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Kathy in IL

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<PRE>did they give you anything for your face? sometimes i don't worry about it

because i know what it is. then sometimes i'll get a glimpse of myself in the

mirror and it's like holy cow!!! also alot of rashy stuff by my ears. i can

cover it with my hair, but i've been sweating so much i've had my hair pulled

back in a pony tail most of the time. i've actually seen people kinda cock

there head and bend over to see what is on my face. gee no wonder i get self

consious about it. i was thinking of trying that multi colored face powder

i've seen on tv, anyone try it? or know of a good long lasting color? kathy

in il

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Hi Kathy...yep, the brown patches...my poor little face has misasma,

rosacea, psoriasis and now ZITZ. To say nothing of various rashes of

indeterminate nature that pop up. Where's Debs....I need to borrow her

spackle & trowell to put on make-up!!!

Much Love to You, Kathy.....


PS ~ Those Baby-Boomer Oldie Moldies were VERY cute & funny...thanks!

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Hi Kathy....right now nothing is helping my face. I rarely wear make-up

but when I do I have some special green stuff for under your foundation

and it does help camoflauge (most make-up counters have it or a

variation). I'm like you...I think I'm ok til I see my

reflection....then WHOA!!! Who the heck is that????

I'm hoping after menopause my skin will behave. My mom & maternal

Grandma both had a lot of skin problems in their 40's & 50's.

Much Love to You....


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I have been reading about your saga and it sounds pretty sad at this time.

These companies really screw their employees over several times over. When I

was in the hospital this last time, I needed to file a complaint against one

of the doctors who was treating me and when I called my previous employer who

I carry COBRA thru, who should I get, but my old boss! Oddly enough, she was

the ONLY one that they kept when they moved my division to Tampa! Amazing!

She got rid of all of us but made sure that her butt was covered. I had

little respect for when this all happened, now I have zero!!!! She also made

sure that all the RN's got placed in positions with many of our vendors. I

just got turned down for the second time by SS, they say that there has been

no change in my condition, so I guess that my next stop is the hearing stage.

Maybe with this sepsis and the replacement of the replacement this will

change their mind. Right now I feel like I AM working full time. I give

myself 3 doses of IV antibiotics a day and then do wet to dry dressing

changes on the hole in my knee. I guess after the surgery I can add PT to my

daily routine. I guess that I just don't get the system.

I am still crossing my fingers for you kiddo for a positive outcome. You

never know how the cards are going to play out!

It is time to take one of my many pain pills AGAIN. Soon fall will be upon

you in the north and that means cooler nights and beautiful colors in the

trees. In Florida it just means the winding down of hurricane season and

instead of the AC going 24/7, it goes 12/7!

Gentle, tender, hopeful angel hugs,

Debs in FL

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<PRE>wow deb, that is wierd to get your old boss. that will never happen with


mine was let go in early feb when they closed the dept. i was at my foot dr

yesterday, he promised to do a letter and said don't worry we'll get it. now

if he was talking about my short term, or his peoples pt charges or both i am

not sure. he seems to want to help, but never has the time. i will check in

with him in a couple days. yes you do have a full time job getting better. i

hope it is a short job. do what you need to do. kathy in il

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