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update on tests

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Haven't been on here much lately, we've had so much going on. Last

time I posted I mentioned that had finally been to the Dr. and

had a bunch of blood work done. We got the results from most of them

back and everything came back great so far.

They tested sugar level, thyroid, (vitamin?)B, iron, white blood, red

blood, platelets, RA, and a few other things. Everything was

within " normal range " with the exception of the RA level of course.

That was at 100, which is down from 120 from last May. Doc says, " At

least it's stable and not going up! " Don't know whether we should be

thrilled about that or not. They scheduled another sleep test for him

late Oct. I guess this new facility can actually tell you why you

aren't sleeping right. For ex: fatigue, pain, depression, apnea.....!

This is a good thing but he's not thrilled. We are waiting on a call

from the urologist for an appt. there. tends to get up at least

2x a night, on average 3x. While we were at the Doc's he went 2x

within an hour and a half. Rheumy told him it was because of the

Arthritis in his lower spine (the imflammation pressing on his

bladder)?!? He also said the anti-inflammatories should take care of

it. That was over 2 years ago!

Anyhow, we are waiting to hear about his dopamine level. He get an

uncontrollable shake once in awhile. Only in his right arm though. It

started in the spring of last year and it lasted for a few months. He

went through an MRI and nothing showed up. Doc did a dopamine level

on him (the office JUST called) and the nurse said that it looks

normal but she wants Doc to double check it.

Has anyone else that is on Enbrel or Vioxx had the problem of

uncontrollable shaking of an extremity?

My fear in the beginning was Parkinson's (never mentioned it to

though) but I've been checking that out and that fear has been put

aside for now.

I pray for everyone all of the time to help ease your pain. I can oly

imagine how it must be. I have been having some pain of my own for

the past few months to the point that I just want to sit and cry or

ram my head through a wall. I can't imagine going through this

constantly. I am so sorry that you all have the pain that you do.

Check in with you all again soon!

Love, Hugs, Prayers, and any other positive thoughts I can muster up

for you!

Keri in MI

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