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Re: Digest Number 2763

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I know someone that needed to get their cervix stapled toward the

middle of the pregnancy. Everything went well as I'm sure it will for your

daughter. You know us moms never stop be worried about our kids. I will send

up prayers for her and light a candle at church tomorrow. Barb

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That is such wonderful news. I'm so happy that everything went so

well for you and for everyone in your family. Thankful prayers will be going

up for all of you. Please take care, tell your hubby that I'm so very happy

that things went well for him and give the dog some good ear rubs. Have a

good wekend. Barb

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  • 3 years later...

I happen to love being an lp. There are so many things that I've learned I can

do just because I'm 3' 6 " . The benefits are enormous. Sure we have a problem

reaching things high but is that all that important? The things I've done. The

cool people I've meet just because I had the nerve to go up and talk to them. I

probably wouldn't have ever done that if I were 6' 2 " . But I don't do it as a

" look at me. I'm tiny! " thing. I just think of it as an ice breaker especially

if the other person is a little different. I talk to all people, no matter how

they may be different, the same way. As people. And when they realize that and

see that I'm just another person, not trying to patronize or scam them in some

way, it can turn into some really interesting conversations. In my opinion

everyone has something wrong with them. It may be something you can see, maybe

you can't. But we all have our problems and for someone to overlook all of that

crap and just treat and talk to people

like their humans it opens up a whole wonderful attitude that eases those

elephant in the room problems and most of the time can be very rewarding. I

truly feel that I was blessed being born small. I have osteoporosis and

osteoarthritis pretty bad and live in pain every day but I just take the good

with the bad and live my life the fullest that I can. I think every one should

and if you don't, it's your fault because really we are all ultimately

responsible for our happiness. God didn't make us small to punish us. The

world didn't make us small and definitely doesn't owe us a living or anything

else because we are small. We're people. I've never understood people that

were different that had that chip on their shoulders blaming the world or

something for making them small and having a bad attitude about it. It's sad.

Such a waste of a wonderful chance to be happy. I also feel that it is

everybody's God given right to be happy. It's given to us all. If you don't

want to

be or choose to hold yourself back for any reason, it's your own fault. That's

my 2 cents :-)



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