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Re: to anyone who had a colonscopy

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Same here for the two I've had. First one I dreaded and fretted and worried.

They kept me medicated during the proceedure and it was over before I knew both

times. It was like it was over before it began. I know, no one could tell me

not to worry and told me horror stories besides so I was really worried but keep

the faith that there is someone higher up looking out for you and many here.

Love, hugs, prayers, and positive thoughts for you. Jan in CA +/:=)

kringlemom@... wrote:<PRE>they may have asked what meds i was taking, but i

don't think i stopped them.

kathy in il

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I had to stop taking vioxx and baby aspirin. Anything else that might cause

blood thinning. Here, I think I still have my instructions...

" Please take all medications for heart, breathing, seizures, or blood

pressure problems. All other medications should be brought with you to take

after the test. If you are on insulin, take 1/2 of your morning dose the

day of the procedure.

Aspirin, coumadin, or any other blood thinning medications should not be

taken for 5 days prior to the procedure. This includes over the counter such

as advil, aleve, etc. (They also wrote vioxx on my instructions.) You may


Didn't the GI doctor's office give you any instructions? If you have any

questions call them Monday morning.

Good luck,


[ ] to anyone who had a colonscopy


> Hey, those of you who wrote me about having a colonscopy .Did you have to

stop your prednisone or pain medicine like vicodin before you had the

colonscopy? Thanks let me know. its next friday and i am already getting

anxiety. LOL>


> mary in o-town

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I¹m glad that everything went well and for once you got some good news.

It¹s good that all this is behind you. I hope you¹re having a nice weekend.


> Hi ,

> I had mine today. I had to stop all vitamins. I took my prednisone

> yesterday but didn't today. The worst part was the preparation. I don't

> remember anything about the procedure. Right now I am just a little

> lightheaded, so I

> am just laying down and taking it easy. My stomach is a little sore but that

> could be from the scar tissue. Everything is fine with me. She even told me,

> I had the colon of a 14 year old, I think that was a good thing. I was

> groggy afterwards and my daughter-in-law had to help me. She stayed with me

> until one of my daughters got home.

> You will be okay, the waiting is the worst. What a week I had first the

> gyn and then the colonscopy.

> Lynn (MeMom)


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Hi a,

Thank you I am soooo glad the test are over with. I was very nervous. The

doctors office called today to see how I was feeling. I told them I had been


and lighthead on Friday and Saturday but they told me that is normal. So all is

well with all this. So the pain is from scar tissue. However wc is on my case.


check today and they will no longer pay for my maicalcin. So I am in no mood to

fight with them, I am going to let it go until I see the Rheumy in December. No


actually treats me for the neck injury since there is nothing anyone can do.


called the Rheumy and he said he really isn't treating for the neck injury. He


honest but maybe if I explain things we can get somewhere. I just don't have


strength todeal with it now.

How are you doing? I am a little behind in reading the messages. I am


to make sure my house is in good shape before the surgery. I want my Halloween

stuff up for my Granddaughters. I so wish I didn't have to dothis. I should be


at school studying stuff.

Thank You for your note,


a wrote:

> Lynn,

> I¹m glad that everything went well and for once you got some good news.

> It¹s good that all this is behind you. I hope you¹re having a nice weekend.

> a


> > Hi ,

> > I had mine today. I had to stop all vitamins. I took my prednisone

> > yesterday but didn't today. The worst part was the preparation. I don't

> > remember anything about the procedure. Right now I am just a little

> > lightheaded, so I

> > am just laying down and taking it easy. My stomach is a little sore but


> > could be from the scar tissue. Everything is fine with me. She even told


> > I had the colon of a 14 year old, I think that was a good thing. I was

> > groggy afterwards and my daughter-in-law had to help me. She stayed with


> > until one of my daughters got home.

> > You will be okay, the waiting is the worst. What a week I had first the

> > gyn and then the colonscopy.

> > Lynn (MeMom)

> >



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Hi Lynn, I am sorry for your tough times...ins co sure have strange

ideas...I don't deal with the wc folks at this point...but it sure can add

to the stress of the day I am sure...take some time for you...and deal with

them on another day...you deserve some relaxing time to recoop...hope

tomorrow is a better day for you...marge

Re: [ ] to anyone who had a colonscopy


> Hi a,

> Thank you I am soooo glad the test are over with. I was very nervous.


> doctors office called today to see how I was feeling. I told them I had

been dizzy

> and lighthead on Friday and Saturday but they told me that is normal. So

all is

> well with all this. So the pain is from scar tissue. However wc is on my

case. No

> check today and they will no longer pay for my maicalcin. So I am in no

mood to

> fight with them, I am going to let it go until I see the Rheumy in

December. No one

> actually treats me for the neck injury since there is nothing anyone can

do. They

> called the Rheumy and he said he really isn't treating for the neck

injury. He was

> honest but maybe if I explain things we can get somewhere. I just don't

have the

> strength todeal with it now.

