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Thanks so much for your kind words. Sandy's passing was very sudden.

She collapsed, we rushed her to the vets and within 2 hours she was gone. We

do have another dog. Her name is Sasha and she is a 3 year old kuvasz that we

got from rescue. Thankfully she was there for me when I was so down about

loosing Sandy. You know at least for me my dogs are like my other kids only

they don't talk back. Although they did have that problem with selective

listening<G> I'm glad that things are going well with your new job and I'm

praying for success for your baby making mission. Take care. Barb

> Sorry to hear about your dog dying, it's so sad when one of our furry

> friends leaves us, I wish they could live forever. I actually think of my

> dogs as little angels sometimes, they love us unconditionally are loyal and


> try to protect us, just like little angels. We recently adopted a stray

> puppy that was abandoned near our house, she was in the most miserable

> state

> but she's thriving now and has the most adorable gentle nature we love her

> already, we were supposed to find a home for her once she was better but

> she's so sweet we can't bring ourselves to give here away so she's home to

> stay. I hope you find another little angel to look after you.

> Hugs,


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