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Re: Neustadter(Maggie,Louise and y) Update

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((((((((((((((((Louise)))))))))))))))....It's so good to hear from you.

I say AMEN to all your sentiments! That is some wonderful news! God

bless y in his recuperation, and God bless you for being a

wonderful wife & support. I hope you're able to get some rest...I'm

just so tickled to hear that Maggie is ok, you're ok & y got help

in the nick of time. Thanks be to God, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much Love & Many Hugs......


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Louise! What a relief to hear from you!

I knew about 1 and 2, but I was worried about 3. I'm so happy to hear

that y was treated in time and that you are both OK (Maggie, too).

I wasn't sure if Isidore got you or what.

Thanks for checking in. Please take care of yourself and y. You've

got to be worn out.

If we could only get a report about Lynn, too, I would be less anxious

(she had her surgery today).

[ ] Neustadter(Maggie,Louise and y) Update

> For those who had thought we had fallen off the face of the planet. 1.

Maggie our lab had her tumor removed and was cancer free-thanks be to

God. .2.I had the paracentesis done 12 Sept and Thanks be to God -No

cancer-noliver failure. -in fact the Doc could not even find the fluid

in the abdomen that was clearly there just 19 days according to the

ultrasound.Thanks be to God again. 3.y had his cardiac cath done on

Sept 13.-The cath showed 100% blockage in the right main,100% blockage

in the left main and 80% blockage in the left circumflex.he was

immediately kept in the hospital and had open heart surgery the

16th..Triple bypass surgery. He had NO symptoms and thanks to God again

had suffered no heart damage nor had he ever suffered a heart attack..

The cardiac surgeon said that if that last main vessel had finished

blocking he would have been DOA at the hospital.The amazing thing is

that the surgeon did not have to use either the heart by-pass machine or

a ventilator. He was in the hospital for a week only and is recovering

well at home.We are just sooo thankful and awed .I have been trying to

read the RA postings but after 12-14 hour days at the hospital it was

impossible to try to read them all. My Love to one and all. I just

wanted to let everyone know we were OK. Louise in Alabama

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You have so much to be thankful for. y is so lucky to have caught

these blockages before they caused heart damage. The good Lord was

definitely looking after him. I hope his recovery is quick and uneventful.

He and Maggie can recuperate together. Your news of your liver is also

very good!

Thanks for sharing all your good news! We were beginning to really worry

about you and y.


> For those who had thought we had fallen off the face of the planet. 1. Maggie

> our lab had her tumor removed and was cancer free-thanks be to God. .2.I had

> the paracentesis done 12 Sept and Thanks be to God -No cancer-noliver failure.

> -in fact the Doc could not even find the fluid in the abdomen that was clearly

> there just 19 days according to the ultrasound.Thanks be to God again.

> 3.y had his cardiac cath done on Sept 13.-The cath showed 100% blockage

> in the right main,100% blockage in the left main and 80% blockage in the left

> circumflex.he was immediately kept in the hospital and had open heart surgery

> the 16th..Triple bypass surgery. He had NO symptoms and thanks to God again

> had suffered no heart damage nor had he ever suffered a heart attack.. The

> cardiac surgeon said that if that last main vessel had finished blocking he

> would have been DOA at the hospital.The amazing thing is that the surgeon did

> not have to use either the heart by-pass machine or a ventilator. He was in

> the hospital for a week




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