> How are you doing? I am a little behind in reading the messages. I

am trying

> to make sure my house is in good shape before the surgery. I want my


> stuff up for my Granddaughters. I so wish I didn't have to dothis. I

should be up

> at school studying stuff.

> Thank You for your note,

> Lynn


> a wrote:


> > Lynn,

> > I¹m glad that everything went well and for once you got some good news.

> > It¹s good that all this is behind you. I hope you¹re having a nice


> > a

> >

> > > Hi ,

> > > I had mine today. I had to stop all vitamins. I took my


> > > yesterday but didn't today. The worst part was the preparation. I


> > > remember anything about the procedure. Right now I am just a little

> > > lightheaded, so I

> > > am just laying down and taking it easy. My stomach is a little sore

but that

> > > could be from the scar tissue. Everything is fine with me. She even

told me,

> > > I had the colon of a 14 year old, I think that was a good thing. I


> > > groggy afterwards and my daughter-in-law had to help me. She stayed

with me

> > > until one of my daughters got home.

> > > You will be okay, the waiting is the worst. What a week I had

first the

> > > gyn and then the colonscopy.

> > > Lynn (MeMom)

> > >

> >

> >

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Your doctors seem so caring. Not often do doctors call to check on

patients. Sorry WC is giving you a hard time. I hope one day soon it is

all resolved.

I¹m doing ok thanks for asking. No better, no worse.

I¹m glad I don¹t have to do Halloween anymore. I¹ve always hated it, but

did it for my kids. I don¹t get trick or treaters, so I don¹t have to worry

about it. Maybe when my grandson is older, I¹ll do a few. I hope you enjoy




> Hi a,

> Thank you I am soooo glad the test are over with. I was very nervous. >


> doctors office called today to see how I was feeling. I told them I had been

> dizzy

> and lighthead on Friday and Saturday but they told me that is normal. So all

> is

> well with all this. So the pain is from scar tissue. However wc is on my

> case. No

> check today and they will no longer pay for my maicalcin. So I am in no mood

> to

> fight with them, I am going to let it go until I see the Rheumy in December.

> No one

> actually treats me for the neck injury since there is nothing anyone can do.

> They

> called the Rheumy and he said he really isn't treating for the neck injury.

> He was

> honest but maybe if I explain things we can get somewhere. I just don't have

> the

> strength todeal with it now.

> How are you doing? I am a little behind in reading the messages. I am

> trying

> to make sure my house is in good shape before the surgery. I want my

> Halloween

> stuff up for my Granddaughters. I so wish I didn't have to dothis. I should

> be up

> at school studying stuff.

> Thank You for your note,

> Lynn


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Thanks a, I am glad those trips to the gyn and test are over. I am like

you, I

have always hated Halloween. I would never spend much money on it or anything.

Now I do have to decorate because of the Grandchildren. However, I am not going


do the inside unless one of the says something. Becky might since she loves one


the witches I have. Hears hoping she has forgotten about it. I just don't have

the energy to decorate. Since I had to stop the metho, I am really flaring.

But I

will just have to deal with that. My insurance company called the other day

wanting to know who would be with me when I came, stuff like that. Told them I

will be with me, everyone works or has school. But I am okay with it, I think I

would rather be alone. Anyway she ask what medications I take, and I just


to mention vitamin E. She told me call to's office immediately because they

didn't tell me to stop taking it, prior to the surgery. I called and sure


you can't take it when you are going to have surgery. It causes bleeding, I


to pass this along since I suggested take it. So I guess my legs will


jumping around again. Better safe than sorry.

Hope you are feeling well,


a wrote:

> Lynn,

> Your doctors seem so caring. Not often do doctors call to check on

> patients. Sorry WC is giving you a hard time. I hope one day soon it is

> all resolved.

> I¹m doing ok thanks for asking. No better, no worse.

> I¹m glad I don¹t have to do Halloween anymore. I¹ve always hated it, but

> did it for my kids. I don¹t get trick or treaters, so I don¹t have to worry

> about it. Maybe when my grandson is older, I¹ll do a few. I hope you enjoy

> it.

> a


> >

> > Hi a,

> > Thank you I am soooo glad the test are over with. I was very nervous.


> The

> > doctors office called today to see how I was feeling. I told them I had


> > dizzy

> > and lighthead on Friday and Saturday but they told me that is normal. So


> > is

> > well with all this. So the pain is from scar tissue. However wc is on my

> > case. No

> > check today and they will no longer pay for my maicalcin. So I am in no


> > to

> > fight with them, I am going to let it go until I see the Rheumy in December.

> > No one

> > actually treats me for the neck injury since there is nothing anyone can do.

> > They

> > called the Rheumy and he said he really isn't treating for the neck injury.

> > He was

> > honest but maybe if I explain things we can get somewhere. I just don't


> > the

> > strength todeal with it now.

> > How are you doing? I am a little behind in reading the messages. I am

> > trying

> > to make sure my house is in good shape before the surgery. I want my

> > Halloween

> > stuff up for my Granddaughters. I so wish I didn't have to dothis. I


> > be up

> > at school studying stuff.

> > Thank You for your note,

> > Lynn

> >



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