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Labor Pains and the New Humanity

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Thanks & Blessings To:SharonEarthMama "Labor Pains and the New Humanity" My Dear Friends, These

are difficult times, indeed. Many of you are crying out in panic and

physical pain. We feel this pain, and immediately dispatch assistance

to comfort and offer guidance to you. But often, you cannot feel it.

Many more are discouraged, locked in a profound state of despair. You

wonder whether you will be able to make it through this. Were we

mistaken when we said that Mother Earth is laboring to bring forth a

New Humanity from her womb? Will the "baby" ever arrive? Will the

Mother even survive? We recount these

oft-expressed feelings and questions in this way so we can remind you

how close what you are all doing matches the labor experience of a

human mother, as she squeezes forth new life from her body. She wails,

breathing deeply, and feels as though she must surely die! In this way,

she momentarily embraces the very "Root Essence" of Third Dimensional

Existence--she becomes a Bridge between life and death. This

happens within each of you, day in and day out. You breathe in, you

live. You breathe out, you die. You pulse fresh blood to your body's

organs, you return spent blood to your organs of filtration and

elimination. In, out, the pulse of life--daily, hourly,

moment-by-moment. A woman in deep labor is being called upon to let go

of something that she has been cradling and nurturing in her womb for

many months. It has become a part of her. How can she now separate

herself from it?But she must! For this baby will not be denied. The

baby demands his or her place in this world! And so, the labor

continues. We are the Reconnections. We

represent all those parts of your Expanded Self that you had to forget

about in order to become human. We have never been very far from you,

just far enough. Within our ranks are contained all of the necessary

"bridge concepts" that will connect you to what is called The

Multiverse. You are so much more than you think you are! And that idea

alone forms a new stimulus for our communication with you today. LIFE FROM DEATH Following that time of Planetary Activation known as the "9-11," we explained to you the meaning of death

in your 3D Context of Reality. We told you that physical death is a

picture lesson, designed for those who are left behind, to realize in

detail how The Oneself feels when a soul fragment chips itself off,

becomes human and separates from All That Is. A

paper doll is cut from construction paper, and pasted to a refrigerator

door. Isn't it pretty? & Doesn't it bring joy to the heart of those

who see it? And yet, what about the rest of the paper, as it lies there

on the floor? What does it feel, left unnoticed and discarded, with a

void where it was once complete and whole? We speak in this way, in

allegory, because everything in your world has consciousness. Every

person, every place, every object. Everything feels. Everything knows.

If you do not believe us, go and ask those trees that stand guard over

the cemetery in your local town. Clear your mind, sit quietly before

them, for there is much that they can tell! To

move forward, into a new life, you must first die to the old one. And

that is our point in this communication today. What you are feeling is

an accurate description of what is happening to your world. An ancient

"sun" is setting, and a kind of planetary "night" is falling all around

you. The stars are out, though....and your Children of Oneness

have been sent to guide you on your path! And yet, it feels so dark!

And you are frightened, bringing a tremor to your life force that all

must learn to bear. There will come a time when this very feeling will

be a thing of comfort and exhilaration. But for this present time, it seems as though the Grim Reaper is standing directly before you. And

this is just the point, isn't it? He is always standing before you,

attending you, every moment of your lives. He isn't off in some distant

land, attending to "other" business, until your "time" comes! Your time

is here, now.........and it has always been. You have just been asleep

to the presence--and now you are awakening. It is only natural that you

would be weak, trembling, tired, and distraught. It's a tough labor that you are doing--all of you! In the first "Matrix" movie, a newly awakened Neo asks Morpheus......."Why do my eyes hurt?" Morpheus answers: "You've never used them before." Many

of you are asking us why you feel surges and flows of energy, in

various parts of your bodies. Your face feels numb, or you have

shooting pains in your hands and feet. You have been asleep, my

friends, and now you are awakening. You are moving from "normal"

(numb-all) to "newly alive." It is called "The Quickening." Have

any of you had a tooth filled recently? Did you allow usage of some

local anesthetic to borrow the feeling from your jaw for a short time?

