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Sept. 11th experience

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I remember that day well. I got to work and went into the house (I

work at my sister in laws house where she has a small business) and

found my sister in law and her husband watching TV. Nothing unusual,

we usually watched a little bit of one of the morning shows before

hitting the books. My brother in law told me that a plane crashed

into one of the towers. It didn't realy connect at first. Of course

we thought it was some kind of fluke accident. And the day continued

to unfold.

We had scheduled a sign up night for Girl Scouts at the school. Our

school festival was that weekend. Of course, the sign up that night

was cancelled. I was very thankful that the school did not talk to

the kids about what was happening. was only in 1st grade.

I was at a loss of what to do. There was already so many people

giving blood and doing other things. I continued, along with others,

to mourn for the next few months. I can't believe it has been a year


I was dreading waking up this morning. The last thing I wanted was to

re-live the events of Sept. 11th. My youngest one (she'll be 4 next

month) made the day worth waking up to. She used to play a game where

whoever she was kissing she would kiss them on the eyes, the nose,

the chin, the ears, what ever she could. She hasn't done this in a

while. She did this morning. I cherish my family. I cherish the fact

that no one that I personally know was killed or hurt.

Not much of a story, more of a Thanks for what I still have.

Thank You for letting me ramble.


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