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kathy in il

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Dear Kathy...I know what you mean. We are definetly

on a budget with me being unemployed and having 5

kids. I use a lot of hamburger and chicken too. My

kids do not like vegetables...i sneak them in on them

by cooking one-dish meals and adding some peas or

carrots. Like... rice in the bottom of a pan, chicken

on top with peas mixed in rice and a can of cream of

chicken, mushroom or celery soup and some water.

Cover with foil and bake until done. Chicken spaghetti

with carrots. Uses a little chicken cut up, sliced

carrots, noodles or spaghetti and a can of cream of

chicken soup.

Let me know if you have any recipes to share as I

sometimes get tired of using the same ones. I hope

you have a good weekend. Iris



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Thanks Kathi, I tell you i am scared. My colonscopy is sep 11. I hope they find

something after 11 years of this mess. Im scared of passing all this blood too.

I didnt realize that my bp was too low because of the loss of fluid and bloods.

I know now so next time i will go to e.r . hopefully it wont happen again before

colonoscopy. i am not looking forward to it but i have to have it. they probably

should have done it after gulf war. if anyone has had one, could you write and

ease my anxieties? lol. Thanks


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<PRE>i had one a year or so ago. i didn't feel a thing. i was told i had a polyp

and bleeding ulcer from arthritis meds. i take 40 mgs of nexium and have not

had a problem since. they were all very nice and treated me with respect. i

had more stress with that one. i called my insurance the day before and found

that the facility was not covered and my dr was not able to practice at my

facility. i was so upset by this. i'd have to come up with 1000 out of pocket

deductible. but the dr felt sorry since his staff messed up (they told me he

was part of open access plan and he was only ppo dr) he ate the deductible

for me. i also had to wait almost a month for my appt and to have that

happen. i was frantic. not as bad as when i showed up for surgery on my foot,

sat there hooked up to iv for 2 hours and my dr didn't show!!!! we had a

terrible wind storm the night before and he had some emergency at his house.

(of coarse i have later heard he was having marital problems and not living

at home then too so who knows) kathy in il

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