And how does it feel, after the filling is in, and your jaw begins to

re-awaken to sensation? Is it anything like what you have been feeling

around your body? You've recently

experienced power crises in your supply of electricity to certain parts

of the world. When your community is asked to conserve power, for a

time, what do you do? Don't you keep some lights on, while turning off

others? Does the Convenience Store down the block have lights on in the

refrigeration case, but not on every wall? Are there dark spots in the store, that feel dreary and full of shadows? This is how you have been living, at your decelerated level of 3D Consciousness. But

now, your power is getting turned back on! The aisles in the store are

illumined, once again. And it hurts your eyes to see. Those who have

accustomed themselves to walking and working in shadow, will interpret

things according to the ways of shadow. But when the shadow is

removed, you must find new ways of viewing your life. You must connect

separated "logic," to his brother "magic," so the fullness and the

complete beauty of the family can be felt again! OTHER SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Many of you are familiar with writings, set forth by this physiological channel, regarding a condition known as "Global Acceleration Syndrome."

This term is not a medical diagnosis, per se. Rather, it is an

instrument of identification, that can be applied to your life, when no

medical diagnosis (or treatment) seems to help you with your

"symptoms." At that point, you begin to realize something. You're

pregnant. You're pregnant with the NEW YOU. And, even though there may

be medicines and treatments to help your pregnancy go smoother, which

one of you expects to be "cured?" You aren't really sick. You are with

Child. The transformation from

planetary human to Earth Mother is not limited in experience according

to gender. All of you have both male and female energy within you. All

of you are capable of being pregnant with the rest of who you are!

Accept it, and move on--or deny it, and falter. The choice is yours. Your first step of Reconnection has been to acknowledge everything and everyone as

an aspect of yourself. Mentally, if not emotionally as well, you have

done this. Those who haven't done it will need to begin doing it now.

After that, you begin to connect to the concept that your body has

become correspondent to the Planetary Body. "As above, so below"

has many expanded meanings, as you are about to discover! To go through

this, you must begin to expand your concept of yourself beyond the first-person level, and begin to identify with all levels. The Earth is not just something that you live upon. It is now becoming something you are. Do you understand this? Is so, please continue. If not, contact the Reconnections Office for assistance in this regard. We

will offer some additional expansion, at this time, concerning what

many can expect to be happening in these next few months (or years, if

you're a late-bloomer). This is not an exhaustive list, and you are

encouraged to report any additional symptoms to the channel, that we

might expand upon their meaning as well. Here are a few of the main

signs of Physical Transmutation, when they appear in someone who cannot be relieved through ordinary medical means: <li>FATIGUE:

Your body feels tired, even when you have slept the whole night

through. You drag yourself from task to task, wondering if you'll ever

feel joy in your life again. What is happening here, in most cases, is

your nervous system has temporarily blown a "fuse," due to a rapid

influx of energy. The body can survive more infusions than you might

imagine, but the emotional body will only tolerate so much before it

goes on "tilt." The fatigue that many of you are feeling is often a

result of that very thing. Feeling yourself to be "electrified," you

shut down your nerve receptors, which results in feelings of chronic

tiredness and malaise. Energetically, you've blown a fuse. </li><li>DEPRESSION:

You feel terrible, locked in a dark dungeon of despair. Nothing in the

world is going "your way." There is no part of life that excites you

anymore. Your loved ones call out to you, but you'd just as soon not

answer. You remember love, but you don't often feel it. There is a

sense of isolation, even when you are in a room full of people. There are many things we have already shared about depression--one of which is the fact that you are, quite literally, being depressed........held

down, seemingly against your will! It's like the world has it's thumb

on you. This is happening so that your expanding internal nature will

not follow a "normal" course and cause you to try and become a "God" on

your planet, rather than uniting with the planet, itself. Your "Dark

Side" energies, which are your source of internal magic and wizardry,

are not accustomed to being encapsulated inhuman flesh. They feed on

freedom, and they cannot abide the idea of having to be in one place,

at one time. But they must, even as the "lighter" aspects of you must

become willing to leap into the "dark" of an unknown future, filled

with unknown terrors and possibilities. MOOD SWINGS:

Your internal motivational system, at times, may feel like a

"train-wreck" of emotions and desires. You want "this," but you also

want "that." Normally, both "this and that" run counter to each other!

