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Kathy in Il

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<PRE>yes i was looking at that stuff in the store today. too pricey for me right

now. i'll keep using the stuff i have until it is almost gone. if that isn't

good enough for the general population, too bad!!! lol !!! can you believe

they called to have me come in for physical therapy?!?! i told them i have

been denied over 7690.00. she wants me to come in tomorrow at 10 and bring

the paperwork i rec'd. seemed pretty surprised by it. told her i called the

foot dr, same office space but haven't heard back about what we are going to

do about this. i said i guess you just set me up for an appt anyway huh? i

need to get my records from them before i can continue with my appeal letter.

here we go again!! kathy in il (how many appeals can i have against the same


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<PRE>i went to my rheumi and she agrees that it is time to get off prednisone


my health. the only problem is what to put in it's place? so i am supposed

to go down to 7.5 for few days, then to 5 for a week. then 2.5 for a week and

then off. she has given me neurontin for pain to take at night because it

makes you dizzy.(gee how will i know?) other than that all she could really

suggest was maybe a pain clinic, but she said it'd be almost $3000 to walk in

the door. plus once you start you should finish and since we don't know what

is up with my insurance. so it sounds like i'll just be living with it. she

mentioned fibromyalgia again. my ankles are full of fluid. she said i keep

telling them over and over, you need to be on disability. i knew i had my

last chance drugs over a year ago, guess i have just been hoping something

else will come up. or it will stop. next appt at the end of october. (she is

busy!!) i am sitting here with tears running down my face and there is

nothing i can do about it. she mentioned maybe i could try experimental

treatments at northwestern, but we know how well i react to meds. plus again

there is my insurance. kathy in il

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<PRE>ok to top it off i just got off the phone with my atty. she has been


to my company and they are not going to approve my short term disability

claim. they are still waiting on a couple more letters, but she doesn't feel

they will really be that much new info to make them change their minds now my

atty is free. she has a friend she has faxed my info to him and he thinks i

have may a case in court, but the dates are over a year. she said if they

took my case to court. they would not be able to work on other peoples cases.

so they weigh very heavily on whether they can win or not. she said i can

take it somewhere else, but will have to pay. i hate all these decisions.

kathy in il

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<PRE>no on wrongful termination it is fee for service. cash up front. i think


saiid 2000. win or lose. my body is just so sensitive to meds i am afraid to

try anything else. if i could pick one to go back to and try again it'd be

enbrel or remicade. kathy in il

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I'm sorry to hear of all these problems coming up at once for you Kathy. I

wish there was something that I could do to help you. I'm sending you a

cyber shoulder to lean on for now. Hang tough. Don't let them bring you


Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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<PRE>thanks, now my mom just reminded me that i will lose another 695/mo in

january after my son graduates high school. i've totally lost it now and just

sobbed for about 20 minutes and have a great headache. i think i'll call it

a day. kathy in il

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What a terrible day you're having, you sweetheart. Is your rheumy treating

you for pain at all, or does she want you to go to a pain clinic for that?

Hopefully you won't have any problem getting off the prednisone, and it is

better for your health in the long run.

As far as the experimental meds, I don't think you'd have to pay for them.

Usually any trials supply the meds free of charge, as well as all the lab

work. Sometimes they even pay you to participate.

If they take your case to court, you'll have to pay in advance? That would

be tough. Or do they take it out of your disability, as a percentage?

I'm sorry you're having such a tough day.

Much love,


Re: [ ] Kathy in IL

<PRE>ok to top it off i just got off the phone with my atty. she has been


to my company and they are not going to approve my short term disability

claim. they are still waiting on a couple more letters, but she doesn't feel

they will really be that much new info to make them change their minds now


atty is free. she has a friend she has faxed my info to him and he thinks i

have may a case in court, but the dates are over a year. she said if they

took my case to court. they would not be able to work on other peoples


so they weigh very heavily on whether they can win or not. she said i can

take it somewhere else, but will have to pay. i hate all these decisions.

kathy in il

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<PRE>Kathy, Thanks for your kind words. Thankfully she did not suffer but I know

that she was so scared when she collapsed like that. Thankfully I do have my

big white dog to keep me company. She is a real piece of work though<G> FOr

as big as she is she can be quite the clown. Right now she is having her

regular beauty sleep. For some reason it seems to work on her, but now me!!!

I guess that the puppy Gods are with her. Take care and have a good weekend.


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Has your doctor seen the rash behind your ears? Could it be psoriasis?


> <PRE>did they give you anything for your face? sometimes i don't worry about

> it

> because i know what it is. then sometimes i'll get a glimpse of myself in the

> mirror and it's like holy cow!!! also alot of rashy stuff by my ears. i can

> cover it with my hair, but i've been sweating so much i've had my hair pulled

> back in a pony tail most of the time. i've actually seen people kinda cock

> there head and bend over to see what is on my face. gee no wonder i get self

> consious about it. i was thinking of trying that multi colored face powder

> i've seen on tv, anyone try it? or know of a good long lasting color? kathy

> in il



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