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If you do a google on " iodine " " japanese " , you will find that nation gets at least 89 times more iodine than we do (coastal Japanese). That's the lowest number I found; most numbers given are higher. They get very few cancers of any type, except stomach. Although they have the highest per capita consumption of cigarettes in the world, they get very little lung cancer. Iodine begins shrinking cysts in the breast immediately, and I mean with the first dose of Lugol's Solution. Fibrocystic breast disease is usually considered a precursor to cancer of the breast. Both the Hoxsey treatment and the Gerson therapy use lots of iodine. The thyroid takes up most of our iodine with breasts coming in second. And the Japanese women's numbers on breast cancer are very low. The prostate takes up a lot of iodine and the Japanese men get very little prostate cancer. Your lump in the thyroid may just be a cyst. Lugol's iodine will likely dissolve it quickly. This is just my opinion. I am not qualified to give medical advice. You may find iodine and its effects worth an extensive read. Best wishes, pj ps Several elements and their compounds push iodine out of the body and cannot function like iodine for us. Chlorine in drinking and shower water will do it; so will fluoride in water and toothpaste. Also, until the early 1980's the baking industry used an iodide based dough conditioner. At that time, they replaced the iodine containing conditioner with one containing bromide, which will also drive iodine out of the body.

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This too is interesting. I am especially curious about breast

cancers. I believe they are pretty much caused from pasterized

homogenized milk that is not organic and also type A1. The allergic

reaction we all have to it, noticed or un noticed, stresses the

endocrine system which is always a precurser to cancer.

Homogenized milk actually goes to the lymphatics first " then " to the

heart, where we thought it just went into the blood stream and then

the heart. I wasn't aware that homogenized dairy was consumed in

Asia which would account also for a low incidence of breast cancer.

Although I believe that lymphatic cancers are about homogenized

dirty milk, there are other types of cancers.

Another thing that I have thought about actually, is brix. Dr. Reams

about properly brixed food, and I think he is the one who talks

about the " funny " (mutated- maybe?) protiens in foods not properly

grown or brixed.

He also teaches about the urine and saliva test that shows which

organs are working in your body and which ones are not and which

diet is best suited to your personal test results.

Mutated cells at the food level makes GMO seem a bit more severe to


Actually the farmers do not balance fertilizers, they do the

quickest cheapest thing they can get away with that make the

plants " look " healthy and happy. Even the commercial organics

people. Normally the " fix " is potassium. Of course this throws off

our... yup...endocrines sytems, hearts, body fluid retention....and

of couse we need salt to rectify this but we are so salt free. ugh.

Anyway, I appreciate this iodine information, this will help alot.

Properly brixed food might have alot more iodine in it.

Thank you!









> If you do a google on " iodine " " japanese " , you will find that

nation gets

> at least 89 times more iodine than we do (coastal Japanese).

That's the

> lowest number I found; most numbers given are higher. They get

very few

> cancers of any type, except stomach. Although they have the

highest per

> capita consumption of cigarettes in the world, they get very

little lung

> cancer. Iodine begins shrinking cysts in the breast immediately,

and I mean

> with the first dose of Lugol's Solution. Fibrocystic breast

disease is

> usually considered a precursor to cancer of the breast. Both the


> treatment and the Gerson therapy use lots of iodine. The thyroid

takes up

> most of our iodine with breasts coming in second. And the

Japanese women's

> numbers on breast cancer are very low. The prostate takes up a

lot of

> iodine and the Japanese men get very little prostate cancer. Your

lump in

> the thyroid may just be a cyst. Lugol's iodine will likely

dissolve it

> quickly. This is just my opinion. I am not qualified to give


> advice. You may find iodine and its effects worth an extensive


> Best wishes, pj ps Several elements and their compounds push


> out of the body and cannot function like iodine for us. Chlorine


> drinking and shower water will do it; so will fluoride in water and

> toothpaste. Also, until the early 1980's the baking industry used

an iodide

> based dough conditioner. At that time, they replaced the iodine


> conditioner with one containing bromide, which will also drive

iodine out of

> the body.


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