Fire and ice. Oil and water.........all that sort of stuff. But now,

your expanding heart and mind have made room to embrace them both! So

be it. And by the way...........Of course some of you are

manifesting the idea of being "bi-polar." Isn't the Earth bi-polar? Why

shouldn't you be? You have the raging tides of the sea, and you will

also have the stillness of a mountain lake. You are learning to become it all, and that is causing many of you considerable discomfort. It will become balanced in time. SUICIDAL THOUGHTS:

Many a mother has gone through feelings, at some point in her

pregnancy, of wanting to abort the process, and walk away. Things

aren't as you planned them! It's a lot harder than you thought it would

be. These viewpoints are only natural, when one considers the big

picture. Those who are called in to "comfort" you, in your distress,

cannot always grasp this. They see suicide as a "break" with

reality.......an escape. This is because they are not pregnant,

themselves. They are asleep, and may remain so for some time. But to

us, the pondering of death in the midst of giving birth is a sacred

remembrance. It is a holy cognition. You are a Bridge Between Life and

Death. Though we do not recommend following a suicide path to

completion, we validate the need which many of you have to ponder it.

Part of you is dying, even as another part is beginning to live. LOSING YOUR GROUND:

You are so tightly anchored to the 3D Plane that your transformation

guides cannot access delicate programming mechanisms that would infuse

you with new life. You are practicing "transformus interruptus!" While

the alarm for soul awakening is sounding, some of you are "hitting the

snooze button" and rolling over to go back to sleep. Your allegiance to

job, spouse, family, physical health, hobbies, possessions, or simply

having fun is blocking that path to the expansion which other

(sleeping) parts of you crave. And so, in a moment of time, some of

your "grounding forces" are simply taken away. You become ill, lose

your family, lose your job, or get a good deal of your possessions

wiped out. This isn't meant to be punitive at all. It's just part of

the process of being opened up. It brings you forward, to live life on

the edge! What seems like disaster actually ends up working in your


Here is a difficult situation, indeed. Even as your world is becoming

more strident, demanding, noisy, complicated, and callous to its

citizens--your own inner sensitivity is increasing by leaps and bounds.

At times, it is as though fingernails are scraping across some

planetary chalkboard, leaving your nerves jangled, and your emotions on

edge. Many of you loathe the idea of going outdoors. Others experience

panic attacks when they are in crowds, or visit markets and shopping

malls. It feels as though someone has taken a bandage off a tender area

of your soul! It is a sunburn of nervous exhaustion, that makes you

want to climb under the covers in your bed and hide. INSOMNIA:

You are mixing and mingling the sleep-state with waking consciousness.

You are neither here nor there, but somewhere in between! During normal

sleep schedules you are wide awake, thinking, planning, or merely

feeling despair. During daytime work schedules, you are plagued with

drowsiness and a feeling that you have been awake for a thousand years.

Waking or sleeping, it sometimes feels like a nightmare. SUPPORTED, BUT NEVER CUREDThis

is but a partial list of symptoms which may accompany the Birthing of

the New Humanity. Some of them may be indicative of some appropriate

medical diagnosis, and if you can undergo some kind of treatment to

relieve the distress, we encourage you to do so. However, even if this

is accomplished--there will come a time when your "water will break,"

and serious birth pangs may come upon you. In each individual, the

effects are different. This is because each of you is attuned to a

different part of the Oneself Planetary Body. Every cell of your being

is holographic, and is in direct interface with every other cell. But

the Veil of Forgetfulness can hide this, as it focuses your 3D persona

into the tasks that have been laid out before you. You are changing.

Humanity is on the move! If you are on this Transformational Track,

your physical body may be supported, but it will never be "normal." Why

would you want to be cured of this condition, anyway? You are being

woven into a vast network of electromagnetic tones and

impulses.........the Motherboard of the Ages! And the end result will

be magnificent beyond your wildest imaginings! ENTERING A STATE OF "FLOW"

Breathing in and out, you move through your day in a state we call

"FLOW." You make sure that very little in your life becomes "forced."

