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Re:DMSO what is it and how to use & experiences from a user

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Hi, Very thorough summary given here but I'll copy/paste one I did for

family/friends some time ago to accompany " samples " I'de give out for

sufferers of various kinds so they'de know the " do's and dont's " of

using it. This was my own summary based on research and reading. The

last section I copy/pasted from somewhere but forgot to credit it

probably because I was in a hurry to get it to a friend. At any rate

the following is my list of " Dos & Don'ts " which others are free to

use or reprint if desired. I make NO claims to specific " cures " or

safety, as these are solely the experience of myself, husband and

various others we know .. or valued research:

DMSOi " Why(s) " ; " Do's " , and " Don't(s) " !!! IMPORTANT Author: Li'l

Ol' RedHen (me) January 16, 2006

[uPDATE Aug.13, 07 see endnote for summation of attributes of DMSO

healing from one commercial website .. but verified by evidence from

my thousands of other DMSO infos.]


DMSO characteristics: DMSO is a solvent and absorbs through cell

layers, delivering substances from the surface of the skin on into

bloodstream. It is anti-fungal; antibiotic; anti-inflammatory, (e.g.,

it absorbs water and edemas OUT of swollen areas, or from nearby water

sources ...or fingertips so they dry out and may crack. ) That is WHY

it works with sprain-swelling or in infections. It absorbs into and

with either oils or waters. There is much evidence it helps rebuild

cartilage and possibly bone-regeneration. It apparently works to

dissolve some body fats; it is useful in certain digestive diseases.



1. Use too close to eyes. (Although there's been some research I

believe for both glaucoma and the swelling pressure of certain eye

diseases. But that's not a do-it-yourself project)

2. Use without later adding aloe vera gel, or other lotion IF your

skin areas dry out too much, (e.g. cracked dry fingertips). One can

also " water-down "

3. Don't RUB as in massage .. rub in an area only as much as needed

to apply a very thin layer.

4. Don't use and cover with a direct layer of dark clothes next to

the application (it absorbs the dye and sends it into your skin areas

.... (I KNOW on this one after looking all black and blue for no real


5. Don't cover tightly after application. Loose clothes are fine.

6. Don't use on UNCLEAN skin as whatever's on surface absorbs inward.

7. Don't be alarmed IF at first you have a garlicky taste and smell

about you as it apparently cleans out some impurities in the system .

Our experience is that this goes away after a couple days of use.

8.Don't put the cotton swabs, etc. in the garbage near things like

rotting food, or baby Pampers poo ... it will put that " rotten " smell

into the air around it.

9.DON'T use with anything containing other solvents or metals or

toxins as it will carry these into your system. Be very careful if you

mix it with anything else.


Use Lotion or aloe vera gel with or after if your skin dries out

easily OR if the purer form of DMSO tends to irritate or feel like a

burn. One can also dilute it some with water.


Toothache: Put liquid DMSO heavily on Q-Tip swab and swab it on tooth

and surrounding gum area. (Gel DMSO might also work but is not quite

as strong).

All fungus such as Athletes foot, or diluted for yeast infections:

Put either gel or liquid on cotton swipe, (with or without tiny bit of

dilution water as you feel comfortable with and to get the results you

need) and place in affected areas.

Do: Use for arthritis, sprains, swellings anywhere on body, diluted if


Do: Use for infections, such as teeth, (kills toothache pain), boils

(excellent), or infected wounds.

Do: Use for nosebleeds or other bleeding as it does more than clot or

dry out blood: it somehow changes it so it clots in a different way.

I used it on a " stab wound " to my thumb-web area from slipped knife

while paring potatoes.

Do: Use for bad knees, etc. Good for back, neck aches, etc.

Do: Possible cellulite removal used by dermatologists: Rub into and on

belly-button, and belly-area and cellulite to see how it works (if

using that way, mix with some lecithin to try.)

Do: Use over bruises to dissolve them sooner and non-injurious clots.


> This is information that has been posted previously on this group

from Garnet.



> www.jeffersequine.com $4.95 pint vet market 99.9%, Roll on and Gel also.


