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RE: new meds- failed again

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<PRE>well i guess i have flunked this drug. my tongue is sore. it has always


too big for my mouth, doesn't seem swollen but it was sore. o get up an look

in the mirror and i can see teeth marks. seems like every 15 minutes i go to

the bathroom and have had 5 bowel movements today (sorry) amd now it is

diarrhea. i was too afraid to take trazadone. i seem ok as long as i don't

try to sleep. my dr just called and told me he thinks i am having an adverse

reaction. (gee ya think???) tells me to take benedryl. i asked on top of my

zyrtec?? no, better not take anything. just don't take anymore altace. i'm

scared and clinching my jaw, doon't really want to wake and scare my son. he

has been thru enough already. so maybe now i am down to 7 drugs. kathy in il

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Kathy, I have been through sore tounge and diarreha with some meds. For

my heart. But I found out, if I did hold out for several days, and there

were NO deadly side effects happening!... that after several days, all

that straightened out. My body got " use " to them. About the ZYRTEC. That

is a WONDERFUL drug! I was on it for awhile. But it WAS too " harsh " on

my system, and I did not even realize it... my doctor did... and I

seemed to be having " side effects " from other drugs that I never had

effects from. My doctor (OBGYN) decided to take me off ZYRTEC, and put

me on... I think... I will go check the bottle when it gets daylight...

that it is PROLEX. But without the ZYRTEC I have to just be expecially

careful about staying in close contact with my outside cat...and dog.

The PROLEX seems to work better, and faster, and causes NO symptoms or

interactions (it APPEARS! ha!) with other stuff. I do not take the

PROLEX all the time.


kringlemom@... wrote:

> <PRE>well i guess i have flunked this drug. my tongue is sore. it has

> always been

> too big for my mouth, doesn't seem swollen but it was sore. o get up

> an look

> in the mirror and i can see teeth marks. seems like every 15 minutes i

> go to

> the bathroom and have had 5 bowel movements today (sorry) amd now it

> is

> diarrhea. i was too afraid to take trazadone. i seem ok as long as i

> don't

> try to sleep. my dr just called and told me he thinks i am having an

> adverse

> reaction. (gee ya think???) tells me to take benedryl. i asked on top

> of my

> zyrtec?? no, better not take anything. just don't take anymore altace.

> i'm

> scared and clinching my jaw, doon't really want to wake and scare my

> son. he

> has been thru enough already. so maybe now i am down to 7 drugs. kathy

> in il



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I'm so sorry this med didn't work out for you and that you've had all these

nasty side effects. Is there any other med your doctor has in mind?

Hopefully as the medication leaves your system you'll start to feel much

better. It sounds like you've had a scary time of it.

Much love,


Re: [ ] new meds- failed again

<PRE>well i guess i have flunked this drug. my tongue is sore. it has always


too big for my mouth, doesn't seem swollen but it was sore. o get up an look

in the mirror and i can see teeth marks. seems like every 15 minutes i go to

the bathroom and have had 5 bowel movements today (sorry) amd now it is

diarrhea. i was too afraid to take trazadone. i seem ok as long as i don't

try to sleep. my dr just called and told me he thinks i am having an adverse

reaction. (gee ya think???) tells me to take benedryl. i asked on top of my

zyrtec?? no, better not take anything. just don't take anymore altace. i'm

scared and clinching my jaw, doon't really want to wake and scare my son. he

has been thru enough already. so maybe now i am down to 7 drugs. kathy in il

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Nooooooooooooooooo. I'm so sorry to this, Kathy!

I hope the worst is over and you are feeling a little better now.

Re: [ ] new meds- failed again

> <PRE>well i guess i have flunked this drug. my tongue is sore. it has

always been

> too big for my mouth, doesn't seem swollen but it was sore. o get up

an look

> in the mirror and i can see teeth marks. seems like every 15 minutes i

go to

> the bathroom and have had 5 bowel movements today (sorry) amd now it


> diarrhea. i was too afraid to take trazadone. i seem ok as long as i


> try to sleep. my dr just called and told me he thinks i am having an


> reaction. (gee ya think???) tells me to take benedryl. i asked on top

of my

> zyrtec?? no, better not take anything. just don't take anymore altace.