You are neither pushed nor pulled, on the inside or in your outer

world. You treat the rest of your Oneself Reality with the same kind of

respect. They are your mirror, your monitors of progress. To make

changes in the mirror, one must experience a profound change of

perspective!. Mere outward conformity produces inward deformity! More and more, allow your personal authenticity to shine forth. Instead of pushing toward some "goal," practice feeling

your way into the "flow." Enlightenment is not a static condition. It

is a self-perpetuating hunger for more and more experience of the

Reconnected Self. Once it has truly begun, it can be retarded, but it

can never be stopped. Wait, therefore, and all things will be

accomplished. When confronted, stare as much

as you can into the face of your "enemy." Study the lines, then read

between them to see what the real issues are that separate you. Your

nervous system has been educated to pull your hand away from the heat

of the flame. Do what you must! But as you do, you can still pay

attention to what's feeding that fire--both inside yourself and out. Your

emotional body is now beginning to realize that all things are moved,

either by desire or by fear. You want things, so you work, negotiate or

fight. You despise things, so you avoid them, resist them, or flee. It

is yourself that you are resisting, and every day you live in this new

vibration this fact will become more and more clear. That is the very

heart of enlightenment. Fear is not the

boogeyman that many of your philosophers have made him out to be! He is

but a gate-keeper that guards you from premature entry into infinity.

And yes, he is largely illusion. But so also is your physical world,

and all the story plots that energize and tantalize you so. Do you

really want to cauterize your connections to this 3D process before

your time has come? Every situation, in which you push yourself past

fear, will destroy sensitivity to a level of yourself that cries out to

be understood and embraced. Once honored and embraced, your fears

become gateways into deeper wisdom. But scorned and denied, they harden

into a kind of pride--plates of armor, blocking entry into the heart.

And there is purpose in this, but only for a time. You

do wish to be strong, don't you? You wish to be in control. But don't

know everything, even though your educated mind would have you believe

it. Why try to figure it all out? Do you really believe that knowing

the exact "details" of your transformation will make the process any

easier? On the contrary, such knowledge and focus can move you out of

flow, and get you bogged down in struggle. Do

what is before you--no more, no less. Forget about continuity and

agenda. It has no meaning for you at this rate of vibration. All things

are completed in the Multiverse, all statements are completed, in every

way they need to be. Negativity is. You

cannot change that. You would not want to, even if you could. Your

momentum as a species depends upon your willingness to honor both the

positive and negative forces that have guided and sustained you

throughout your earthly journey. It is the Principle of Attraction and

Repulsion. Desire and Fear. The same flame

that warms your body may someday consume your flesh. There is no

separation, except what your soul contract will tell you. Believe what

you are told--what resonates deep within you. Question what doesn't

seem to match, but not with malice. Do it with gentleness and profound

interest. If in doubt, leave it out. Realize that your lack of harmony

with some idea may, indeed, be due to some blockage in you, rather than

some evil being inflicted by your fellow human. There is really no such

thing as malevolence. There are only varying degrees of unconsciousness.Now

is your time of great expansion. But it can be a time of contraction as

well. The pendulum swings to both extremes. And the CENTER

is who you now are. Feelings will arise, from deep within your

Multidimensional Being. They are you, but they are not all you are.

Breathe, relax, and bring them on through. They are your "issues," your

children, springing forth to experience the light of day. If one of

them cannot pass, the resulting constriction will create disharmony and dissolution, until whatever is holding is removed. Relax, breathe, and give your process time. Pain is not your enemy. In many cases, it is a tool--held firmly in the hand of a Cosmic Artist--which will form, in time, the you that is yet to be! We

are your midwives, even as you shall also be midwives for generations

yet to come! The passing of history now grows very thin. That which

once took years will often be completed in days or weeks. Breathe,

open, and soon your time of travail will be over. And then comes the

morning. Then comes the dawn. [end transmission]Discussions on this Topic (click links) A Oneness Quilt, showing the Pregnant Humanity "Triggers" for Depression and Other Symptoms

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--- In , " karmarqu69 " <karmarqu69@...>



> Thanks & Blessings To:

> Sharon








> EarthMama













> " Labor Pains and the New

> Humanity "




> My Dear Friends,



> These are difficult times, indeed. Many of you are crying out in


> and physical pain. We feel this pain, and immediately dispatch

> assistance to comfort and offer guidance to you. But often, you


> feel it. Many more are discouraged, locked in a profound state of

> despair. You wonder whether you will be able to make it through


> Were we mistaken when we said that Mother Earth is laboring to bring

> forth a New Humanity from her womb? Will the " baby " ever arrive?


> the Mother even survive?




