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Bassett Hounds/ Joanne ~OT

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Hey Joanne! The ONLY dog after my heart! I raised AKC Bassett pups for

years! My love of my life was Salty! Her papers said, " Salty IV " .

People use to come from all over to buy our pups. Very hush puppie

looking dogs! I was picky.

I remember a few times several different couples came, and had small

children. I would watch how the parent acted when the children would go

for the pups.

You would not believe the parents who allowed the tiny children to pick

up the pups and literally squeeze the breath out of the pups and just

laugh. I would immediately say, " These pups already have DEPOSITS on

them, I will call if anyone decides not to get one. "

One couple with small wild kids (ha!) assured me that one of my pups

were not for THEM, and were getting it for a mother-in-law. So I (like

something stupid) let her buy him. He was so cute. A week later when I

was at the Vets office with Salty for her check up, the receptionists

said, " We saw one of your pups... he died. Those crazy people put the

pup in the play pen with 2 kids! "

I was so mad I could have just had a stroke.

We had 3 females we would only breed ONE female once a year. We also had

2 males with wonderful points we used. We did not use " other dogs " .

But everytime Salty had pups, people from a few states away would come.

THere was one couple from Miss. who came. They said that they knew

people with Salty's puppies, and was not interested in a pup, but could

they buy Salty!

I said, NO! She is family pet! (My girls were small and loved her so

much. She guarded them, and treated my kids like her own pups!)

Well... those people left. I never got their name.

Well... that very same night, Salty was in her Kennel with her puppies.

A cement slab/with dog house, and 5 ft. chain link fence around area. We

chained and locked this at night.

Then the next morning, when I went out to check her and feed/water her

and let her out for the day, she was gone. The gate was open... chain

had been cut. It was lying on the ground. Her collar was laying there

also! And I KNOW a dog can not take off a collar like that! It had her

ID, Name, etc on it.

Now I ain't " accusing " no one.... but you know... in my heart, I always

thought that those people who offered to buy her...came and stole her. I

just can't figure out how we did not hear anything. Or why they did not

take the pups. And if they were going to use her to BREED her...how

would they do that without HER " AKC PAPERS " ?

After that.... I got out of dog business. We kept one of her pups for

the girls. And GAVE the others to people we knew would love them.

I love Bassetts!


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