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Full Moon Saturday, November 24

A full 24-hour transmission period of New Earth Energy

With Unified Meditation in 3 world times

New York 9 pm, Paris 8 pm, Sydney 8 pm

Unified Planetary Focus:

The Spirit of Graciousness


The Planetary Grid Project and our Unified Field of Light has

tremendous stabilizing influence on the planetary events that

continue to occur in greater intensity. These blessed events are

catalytic to the awakening of consciousness en masse. This grid

focus will be firmly in place every new and full moon throughout



Pure human intentionality is combined with a highly advanced,

crystalline energy system which surrounds the entire planet.

Referred to as the Crystalline Grid, this new earth structure serves

as the transitory bridge between consciousness paradigms.

The combined power of these two forces come together every new and

full moon for a full 24-hour transmission period. This is termed,

the Planetary Grid Transmissions.

From this unified field of higher consciousness, participants can

expect to receive strong infusions of light which can accelerate

clearings, transformation and spiritual advancement.

Through consistent sacred union on the grid, we are co-creating a

vast worldwide web of heightened divine power and momentum. Many

people are already reporting increased telepathy, vision and

synchronicity in their lives.

More human participation = more grid activation = more stabilization

for us, humanity and the earth during our dimensional shift.

The Planetary Grid Project is helping to birth the new world

consciousness and bring stabilization to the process. It is also

helping participants develop skills of higher consciousness.


The Crystalline Grid is also referred to by many names including:

the Diamond Grid, the Grid of Divine Love, the Unity Grid, the

Ascension Grid, the Grid of Christ Consciousness, the Grid of

Stabilization, the Grid of Light.

Sparkling as a faceted diamond, this geodesic energetic lattice

links all of the crystals in the Earth and crosses major portals,

vortexes, sacred sites and dimensional doorways that connect Earth

to cosmic forces and other dimensional worlds.

The Grid is a storehouse of the entire knowledge of the planet.

We are connecting into a Unified Field of Divine Intelligence.

The Grid is a massive global and spiritual " telecommunications

system " which facilitates communication with enlightened people

worldwide, and, with our galactic family. It assists us to develop

stronger telepathic, clairvoyant, clairsentient and clairaudient


By synchronizing our thoughts and heart intentions on to the Grid,

we create a unified harmonic frequency that connects our collective

Higher Light into one dynamic forcefield and group Merkaba. Imagine

the power!

With the Grid, we have easier access to all knowledge. We have

easier access to unlimited energy. We open up to our highest Divine-

Human potential. We become energy alchemists and masters of


By connecting into the Grid consistently and using this as our

bridge into the new Earth reality, we will make profound and

accelerated impact upon our individual processes, planet Earth and

that of the mass awakening of humanity.


The Spirit of Graciousness

During this Full Moon Transmission, let us re-define ourselves and

our sacred work by the " Spirit of Graciousness. " The Spirit of

Graciousness is the ultimate expression of appreciation in response

to every aspect of our life, and to all of Creation.

Tapping into the Spirit of Graciousness holds great promise as we

cross into the New World consciousness paradigm. Let us understand

the real meaning and quality of GRACIOUSNESS so we can enable

humanity to STEP OUT of a mentality of conflict, and into a

resolution of love and compassion. The soul of man responds to the

Spirit of Graciousness, regardless of the level of difficulty in a


May we graciously convey our blessings of PEACE and THANKSGIVING to

the world in a manner that resonates with deepest honor and

appreciation for each other and all living things.

May we all graciously shine forth... in the Oneness!


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