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FW: RE: RE: Re: Can extended use of miralax cause vaginal infections o

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Corey -

Are you giving any magnesium supplement or other laxative now that

you've removed Miralax? I'd be concerned that fiber and avoiding milk

will not be enough to keep her bowels moving.

Also, epsom salt and baking soda baths can help - both with

constipation (epsom salts are magnesium sulfate) and with the discomfort.

Are you giving probiotics? These can help degrade the oxalates - many

really like VSL#3 (www.vsl3.com), particularly for oxalate issues. I

think it's the b. infantis which is particularly good at degrading

oxalates, although I believe other species of lactic acid bacteria do

this also. I use Kirkman Super Pro Bio



and alternate with Metagenics UltraFlora.

members of the " Trying_Low_Oxalates " group discuss epsom salt baths

and using arginine for relief of the oxalic acid pain during " dumps " -

I have not tried arginine for my son, although his latest episode was

terrible and I will consider this if he starts showing signs again.

there are a lot of descriptions of " oxalate dumping " and general

oxalate info at the Trying_low_oxalates group. Also, the moderator of

that board has started a website: http://lowoxalate.info/

The " vitamin K " group also discusses oxalate issues and emphasizes

utilizing probiotics (help degrade oxalates that get dumped in the

gut), baking soda/epsom salt baths help relieve pain & soothe

irritation, and taking small amounts of baking soda/salt orally to

help reduce body pH and help the kidneys clear acid better. (LeeAnn,

please jump in if I misinterpreted something here - I'm still trying

to process the vitamin K group's info......)

If you can get your daughter to urinate in a cup (or in her clean

potty & pour into a cup) you can check for crystals or cloudy urine.

My son's sometimes doesn't appear cloudy, but after about 5 - 10

minutes I can see the crystals settling out. Checking urine and

saliva pH can give you some insight. Check for LeeAnn's previous

posts here ( " mommtlc " ) on pH and also her tips in a document in the

files section.

Also, if you think removing dairy (casein) is helpful to her, you

might try removing gluten too. These often go hand in hand (not

always) - but it may help & could be worth a try.

Looking into an alternative laxative (e.g., magnesium supplementation)

to try to keep her bowels moving is probably something to do ASAP if

you haven't already.

Hang in there!!


Not to sound stupid but what exactly is

oxalates? My wife and I are curious?



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