> We recount these oft-expressed feelings and questions in this way

so we

> can remind you how close what you are all doing matches the labor

> experience of a human mother, as she squeezes forth new life from


> body. She wails, breathing deeply, and feels as though she must


> die! In this way, she momentarily embraces the very " Root Essence "


> Third Dimensional Existence--she becomes a Bridge between life and

> death.



> This happens within each of you, day in and day out. You breathe

in, you

> live. You breathe out, you die. You pulse fresh blood to your body's

> organs, you return spent blood to your organs of filtration and

> elimination. In, out, the pulse of life--daily, hourly,

> moment-by-moment. A woman in deep labor is being called upon to let


> of something that she has been cradling and nurturing in her womb


> many months. It has become a part of her. How can she now separate

> herself from it?But she must! For this baby will not be denied. The


> demands his or her place in this world! And so, the labor continues.




> We are the Reconnections. We represent all those parts of your


> Self that you had to forget about in order to become human. We have

> never been very far from you, just far enough. Within our ranks are

> contained all of the necessary " bridge concepts " that will connect


> to what is called The Multiverse. You are so much more than you


> you are! And that idea alone forms a new stimulus for our


> with you today.






> Following that time of Planetary Activation known as

> the

> " 9-11, " <http://bulletins.myspace.com/open_heart_mergery.htm> we

> explained to you the meaning

> of death <http://bulletins.myspace.com/beyond_human.htm> in your 3D

> Context of Reality. We told you that physical death is a picture


> designed for those who are left behind, to realize in detail how The

> Oneself feels when a soul fragment chips itself off, becomes human


> separates from All That Is.




> A paper doll is cut from construction paper, and pasted to a

> refrigerator door. Isn't it pretty? & Doesn't it bring joy to the


> of those who see it? And yet, what about the rest of the paper, as


> lies there on the floor? What does it feel, left unnoticed and

> discarded, with a void where it was once complete and whole? We

speak in

> this way, in allegory, because everything in your world has

> consciousness. Every person, every place, every object. Everything

> feels. Everything knows. If you do not believe us, go and ask those

> trees that stand guard over the cemetery in your local town. Clear


> mind, sit quietly before them, for there is much that they can tell!




> To move forward, into a new life, you must first die to the old

one. And

> that is our point in this communication today. What you are feeling


> an accurate description of what is happening to your world. An


> " sun " is setting, and a kind of planetary " night " is falling all


> you. The stars are out, though....and your Children of Oneness

> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/children_dawn_quote.htm> have been


> to guide you on your path! And yet, it feels so dark! And you are

> frightened, bringing a tremor to your life force that all must

learn to

> bear. There will come a time when this very feeling will be a thing


> comfort and exhilaration.

> But for this present time, it seems as though the Grim Reaper is

> standing directly before you.




> And this is just the point, isn't it? He is always standing before


> attending you, every moment of your lives. He isn't off in some


> land, attending to " other " business, until your " time " comes! Your


> is here, now.........and it has always been. You have just been


> to the presence--and now you are awakening. It is only natural that


> would be weak, trembling, tired, and distraught. It's a tough

> labor that you are doing--all of you!



> In the first

> " Matrix " <http://bulletins.myspace.com/discussion_matrix_splash.htm>


> movie, a newly awakened Neo asks Morpheus....... " Why do my eyes

> hurt? " Morpheus answers: " You've never used them before. "



> Many of you are asking us why you feel surges and flows of energy,


> various parts of your bodies. Your face feels numb, or you have


> pains in your hands and feet. You have been asleep, my friends, and


> you are awakening. You are moving from " normal " (numb-all) to " newly

> alive. " It is called " The Quickening. "




> Have any of you had a tooth filled recently? Did you allow usage of


> local anesthetic to borrow the feeling from your jaw for a short


> And how does it feel, after the filling is in, and your jaw begins


> re-awaken to sensation? Is it anything like what you have been


> around your body?



> You've recently experienced power crises in your supply of


> to certain parts of the world. When your community is asked to


> power, for a time, what do you do? Don't you keep some lights on,


> turning off others? Does the Convenience Store down the block have

> lights on in the refrigeration case, but not on every wall?


> Are there dark spots in the store, that feel dreary and full of


> This is how you have been living, at your decelerated level of 3D

> Consciousness.



