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Keri, my husband started that arm shaking about 4 months ago. It got

really bad, and they finally said it was " active tremor " and related

to a muscle spasm in his arm. It has gotten better since I started

massaging where the particular muscle bundle is--I do this last thing

at night and first thing in the morning, and there is still some

restriction of movement, but not the wild flapping he was doing.

He's also doing some exercises to try to strengthen the other

muscles. He had all the tests too, with all negatives. Maybe that's

's problem too?

God bless,


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Thanks Judi, I'll mention that to the Doc. Maybe she'll look into

that if everything comes back negative. It's kind of a scary thing

when all of a sudden they start doing that out of the blue. Do you

know anything more about it? What started it? Medication maybe?

Thanks again,


> Keri, my husband started that arm shaking about 4 months ago. It


> really bad, and they finally said it was " active tremor " and


> to a muscle spasm in his arm. It has gotten better since I started

> massaging where the particular muscle bundle is--I do this last


> at night and first thing in the morning, and there is still some

> restriction of movement, but not the wild flapping he was doing.

> He's also doing some exercises to try to strengthen the other

> muscles. He had all the tests too, with all negatives. Maybe


> 's problem too?


> God bless,

> Judi

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Hi Keri,

No, doctor didn't say what caused it, other than " age " --Ron is 65.

But we are going to a new doctor now, whom I just saw today for the

first time, and Ron actually said he'd like to try this new guy. I

don't think it was medication, as he wasn't taking anything when it

started, but it just suddenly got so much worse. He says sometimes

his feet move too, and I have felt him " jerk " in the middle of the

night. I just feel so bad for him, as he has always been so strong.

I'll let you know if we find out anything, and you do the same, ok?

God bless,


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