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OT: God Bless you and God Bless America

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Hi everyone,

I received this in my email a little while ago and wanted to pass it along. I

thought it was really neat. I received this email from one of the scrapbook

groups I get email from.


No matter what your doing today. I pray that you remember the families that

lost loved ones, one year ago. I pray that you remember the heroes that came to

rescue those injured. Most of all I pray that you remember that we live in the

greatest country in all the world. If you have your family with you give them a

hug. If your have peace and security, thank the soldiers that protect our

country. If you have faith, health and love, thank God.

God Bless you and God Bless America


United in Prayer

Where Once was

Now Cannot Be

For What Towered Above

Is Now Crumbled Debris

The Clouds of Smoke

In Tears of Rain

Catches our Throats

In Shards of Pain

And the Shattered Glass

Much Like Our Soul

Reflects All Our Loss

Of the Lives that were Stole

When Shall it End?

How Shall We Stand?

What Steps Should Be Taken?

To Protect Our Free Land?

Lets Us Band Together!

United In Prayer!

Let Us Stand Together!

And Show that WE CARE!

One Simple Way

One Voice Can Be Heard

Is To Pray to OUR GOD

For HE Hears Every Word!

I found this poem and wrote to Mr. Cassick and asked his permission to use this

in my scrapbook. I know he wouldn't mind if I share this with you on this day.

I wanted to make sure you knew that it was written by

Mr. E. Cassick

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