> But now, your power is getting turned back on! The aisles in the


> are illumined, once again. And it hurts your eyes to see. Those who


> accustomed themselves to walking and working in shadow, will


> things according to the ways of

> shadow. But when the shadow is removed, you must find new ways of

> viewing your life. You must connect separated " logic, " to his


> " magic, " so the fullness and the complete beauty of the family can


> felt again!







> Many of you are familiar with writings, set forth by this


> channel, regarding a condition known as " Global Acceleration

Syndrome. "

> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/gas1.htm> This term is not a medical

> diagnosis, per se. Rather, it is an instrument of identification,


> can be applied to your life, when no medical diagnosis (or


> seems to help you with your " symptoms. " At that point, you begin to

> realize

> something. You're pregnant. You're pregnant with the NEW YOU. And,


> though there may be medicines and treatments to help your pregnancy


> smoother, which one of you expects to be " cured? " You aren't really

> sick. You are with Child.




> The transformation from planetary human to Earth Mother is not


> in experience according to gender. All of you have both male and


> energy within you. All of you are capable of being pregnant with the

> rest of who you are! Accept it, and move on--or deny it, and

falter. The

> choice is yours.



> Your first step of Reconnection has been to acknowledge everything


> everyone


> as an aspect of yourself. Mentally, if not emotionally as well, you


> done this. Those who haven't done it will need to begin doing it


> After that, you begin to connect to the concept that your body has

> become correspondent to the Planetary Body. " As above, so below "

> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/correspondence.htm> has many expanded

> meanings, as you are about to discover! To go through this, you must

> begin to expand your concept of yourself beyond the first-person


> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/levels_of_self.htm> , and begin to

> identify with all levels. The Earth is not just something that you


> upon. It is now becoming something you are. Do you understand

this? Is

> so, please continue. If not, contact the Reconnections Office for

> assistance in this regard.




> We will offer some additional expansion, at this time, concerning


> many can expect to be happening in these next few months (or years,


> you're a late-bloomer). This is not an exhaustive list, and you are

> encouraged to report any additional symptoms to the channel, that we

> might expand upon their meaning as well. Here are a few of the main

> signs of Physical Transmutation

> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/transmute.htm> , when they appear in

> someone who cannot be relieved through ordinary medical means:




> <li>


> FATIGUE: Your body feels tired, even when you have slept the whole


> through. You drag yourself from task to task, wondering if you'll


> feel joy in your life again. What is happening here, in most cases,


> your nervous system has temporarily blown a " fuse, " due to a rapid

> influx of energy. The body can survive more infusions than you might

> imagine, but the emotional body will only tolerate so much before it

> goes on " tilt. " The fatigue that many of you are feeling is often a

> result of that very thing. Feeling yourself to be " electrified, " you

> shut down your nerve receptors, which results in feelings of chronic

> tiredness and malaise. Energetically, you've blown a fuse.



> </li><li>


> DEPRESSION: You feel terrible, locked in a dark dungeon of despair.

> Nothing in the world is going " your way. " There is no part of life


> excites you anymore. Your loved ones call out to you, but you'd

just as

> soon not answer. You remember love, but you don't often feel it.


> is a sense of isolation, even when you are in a room full of people.


> There are many things we have already shared about depression




> fZGVwcmVzc2lvbi5odG0=> --one

> of which is the fact that you are, quite literally, being

> depressed........held down, seemingly against your will! It's like


> world has it's thumb on you. This is happening so that your


> internal nature will not follow a " normal " course and cause you to


> and become a " God " on your planet, rather than uniting with the


> itself. Your " Dark Side " energies, which are your source of internal

> magic and wizardry, are not accustomed to being encapsulated inhuman

> flesh. They feed on freedom, and they cannot abide the idea of

having to

> be in one place, at one time. But they must, even as the " lighter "

> aspects of you must become willing to leap into the " dark " of an


> future, filled with unknown terrors and possibilities.





> MOOD SWINGS: Your internal motivational system, at times, may feel


> a " train-wreck " of emotions and desires. You want " this, " but you


> want " that. " Normally, both " this and that " run counter to each


> Fire and ice. Oil and water.........all that sort of stuff. But now,

> your expanding heart and mind have made room to embrace them both!

