infection is

lower parts of body seems to get the current there....And you must use a

NEW battery for each zap or recharge it...since when the voltage of the

battery drops it doesn't have any penetrating power left...

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