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Hi All

I have been offline for weeks while my computor has been away for repairs. I

had a faulty motherboard. So I am just catching up on all the news. How

are you Stacey? So you have stopped smoking? Oh, I wish that I could, I

am sure that all the toxins do us no good. I have cut out cheese and am

trying with chocolate and diet coke. I have limited myself to half a small

glass of diet coke a day, but at the moment my RA is very active both in my

joints and muscles so it is hard to see any difference.

I was interested that someone mentioned sweating because I get that,

especially during a flare-up when my joints are hot and red. The sweat does

literally roll down my face and body. I keep a little fan on the table in

front of my chair to help me to cool down.

Going back to food (which is not hard to do!!) I have often wondered about

wheat but it is very hard to eliminate it from your diet as it is in so many

things. I will try anything which may bring relief to this awful illness so

I may cut out wheat as best I can and see what happens. Has anyone else

done this?

I am also trying to lose weight, like some of you. I am eating normal food

but less of it. I find cooking difficult so it is easier to eat the same as

my husband, Steve, rather than cook two seperate meals. I hope to go back

swimming soon so that may help me lose a few pounds!

When I started on my current meds. I did`nt have much pain for about three

weeks and thought I had hit on the jackpot, but now it is all back again.

Steve said that I am walking a bit better over the last 3 days but it is hard

work sometimes. I have been thinking of saving for one of those small

electric scooters that you can fold up and put in the car for when I am at my

worst. Does anyone else have one of these? I hate being pushed in my

wheelchair and would rather be more independant.

Well, must go now.

Hugs to you all

Sue C

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Hi Kathy,

I never used to sweat, and since I've been on the Remicade that's changed.

Now I'm sweating a lot. I know it's good to do because it keeps you cooler

and it releases toxins, but I don't like feeling sweaty.

Much love,


[ ] sweating

<PRE>does anyone else sweat alot?? i can just sit and my forehead just

pours. my

sons says i look like a glazed ham. have noticed it for months. kathy in il

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Hi Sue. Glad you¹re back online. It¹s great to hear you are trying to

eliminate some things, especially the diet Coke. I¹ve read to many articles

that point to aspartame as being linked to many health problems.

I¹ve cut my wheat way back, but have not eliminated it completely. My basic

die consists of fruits, veggies and fish, which keeps the carb count low.

But I do enjoy a fresh piece of bread, so I¹m not wheat free. It¹s a good

idea for anyone that has an inflammatory disease to try a wheat free diet

since wheat allergy causes arthritic symptoms.

I think hit the nail on the head. Your first thing to try eliminating

is cigarettes! Heidi and Stacey can use some company! Once you get on a

healthier living campaign, you just never know what will happen.


> Hi All


> I have been offline for weeks while my computor has been away for repairs. I

> had a faulty motherboard. So I am just catching up on all the news. How

> are you Stacey? So you have stopped smoking? Oh, I wish that I could, I

> am sure that all the toxins do us no good. I have cut out cheese and am

> trying with chocolate and diet coke. I have limited myself to half a small

> glass of diet coke a day, but at the moment my RA is very active both in my

> joints and muscles so it is hard to see any difference.


> I was interested that someone mentioned sweating because I get that,

> especially during a flare-up when my joints are hot and red. The sweat does

> literally roll down my face and body. I keep a little fan on the table in

> front of my chair to help me to cool down.


> Going back to food (which is not hard to do!!) I have often wondered about

> wheat but it is very hard to eliminate it from your diet as it is in so many

> things. I will try anything which may bring relief to this awful illness so

> I may cut out wheat as best I can and see what happens. Has anyone else

> done this?


> I am also trying to lose weight, like some of you. I am eating normal food

> but less of it. I find cooking difficult so it is easier to eat the same as

> my husband, Steve, rather than cook two seperate meals. I hope to go back

> swimming soon so that may help me lose a few pounds!


> When I started on my current meds. I did`nt have much pain for about three

> weeks and thought I had hit on the jackpot, but now it is all back again.

> Steve said that I am walking a bit better over the last 3 days but it is hard

> work sometimes. I have been thinking of saving for one of those small

> electric scooters that you can fold up and put in the car for when I am at my

> worst. Does anyone else have one of these? I hate being pushed in my

> wheelchair and would rather be more independant.


> Well, must go now.


> Hugs to you all

> Sue C





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Hi a

You are right about the ciggarettes and I am going to try again. I can`t

think about food at the moment because I have a stomach virus and can only

tolerate skimmed milk and honey. But it is funny with smoking, you can have

a really sore throat or bronchitis but you find a way to have a few puffs

which highlights the addiction. So, if I am going to stop smoking I will

eat what I want for the first 3 days, which were the worst when I gave up

last time.

It is nice to know that I will have support from my friends on as

it is going to be one of the hardest thing I have done.


Sue C

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Hmmm, thyroid problems huh? I have read alot about that here. I have had my thyroid checked many times....but nothing shows up. I still have a lot of the symptoms and suspect it has to do with the implants. I wonder what I should have my Dr. check? Does anyone know?

~ married to DH Mark, and sharing the lives of nine busy children. <3 <3

Re: Sweating

Excessive sweating was almost immediately an issue for me (even right down to my FEET), but I was also diagnosed with disabling Anxiety Disorder 6 months after implanting. (I'd always been Bipolar I and had a touch of OCD and Anxiety Disorder -but never this bad like night and day.) It IS an embarrassing issue. Especially when you work. Coupled with anxiety, when mine comes and I get real nervous ---it's more pungent than usual, so I have to really be careful and stay as cool as possible and drink a lot of water to help stay cool. I'd NEVER had this issue in my life. Also, if you have thyroid problems ---it makes it worse, too, because you stay "hot."

I hate that everyone goes through the things I suffer from, but at the same time ---THANK GOD, FINALLY people understand! Your stories validate these little things for me and let me know I'M NOT JUST CRAZY!!! LOL


In a message dated 7/21/2006 8:09:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, jdebolt@... writes:

I am curious about how many of us have had the issue of excessive sweating with implants? Do or did any of you ladies struggle with this? I am four weeks after explant, and still having trouble with it and it is driving me nuts!! I sweat everywhere/all the time..face, neck, back, arms....when everyone else is comfortable. Talk about unfeminine AND embarassing!! Sheesh, I was one who hardly ever sweats~of course that was before implants. I figure this has to do with detox/toxins, so I was thinking I would order some Fungal Defense...but I wonder if this is ever going to go away??? Does anyone have any suggestions? This is horrible!! Thanks.


~ married to DH Mark, and sharing the lives of nine busy children. <3 <3

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