> www.jacoblab.com more expensive but higher level of purity


> www.lifesvigor.com packaged for the human health store market instead of


> vet market




> For pharmaceutical quality you need a prescription. It is called


> Rimso-50, and is 50%.


> Some insurance companies will pay for it if you have things like Lupus.


> I have a friend


> who uses it with her physician's blessing. Got her off cortisone shots


> in the back for


> her Lupus. She mentioned it costs $50 for a bottle, not sure what size,


> probably 8 oz but


> maybe 16 oz.




> Also if it is used for cystitis of the bladder, but in that instance you


> don't buy it


> the attending physician or treatment facility will supply it.




> www.gaylordchemical.com is the only USP lab producing USP grade DMSO. It


> is not sold to


> the public. Some people can arrange to purchase it for specific purposes


> with signed


> purchase agreements. A 55 gallon barrel is $14,000.00 . Smaller


> quantities are more expensive


> depending on the amount and the purchase agreement. They will discount


> to some manufacturers


> depending on the arrangement. They support new businesses that want to


> use USP DMSO in


> their products but do not support someone wanting to rebottle and sell


> it OTC as pure






> > 


> > How to safely mix with water?




> Always add DMSO to water since it releases heat. Adding water to


> concentrated DMSO will


> produce a large release of heat. Never boil DMSO, it boils at over 320*,


> the vapors are


> toxic, lethal actually. This is not to say that inhaling nebulized DMSO


> is lethal, it is


> not because it is actually liquid in very tiny droplets. The droplets


> coming out of a


> nebulizer just look like vapor, they are actually not in a gas form.


> > 


> > Safe internal doses.




> 4cc orally is what Dr Stanley states as a recommended daily oral


> dose. Although many


> have taken much more orally or by slow IV push. It is difficult to


> recommend a dose when


> dose response studies are lacking and when toxicity studies indicate


> that the lethal dose


> in animal models was not reached until 40,000 times the therapeutic


> dose.




> Dr is in the process of writing a 16 volume set on DMSO. There is


> more scientific


> literature on DMSO than on MSM its cousin, MSM being DMSO2, that is DMSO


> with two oxygen


> atoms. This set will be Dr 's " masterpeice " and many of us simply


> can not wait.




> > 


> > How long can you take it internally?


> Indefinitely. It is naturally occuring in your food so you already take


> it in corn, coffe,


> oysters and other natural sources. It is extracted from trees, although


> it sounds like a chemical


> keep in mind that we are all made up of chemicals. The distinction is


> between naturally occuring,


> naturally extracted and synthetically altered or manufactured. Chemicals


> are not bad, it is the


> way they are used, how they interact with our bodies and how the


> artificial ones are designed, for


> what purpose and how they act in combination when they mix in our air or


> other mixtures to form


> new compounds or " cocktails " that have greater action in combination,


> some actions are good, some


> are bad, some are neutral. Remember too that herbs are chemicals.


> Everything in life boils down to


> a chemical and electrical interaction with living tissue.




> > 


> > Can you take it with food - or on an empty stomach?




> Best on an empty stomach. It causes some queasiness and can cause a


> transient


> headache due to vasodilation. I have taken it with some food in my


> stomach and


> it did give me a slight nauseous feeling that passed in 20 mintues, but


> I would


> avoid doing this. I was just curious.




> > 


> > Safe topical doses.




> Some people, a very few, are so sensitive that they claim they have


> never experienced


> a dose that did not bother them, they can not even work around it with


> gloves on. Others


> need to keep topical concentrations in the 10-30% range. Some like


> myself can use it


> full strength with no untoward reaction except a bit of drying effect


> and maybe some


> itching from Histamine release. With continued application Histamin


> stores are depleted


> from mast cells and there is no itching. I have compresed an are on my


> chest for over


> a week, keeping it constantly moist. It did dry the skin to the point


> that it did not


> rehydrate, although I did not apply Emu Oil or Aloe Vera Gel which is


> recommended, I


> just let it run it's course and it grew back new skin after a couple


> weeks. Again just


> curious.




