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gum infection, and regrowing a tooth

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September 3, 2002

Dear Rifers,

I have just received the following note: " You mentioned in your article [the

introduction to THE HANDBOOK OF RIFE FREQUENCY HEALING, on my website]

that you avoided gum surgery with Rife technology. I have a bad tooth headed for

disaster and I'm looking for an alternative to extraction or root canal. What

can Rife offer? Which frequencies did you use and with which generator? Also, do

you have any info on using UV or IR for abscessed teeth? "

This email was very timely, for over the past six days I have been using a

frequency device with great success for both a gum infection AND for regrowing a


The tooth is the backmost, lower molar (not the wisdom tooth, which had been

extracted long ago) on the left hand side of the mouth. A pocket created by an

infection approximately nine months ago had become deeper, despite careful

brushing and the daily use of a Water Pik [tm] and dental floss. The bacterial

residue in the pocket had also eroded the tooth so much that I could feel a

gaping indentation in the tooth whenever I would floss. I figured it was only a

matter of time before I would lose the tooth. Since I did not feel any

discomfort from the tooth, I did not address it with any other protocols.

One week ago, I began to feel a sharp throbbing in the tooth and an ache in my

jaw, and realized that I had better do something quickly. I began gargling with

a 3% solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide. In addition, I drank a couple of

ounces of homemade colloidal silver, keeping it in my mouth for about five

minutes before swallowing it. These measures helped, but since I wanted to save

the tooth I also decided to address the issue with Rife technology.

The Rife technology device I selected was the BioTech 2000. I have a

freestanding light tube device--the BioRay--which I have found very helpful for

other conditions, such as fungal infections, pain, and cancer (for my dog).

However, because this is a very localized condition, I decided to use the

BioTech, a contact device that has a unique accessory: a 635-nanometer LED

through which frequencies can be emitted. It has been well established that

reddish light in the nanometer range of about 635 to 675 has been found to " turn

on " the rebuilding mechanism of the cell, causing tissue regeneration. I own a

660-nanometer device made by the Light Energy Company and already found it to

work well for the regeneration of gum tissue. For this condition, I decided to

combine LED therapy with Rife frequencies and see what happened. Hence, my use

of the BioTech.

The frequencies I used were a combination of microbe-killing oscillations and

regeneration oscillations. It can be argued that anything that kills microbes

will help the body regenerate, but some frequencies that I researched were

stated to specifically help the body regenerate. Perhaps a frequency known to

kill bacteria also helps the body regenerate; only more research and time will

tell. But in any case, the numbers I used--which were gleaned from many

sources--are as follows, in the excerpt below from page 223 of my HANDBOOK OF

RIFE FREQUENCY HEALING. Like the man cited in the excerpt who increased the

amount of Omega 3 fish oil and Vitamin E in his diet, so did I.


Tooth Regeneration

In addition to the frequencies, supplement the diet daily with 800 IU of Vitamin

E and 1000 mg. of Omega-3 Fish Oil. One man did this and used the frequencies

below and saved a tooth.

For 10 minutes each, every day: 7, 424, 465, 660 + 690 + 727/728, 784, 787, 880,

1552, 1560, 1577, 2720, 10K

**************end of excerpt**************

I found that I responded particularly strongly to 465 and 660--meaning that my

sinuses cleared up markedly--although the other frequencies seemed to have a

similar (albeit weaker) effect as well. Unlike the man in the excerpt above, I

did this protocol every OTHER day rather than every day, partly because of time

constraints, and partly because after each treatment the entire left side of my

jaw throbbed and I wanted to give my body time to adjust to the changes.

The day after the first treatment, it seemed as though there were more enamel on

the tooth. Since it is easy to allow wishful thinking to overcome objective

observation, however, I did not give much credence to that thought. But after

the second treatment (two days later), I could tell that there had definitely

been a regrowth of bone. I could tell because of the decreased amount of space I

felt between my teeth when I flossed. After the third treatment (two days after

the second treatment), even more bone had filled in.

Some people might question what is doing the healing: the LED, the frequencies,

or the nutritional supplements. Healing is a synergy of factors. I would never

claim that Rife technology is the only modality required. And, since I didn't

have much time to spare, I was not willing to do one thing at a time to see

which therapy was " the " one that was most needed.

There is clearly a gum infection on the left side of my mouth, and my jaw

continues to throb slightly. I will keep you apprised of any further




Nina Silver, Ph.D.

Author, *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*

Read excerpts from, and order the book at


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