> scared and clinching my jaw, doon't really want to wake and scare my

son. he

> has been thru enough already. so maybe now i am down to 7 drugs. kathy

in il

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<PRE>yes i got into the dr today at 1:15. my son took me. it was a dr i have


seen before but i really didn't care. my blood pressure was high. but he said

it was a good thing i was on the prednisone and zyrtec. he said if not it

appears i would have had a full blown attack. i am still pretty out of it and

spent most of the afternoon trying to nap in the recliner. i am still running

a fever, my tongue hurts, (i finally got to sleep by chewing gum over my

teeth as not to hurt my tongue anymore. they did an ekg and that came out ok.

he says it'll take a couple days to get out of my system. my tummy still

sore. i had chicken noodle soup for dinner. my mother in law called and

yelled at my son for staying home with me, he stayed home from work too. he

was pretty worried about me. i thought it was sweet. saying he should've

called her and she would have stayed with me. well she was gone all day

taking her friend to the dr in chicago. so i don't know why she yelled at

him. i hope i can get a good night sleep tonight and get rid of this crap,

once and for all. kathy in il

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Scary! I hope it gets out of your system quickly. A swollen tongue is


Please don¹t hesitate to go to the ER if you feel it is swelling.

I hope you feel better soon.



> <PRE>well i guess i have flunked this drug. my tongue is sore. it has always

> been

> too big for my mouth, doesn't seem swollen but it was sore. o get up an look

> in the mirror and i can see teeth marks. seems like every 15 minutes i go to

> the bathroom and have had 5 bowel movements today (sorry) amd now it is

> diarrhea. i was too afraid to take trazadone. i seem ok as long as i don't

> try to sleep. my dr just called and told me he thinks i am having an adverse

> reaction. (gee ya think???) tells me to take benedryl. i asked on top of my

> zyrtec?? no, better not take anything. just don't take anymore altace. i'm

> scared and clinching my jaw, doon't really want to wake and scare my son. he

> has been thru enough already. so maybe now i am down to 7 drugs. kathy in il



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Oh Kathy, I hope the meds are out of your system soon and that you start to

feel better. Try to get some rest.

Sending love and hugs,


Re: [ ] new meds- failed again

<PRE>yes i got into the dr today at 1:15. my son took me. it was a dr i have


seen before but i really didn't care. my blood pressure was high. but he


it was a good thing i was on the prednisone and zyrtec. he said if not it

appears i would have had a full blown attack. i am still pretty out of it


spent most of the afternoon trying to nap in the recliner. i am still


a fever, my tongue hurts, (i finally got to sleep by chewing gum over my

teeth as not to hurt my tongue anymore. they did an ekg and that came out


he says it'll take a couple days to get out of my system. my tummy still

sore. i had chicken noodle soup for dinner. my mother in law called and

yelled at my son for staying home with me, he stayed home from work too. he

was pretty worried about me. i thought it was sweet. saying he should've

called her and she would have stayed with me. well she was gone all day

taking her friend to the dr in chicago. so i don't know why she yelled at

him. i hope i can get a good night sleep tonight and get rid of this crap,

once and for all. kathy in il

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<PRE>thanks paula, i feel much better today. but going to take i easy. i have


therapy at 10 (still not sure if i am going or not) other than that, going to

cut up some strawberries and do some dishes. oops can't forget to walk the

dog. but i will take the cell phone. kathy in il

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<PRE>thanks lynn, i am feeling better today. just running a fever and sore


(another side effect) just taking it easy today. did the talk shows, and

rested. hope you are feeling better. kathy in il

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I am so sorry things with this drug didn't work out for you. I know how you

feel, I am very sensitive to drugs. It is frustrating when you have reactions

to the

drugs that could help you. Hope you soon have better days,

Lynn (MEMom)

kringlemom@... wrote:

> <PRE>well i guess i have flunked this drug. my tongue is sore. it has always


> too big for my mouth, doesn't seem swollen but it was sore. o get up an look

> in the mirror and i can see teeth marks. seems like every 15 minutes i go to

> the bathroom and have had 5 bowel movements today (sorry) amd now it is

> diarrhea. i was too afraid to take trazadone. i seem ok as long as i don't

> try to sleep. my dr just called and told me he thinks i am having an adverse

> reaction. (gee ya think???) tells me to take benedryl. i asked on top of my

> zyrtec?? no, better not take anything. just don't take anymore altace. i'm

> scared and clinching my jaw, doon't really want to wake and scare my son. he

> has been thru enough already. so maybe now i am down to 7 drugs. kathy in il




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