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[FW] Daily Motivators 11/16

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The Corsage

"You've got to help me!" My friend pleaded with me. "You've got to take this girl to her sorority event." This girl was getting interested in my friend, an interest he didn't want to grow. While I was reluctant to get involved in this mess he had created, he was a good friend. I consented to this blind date.

He certainly sold me on her. Her sister had been Miss Edmonton the previous year. She belonged to this sorority that all the kids of rich people belonged to. I, on the other hand, had only $20 to my name. With about half of my life savings, I decided to buy a corsage for my date.

I arrived at her home dressed in my only suit, corsage in my hand. The door opened and I saw that she was beautiful. I also saw that her dress had very thin straps. There was no place to put a corsage. I also saw the funny look on her face that said she would have never worn what represented half of my worldly riches anyway.

I also noticed that her leg was bandaged. She had injured herself skiing that afternoon. What else could go wrong? Plenty.

I escorted her to my chariot, a red Toyota pick-up truck with a canopy camper on the back. That was my vehicle then. From the look on her face, I wish that a fairy godmother could have come along and turned it into a Mercedes. In spite of her sore leg, she insisted that we park a couple of blocks away from the party.

We entered and I was briefly introduced to a couple of people, then she sort of disappeared. I wasn't too disappointed. I hadn't had a good meal in a long time and the food here was plentiful and tasty.

What a party it was! The children of the rich and famous of Edmonton were there. People kept coming up to me and asking what I was "into," instead of what I did. I answered that I was "into" education, since I was taking my Bachelor of Education at the time. I wondered if these rich people really knew how poor I was.

I'm glad I am a fast eater, because a half an hour after our arrival, my date, whom I had barely seen, came back and asked to be taken home. Her leg was aching too much, though she declined my offer to bring the truck to the front door. I still have a hunch that she got rid of me to return to the party. My feelings weren't hurt. I had eaten well, although the friend who set this up was going to hear about this.

I dropped her off. She made sure I didn't walk her to the door, but I did the unthinkable. I asked for the corsage back. Why? Was I out of my mind?

No. I had a second blind date a couple of nights later. A girls' group was having a father-daughter banquet. A friend had asked me if I would be the father for a night for a young girl who didn't have one. This way she would be less embarrassed at the event. Even though I didn't know what I was getting into, I told my friend that I would do it.

The night of the second blind date came. You know what? I was more nervous meeting this ten year old than the sister of Miss Edmonton. What if she didn't like me? What if she was ashamed to be with me?

Then she came through the door. I was introduced, and then I showed her the corsage. Her eyes grew like saucers. She trembled with joy as I pinned it on her. While she was the only one without a real dad, she was also the only one with a beautiful corsage. She held her head up high as we walked into the room. We had a great time. It was wonderful seeing her smile and hearing her laughter. I think she was proud to have a special friend like me. I certainly was proud of her, just like a dad would have been.

It was the same corsage. In one person's eyes it was worthless. In another's it was priceless. Every one of us has a gift. You know what? In some people's eyes, it will be worthless. Ignore them. I can assure you that if you meet enough people you will discover somebody who finds your gift priceless.


s is a freelance writer in St. s, Ontario. You can read more of his writing at his blog at http://johnnyvfanclub.blogspot.com or send an email to: john.stevens@...



Excerpt From

Reflections in the Light

By Shakti Gawain

November 16

Sense the powerful being within

This is the day for recognizing the true beauty,

power, and magic within each other and in

ourselves. Get comfortable. Close your eyes, relax

and take a few deep breaths. Picture or imagine

your child or your own inner child in front of you.

Look into their eyes and sense the powerful being

within them. Take enough time to receive feelings,

ideas or impressions about who your child really

is. Communicate to them your respect and

appreciation. Imagine that your child is

communicating respect and appreciation to you.

Do this with each of your children or your inner



I respect each child and my own inner child as a

powerful, whole being.



The past is safe and certain, and yet it is gone. The future is filled with endless uncertainty, and yet it is also filled with limitless possibilities.

Something will happen today that you didn't expect. It might be uncomfortable, it might be inconvenient, and it might even disrupt your life in a big way.

And yet, how terribly bland and unbearably tedious life would be if nothing unexpected ever happened. Though uncertainty is a bit frightening, it also brings much richness to life.

You are designed and equipped not only to deal with life's uncertainties, but to in fact transcend them. Out of a little uncertainty you can create a lot of positive value.

If you attempt to hide from uncertainty, you'll also be hiding from the best things life has to offer. Instead, accept and embrace uncertainty, and know that you can make the best of whatever comes along.

Today does not come with a guarantee. And because of that, you have the opportunity to make of it whatever you choose.

-- Ralph Marston


_.-oO0Oo-.__.-oO0Oo-.__.-oO0Oo-.__.-oO0Oo-._ Life's only limitations are those you set upon yourself, for as long as you strive hard enough anything is achievable. ~ Chad -=+=->-=+=->-=+=->-=+=->-=+=->-=+=->-=+=-

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