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Dr appt today

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You too Rosy. I have noticed several of your posts lately. I don't

know if I specifically said welcome or not. If not please forgive me.

It has been a rough couple of weeks.

For all, I am so excited. Even though Dr. and Dr.Beebe both

heard a slight wheeze today (and that is weird because I am not a

wheezer - only the 3rd time someone has heard a wheeze) it is related

to this weather. Rain and a low pressure system - my best friends.

LOL. They have both approved a weekend trip to Birmingham to my

sister's house! Woohoo, I get to escape my house. I even get to

leave my county!!!! ROFL.

He also added another pill :( Dr.Beebee said that with my withdrawal

reaction I have to start on a seretonin inhibitor antidepressant. He

said that my bloodwork showed my seretonin levels were way off. So,

tomorrow I start Lexapro. It is for two months. He explained that it

will take a full month for it to build in my system then we can

actually evaluated it's effects during the second month. I guess on

the up side it is another " feel good " pill. I thought that was what

the Xanax was for, but he said that the Xanax helps with the shakes

and rash and temper and things like that but will not control the

seretonin levels. So, another pill it is. That makes 22 meds (19

daily and 3 as needed). I am turning into a walking drug store!

However, on Monday we are going to try to restart the prednisone step

down at the reduced rate of 2.5mg every two weeks. Dr.Beebe also

indicated that if I do well on the Lexapro for the 2 months, we will

look at trying to increase the step down back to 5mg every two weeks.

Also found out that Dr. (my GP) has Wegener's and has been

through the same type steroid issues I am going through. He was on

the same 60mg/day maintenance dose & he said it took 3 years but he is

now down to 10mg/day. I don't want it to take 3 years, but he really

helped me by relating his experiences. It is so nice when your docs

really understand what you are going through, and how much more can

you understand than when you have been through it yourself?

Anyway, although a long day. All in all it was a good day. I should

sleep well tonight! LOL



> Madeline!! So good to read you, lol.. How are you?? How is your


> doing? Please, update us


> Hugs!!


> Rosy



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