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busy days

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Hi All

I haven't been on for a couple of days and I am trying to get through the

e-mails. It has been a busy couple of days for me. Wednesday I went to that

cooking show with my mom and cousins. It was a lot of fun. Not as great as

I had expected, but it was fun. My cousin remarked at the swelling of my

ankles and it was noticeable that they were starting to show some deformity

along with the joints in my fingers which I noticed on the way home from my

Remicade infusion on Thursday. I had my hand resting on the open window of

my friend's van and caught a glimpse of them in the mirror. I was shocked.

They looked so swollen and I could really see the deformity of the top and

middle joints of my fingers. Like I said, I had my 3rd Remicade infusion on

Thursday and it went well. My next one is in 8 weeks. After the infusion,

my friend and I went to lunch at Applebees and then came home. She stayed

for a bit to visit with Wyatt when he came home from school and they had a

nice time. I rested for a bit when she left until Wyatt came running and let

me know that a wasp was on the curtains. I went out to see that there was a

large nest between the window and the screen. We waited until it was dark

and I sprayed the nest. No casualties. Then today, my " friend " came over

and replaced the battery in my car and then we had a little romp. (I only

bring this up because it hasn't happened much lately.) Here's a funny little

add-on. Right in the middle of the fun, I got one of those lovely cramps in

my foot. Well I was trying to correct that problem and my leg started

jerking and he took it to mean that I was really having fun. I'll let you

guess the rest. I never did tell him about the cramp. LOL. It was fun

though. I rested a bit after that until Wyatt came home and my friend,

, came over and we went shopping. We had dinner at Wyatt's favorite

Chinese Buffet and then we went to Sam's Club (a warehouse club) and opened a

membership. Well they give their members an ID card with a photo on it. The

girl went to take the picture and the machine wouldn't work. We had a good

laugh that I broke the camera. After that, we went to s (an arts &

crafts store) where I spent entirely too much money. But we got some new

projects for the rainy days and winter. I love " trying " to do crafts.

Sometimes they come out nice and sometimes they don't come out at all. But

we learn from the mistakes. (most of the time) Forgive me if I am babbling,

but I took a percocet and I am feeling a little dippy. We were going to go

to the pet store, but we were worn out after all this and I had already

overspent, so we just came home. There were a lot of deer in the harvested

corn fields along the highway and we had fun trying to keep count of them. I

noticed field after field of ragweed and now I know why my allergies are

acting up. It is everywhere. I don't think that I have ever seen so much of

it. The whole landscape was yellow-gold as far as you could see. It was

very pretty. I love it when someone else is driving so I can really look

around. Wyatt got a new Playstation game and he and had fun trying it

out. went home and Wyatt is now sitting behind me drawing me pictures

and winding down before bed. Speaking of which, I had better close now as my

eyes are giving out on me. Hopes for everyone to have a good night's sleep.

Love and Sandman Hugs

Stacey in PA

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