> Now if I use full strength cause I am in a hurry to treat a burn or a


> trauma I follow


> up with Emu Oil. Best to keep dilution bottles around in the kitchen,


> workshop, barn,


> car etc where it is there when you need it. The faster you apply it the


> better it works


> to repair and avoid tissue destruction effects of the burn or trauma.




> > 


> > How to deal with the smell.  Is there anyway to not have the smell?




> Chlorophyll tablets, I take two 50 mg and that works for me. Each


> person's


> metabolism is slightly different. Chlorophyll tabs are cheap and are


> good


> for you, great blood cleanser and a magnesium source. The Chlorophyll


> molecule


> is almost the exact same as the Heme molecule that makes up hemoglobin.


> I also


> give it to my dogs when they are in heat and it takes the odor away. I


> have read


> recently that Mg can prevent body odor, so perhaps there is a


> connection.




> > 


> > How to deal with the dryness.




> Pretreat area with aloe vera gel. I also use Emu Oil, mostly after


> the DMSO, but pretreating would not hurt either. What ever you pretreat


> with should be food grade since the DMSO will carry it in to your


> tissues.




> > 


> > What not to mix with dmso.




> Anything toxic, some essential oils that should not be used internally,


> anything


> really concentrated that you would normally dilute before consuming.




> > 


> > What is safe to mix with it?




> For diluting I use distilled water or CS made with distilled water.


> Filtered water


> would be OK too as long as there is no chance of cholorine or other


> toxins in the


> water.




> > 


> > Can you spray it up the nose?


> > Can you use a rubber hose?  Sorry, just had a Dr. Seuss spirit come


> > upon me.




> <Giggle> actually yes you can use a rubber hose! I do spray it up my


> nose, I use


> drops or a meter nasal spray bottle. I generally dilute to 20% but have


> used 30% drops


> when my sinuses were very stuffy and I had a bad migraine, it steps the


> migraine down


> to a tolerable level within minutes and the stuffy sinuses drain


> immediately and continue


> to drain for about ten minutes.




> > 


> > If yes, what dilution?


> > 


> > Can you use it in a urinary catheter?




> That is the one FDA approve used. To infuse into the bladder via


> catheter to treat


> cystitis of the bladder.




> > 


> > If yes, what dilution?




> 30 or 50%, not sure, I have used both as infusion in my dogs


> who had a slight uterine metritis and would probably start with 30%


> since with DMSO just 2.4% to 4% is used to transport Stem Cells you just


> gotta realize that it does not always take high concentrations. I


> am sure the cocentration for bladder infusion is in the literature.


> Try a Pub Med search.






> > 


> > Can you use it in your eyes?




> Yes, I use 10% but even 20% is well tolerated. There are some reports of


> improvement in eye disease. DMSO Nature's Healer by Dr Morton


> has more details and is a great reference, it is $11 from Amazon. You


> really will not regret buying it. There are other books but Dr 's


> has been updated in 1994.




> > 


> > Safe dilution?


> > 


> > Can you use it in your ears?


> Yep I use it in eyes, ears, nose and throat during flu season and I


> nebulize.


> For ears I can go to 30% with no problems. Nebulizing I use 20%. I


> recommend


> nebulizing and sprayin in eyes, ears, nose and throat to anyone who


> travels


> on airplanes a lot.




> > 


> > Safe dilution?


> > 


> > Well those are the things I want to know.  Perhaps there are questions


> > I didn't ask and should?




> You can extract herbs with DMSO and apply the solution topically. Doug


> Cameron has the details


> and recently posted them somewhere, maybe on his Equine Herbal list,


> can't remember. Doug


> if you see this would you repost the instructions? It's a great idea for


> those who don't


> like the taste of herb tinctures or can't use alcohol.




> Slow IV push is one of the most effective ways to administer for


> heartattack, stroke or


> spinal cord injury. The details of how to do this are not complex but


> should be under


> taken with some training and understanding of the precautions. I can't


> really explain it


> fully here but it is something I would not hesitate to do. 100 ml DMSO


> in 1000 ml of sterile


> saline can be dripped in as well.





> __________________________________________________________________

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