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Re: Parvovirus B19

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My son has Fifth's Disease. WIth this Parvovirus it scares the you know what

out of me that he could have rheumatoid arthritis. He developed Fifth's

awhile ago and still goes through arthritis type syndromes off and on. I

would hate for him to ever know the pain of constant RA...it breaks my heart

to see him ache even a little.


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I haven't had my son tested yet but I am about ready to put that proverbial

foot down. I think doctors just don't like being TOLD what to do because I

am lucky to have good insurance it tests would be covered without a fight.

What hurt does it do to get those tests done just to be sure, especially with

my history of RA. One thing he has working for him is he is a boy but

knowing my luck he would be one of those rarer men that get it.

He was to the point a week or so ago where he could hardly walk. He was

limping badly...which is VERY unusually for my guy. Even when he has his

minor flares he doesn't complain but that weekend he just sat and cried. I

was told just to keep him comfortable and that either his Fifth's was flaring

or he pulled a muscle. But he hadn't done anything that would warrant a

pulled muscle.

I am keeping my eye on it but next MINOR flare he is getting to the doctor

and we are just going to have it out so I can breath easy!


In a message dated 10/3/2002 12:15:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

iamladybird@... writes:

> Shandi: This is interesting to me as my sister-in-law

> was a teacher and got parvo-B19 two years ago...now

> she tests extremely high RF...she was so sick she had

> to stop teaching, but they wont diagnose her as having

> RA

> they said all the RA tests are coming back positive

> because of the virus...they also told her in children

> it is uncommon for it to cause this , but adults do

> get very sick....I will be interested in hearing what

> happens with your son....and hope he doesnt ever have

> to be told it is JRA....hugs kathi in OK

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According to this site, Fifths disease can trigger RA:


This site says patients may have a transiently elevated rheumatoid factor

but does not cause joint destruction


The arthropathy is usually mild and transitory in children but may persist

for several years in adults. In the acute stage it can mimic rheumatoid

arthritis (RA). But unlike RA, it does not cause joint destruction. However,

B19-induced arthropathy needs to be included in the differential diagnosis

of joint pain since NSAIDS--the foundation of RA treatment--are

contraindicated in patients whose joint symptoms are due to B19.


Antibodies to Parvovirus B19 non structural protein are associated with

chronic but not acute arthritis following B19 infection.


Does your sil have joint erosion Kathy?


> Shandi: This is interesting to me as my sister-in-law

> was a teacher and got parvo-B19 two years ago...now

> she tests extremely high RF...she was so sick she had

> to stop teaching, but they wont diagnose her as having

> RA

> they said all the RA tests are coming back positive

> because of the virus...they also told her in children

> it is uncommon for it to cause this , but adults do

> get very sick....I will be interested in hearing what

> happens with your son....and hope he doesnt ever have

> to be told it is JRA....hugs kathi in OK

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I wondered the same thing, a. Since RF is not specific to RA, and, if there

are no erosions, I can see why the docs are hesitant to give an RA diagnosis.

Re: [ ] Parvovirus B19


According to this site, Fifths disease can trigger RA:


This site says patients may have a transiently elevated rheumatoid factor

but does not cause joint destruction


The arthropathy is usually mild and transitory in children but may persist

for several years in adults. In the acute stage it can mimic rheumatoid

arthritis (RA). But unlike RA, it does not cause joint destruction. However,

B19-induced arthropathy needs to be included in the differential diagnosis

of joint pain since NSAIDS--the foundation of RA treatment--are

contraindicated in patients whose joint symptoms are due to B19.


Antibodies to Parvovirus B19 non structural protein are associated with

chronic but not acute arthritis following B19 infection.


Does your sil have joint erosion Kathy?


> Shandi: This is interesting to me as my sister-in-law

> was a teacher and got parvo-B19 two years ago...now

> she tests extremely high RF...she was so sick she had

> to stop teaching, but they wont diagnose her as having

> RA

> they said all the RA tests are coming back positive

> because of the virus...they also told her in children

> it is uncommon for it to cause this , but adults do

> get very sick....I will be interested in hearing what

> happens with your son....and hope he doesnt ever have

> to be told it is JRA....hugs kathi in OK

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I can understand your concern and frustration regarding the situation

with your SIL. I saw a Manhattan rheumatologist, too. We'll have to

compare notes privately on that one. If he diagnosed fibromyalgia, is

there no obvious swelling of her joints? Were her labs normal then? Is

she on any medication?

How was your SIL's parvovirus B19 infection diagnosed initially?

What is the lab cutoff for normal and how high is her RF? (RA test = RF

test - same thing; remember that RF positivity can occur in situations

other than RA.) Are any other labs abnormal?

You are very right about the fact that destruction can occur silently in

RA; however, right now the rheumatologists have to determine, if they

accept that your SIL's problems began with a parvovirus B19 infection,

what makes her case now RA not chronic parvovirus B19 infection. I think

the PCP's suggestion about taking some MRIs of her hands and feet would

be a good idea.

Re: [ ] Parvovirus B19

> >

> > Kathi,

> >

> > According to this site, Fifths disease can trigger

> > RA:

> > http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic136.htm

> >

> > This site says patients may have a transiently

> > elevated rheumatoid factor

> > but does not cause joint destruction

> >

> http://www.icondata.com/health/pedbase/files/FIFTHDIS.HTM

> >

> > The arthropathy is usually mild and transitory in

> > children but may persist

> > for several years in adults. In the acute stage it

> > can mimic rheumatoid

> > arthritis (RA). But unlike RA, it does not cause

> > joint destruction. However,

> > B19-induced arthropathy needs to be included in the

> > differential diagnosis

> > of joint pain since NSAIDS--the foundation of RA

> > treatment--are

> > contraindicated in patients whose joint symptoms are

> > due to B19.

> >

> http://www.mmhc.com/hcbd/articles/HCBD9801/Virus.html

> >

> > Antibodies to Parvovirus B19 non structural protein

> > are associated with

> > chronic but not acute arthritis following B19

> > infection.

> >

> http://www.biotrin.ie/literature/Parvo/arthritis3.htm

> >

> > Does your sil have joint erosion Kathy?

> >

> > a

> >

> >

> >

> > > Shandi: This is interesting to me as my

> > sister-in-law

> > > was a teacher and got parvo-B19 two years

> > ago...now

> > > she tests extremely high RF...she was so sick she

> > had

> > > to stop teaching, but they wont diagnose her as

> > having

> > > RA

> > > they said all the RA tests are coming back

> > positive

> > > because of the virus...they also told her in

> > children

> > > it is uncommon for it to cause this , but adults

> > do

> > > get very sick....I will be interested in hearing

> > what

> > > happens with your son....and hope he doesnt ever

> > have

> > > to be told it is JRA....hugs kathi in OK

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