So be

> it. And by the way...........Of course some of you are manifesting


> idea of being " bi-polar. " Isn't the Earth bi-polar? Why shouldn't


> be? You have the raging tides of the sea, and you will also have the

> stillness of a mountain lake. You are learning to become it all, and

> that is causing many of you considerable discomfort. It will become

> balanced in time.





> SUICIDAL THOUGHTS: Many a mother has gone through feelings, at some

> point in her pregnancy, of wanting to abort the process, and walk


> Things aren't as you planned them! It's a lot harder than you

thought it

> would be. These viewpoints are only natural, when one considers the


> picture. Those who are called in to " comfort " you, in your distress,

> cannot always grasp this. They see suicide as a " break " with

> reality.......an escape. This is because they are not pregnant,

> themselves. They are asleep, and may remain so for some time. But

to us,

> the pondering of death in the midst of giving birth is a sacred

> remembrance. It is a holy cognition. You are a Bridge Between Life


> Death. Though we do not recommend following a suicide path to

> completion, we validate the need which many of you have to ponder


> Part of you is dying, even as another part is beginning to live.





> LOSING YOUR GROUND: You are so tightly anchored to the 3D Plane that

> your transformation guides cannot access delicate programming


> that would infuse you with new life. You are practicing " transformus

> interruptus! " While the alarm for soul awakening is sounding, some


> you are " hitting the snooze button " and rolling over to go back to

> sleep. Your allegiance to job, spouse, family, physical health,


> possessions, or simply having fun is blocking that path to the


> which other (sleeping) parts of you crave. And so, in a moment of


> some of your " grounding forces " are simply taken away. You become


> lose your family, lose your job, or get a good deal of your


> wiped out. This isn't meant to be punitive at all. It's just part

of the

> process of being opened up. It brings you forward, to live life on


> edge! What seems like disaster actually ends up working in your






> HYPER-SENSITIVITY: Here is a difficult situation, indeed. Even as


> world is becoming more strident, demanding, noisy, complicated, and

> callous to its citizens--your own inner sensitivity is increasing by

> leaps and bounds. At times, it is as though fingernails are scraping

> across some planetary chalkboard, leaving your nerves jangled, and


> emotions on edge. Many of you loathe the idea of going outdoors.


> experience panic attacks when they are in crowds, or visit markets


> shopping malls. It feels as though someone has taken a bandage off a

> tender area of your soul! It is a sunburn of nervous exhaustion,


> makes you want to climb under the covers in your bed and hide.





> INSOMNIA: You are mixing and mingling the sleep-state with waking

> consciousness. You are neither here nor there, but somewhere in


> During normal sleep schedules you are wide awake, thinking,

planning, or

> merely feeling despair. During daytime work schedules, you are


> with drowsiness and a feeling that you have been awake for a


> years. Waking or sleeping, it sometimes feels like a nightmare.







> This is but a partial list of symptoms which may accompany the


> of the New Humanity. Some of them may be indicative of some


> medical diagnosis, and if you can undergo some kind of treatment to

> relieve the distress, we encourage you to do so. However, even if


> is accomplished--there will come a time when your " water will

break, "

> and serious birth pangs may come upon you. In each individual, the

> effects are different. This is because each of you is attuned to a

> different part of the Oneself Planetary Body. Every cell of your


> is holographic, and is in direct interface with every other cell.


> the Veil of Forgetfulness can hide this, as it focuses your 3D


> into the tasks that have been laid out before you.




> You are changing.

> Humanity is on the move! If you are on this Transformational Track,


> physical body may be supported, but it will never be " normal. " Why


> you want to be cured of this condition, anyway? You are being woven


> a vast network of electromagnetic tones and impulses.........the

> Motherboard of the Ages! And the end result will be magnificent


> your wildest imaginings!









> Breathing in and out, you move through your day in a state we call

> " FLOW. " You make sure that very little in your life

becomes " forced. "

> You are neither pushed nor pulled, on the inside or in your outer


> You treat the rest of your Oneself Reality with the same kind of

> respect. They are your mirror, your monitors of progress. To make

> changes in the mirror, one must experience a profound change of

> perspective!.

> Mere outward conformity produces inward deformity! More and more,


> your personal authenticity to shine forth.




> Instead of pushing toward some " goal, " practice feeling your way


> the " flow. " Enlightenment is not a static condition. It is a

> self-perpetuating hunger for more and more experience of the


> Self. Once it has truly begun, it can be retarded, but it can never


> stopped. Wait, therefore, and all things will be accomplished.



> When confronted, stare as much as you can into the face of

your " enemy. "

> Study the lines, then read between them to see what the real issues


> that separate you. Your nervous system has been educated to pull


> hand away from the heat of the flame. Do what you must! But as you


> you can still pay attention to what's feeding that fire--both inside

> yourself and out.




> Your emotional body is now beginning to realize that all things are

> moved, either by desire or by fear. You want things, so you work,

> negotiate or fight. You despise things, so you avoid them, resist


> or flee. It is yourself that you are resisting, and every day you


> in this new vibration this fact will become more and more clear.

That is

> the very heart of enlightenment.



> Fear is not the boogeyman that many of your philosophers have made


> out to be! He is but a gate-keeper that guards you from premature


> into infinity. And yes, he is largely illusion. But so also is your

> physical world, and all the story plots that energize and tantalize


> so. Do you really want to cauterize your connections to this 3D


> before your time has come? Every situation, in which you push


> past fear, will destroy sensitivity to a level of yourself that


> out to be understood and embraced. Once honored and embraced, your


> become gateways into deeper wisdom. But scorned and denied, they


> into a kind of pride--plates of armor, blocking entry into the


> And there is purpose in this, but only for a time.




> You do wish to be strong, don't you? You wish to be in control. But

> don't know everything, even though your educated mind would have you

> believe it. Why try to figure it all out? Do you really believe that

> knowing the exact " details " of your transformation will make the


> any easier? On the contrary, such knowledge and focus can move you


> of flow, and get you bogged down in struggle.



> Do what is before you--no more, no less. Forget about continuity and

> agenda. It has no meaning for you at this rate of vibration. All


> are completed in the Multiverse, all statements are completed, in


> way they need to be.




> Negativity is. You cannot change that. You would not want to, even


> you could. Your momentum as a species depends upon your willingness


> honor both the positive and negative forces that have guided and

> sustained you throughout your earthly journey. It is the Principle


> Attraction and Repulsion. Desire and Fear.



> The same flame that warms your body may someday consume your flesh.

> There is no separation, except what your soul contract will tell


> Believe what you are told--what resonates deep within you. Question


> doesn't seem to match, but not with malice. Do it with gentleness


> profound interest. If in doubt, leave it out. Realize that your

lack of

> harmony with some idea may, indeed, be due to some blockage in you,

> rather than some evil being inflicted by your fellow human. There is

> really no such thing as malevolence. There are only varying degrees


> unconsciousness.




> Now is your time of great expansion. But it can be a time of


> as well. The pendulum swings to both extremes. And the CENTER

> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/excerpt_the_center.htm> is who you


> are. Feelings will arise, from deep within your Multidimensional


> They are you, but they are not all you are. Breathe, relax, and


> them on through. They are your " issues, " your children, springing


> to experience the light of day. If one of them cannot pass, the

> resulting constriction will create disharmony

> and dissolution

> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/exerpt_transportals_disease.htm> ,


> whatever is holding is removed. Relax,

> breathe, and give your process time. Pain is not your enemy

> <http://bulletins.myspace.com/pain.htm> .


> In many cases, it is a tool--held firmly in the hand of a Cosmic

> Artist--which

> will form, in time, the you that is yet to be!



> We are your midwives, even as you shall also be midwives for


> yet to come! The passing of history now grows very thin. That which


> took years will often be completed in days or weeks. Breathe, open,


> soon your time of travail will be over. And then comes the morning.


> comes the dawn.






> [end transmission]


> Discussions on this Topic (click links)




> A

> Oneness Quilt, showing the Pregnant Humanity




> pbi9waWNzL2dkZXNpZ24vZ29kZGVzc2VzX3F1aWx0LmpwZw==>




> " Triggers "

> for Depression and Other Symptoms




> vdXAvcmVjb25uZWN0aW9ucy9tZXNzYWdlLzM0NDQ4>


I was so pleased to have received this information. There have been

days that I thought I was losing my spirituality due to some of these

symptoms mentioned here. I have experienced almost all of them. I

felt like I was losing the battle. This has made me feel so much

better and explained so much for me. It could not have came at a

better time. Bless you for this. It has raised my spirits and

helped me to understand why I'm feeling this way.

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