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Entering the Portal of Mystical Realities

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Entering the Portal of Mystical RealitiesThere are times when it may seem your existence here is as dry asbroom straw. By this, we refer to a brittle feeling within that lacksresiliency and flow. Many on the Earth experience this and reach forthat which blunts the force of these feelings. Such actions result inaddictions that deaden the existence even further.When your spirit lacks vitality and color, this is a sign you are notgiving it what it needs to flourish. One aspect of this is amisunderstanding that physical reality feeds your spirit. In fact, itis your spirit that feeds your physical reality. When you attempt tolive in reverse, taking sustenance from the outer world, you quicklydeplete your spirit.Feeding your spirit what it needs to grow is much like feeding yourbody what it needs to thrive. While much of the sustenance for yourbody comes from cosmic life force energy, the food and

othersubstances you put into your body either facilitates or hinders yourbody's ability to receive this energy. When you take in substancesthat deaden your vitality and create blockages in your physicalsystem, you open the door for disease to manifest. So it is, when youattempt to feed your spirit with mundane, one-dimensional experiencesof the physical world, it begins to shrivel and withdraw from yourexistence. There are many in your world who exist with just a sparkof their spirit intact. These beings find themselves susceptible toafflictions and diseases of the body, mind and spirit.Awakening to the MysticalWhen you realize your existence has become dry and ruled by habit, itis time to withdraw some of your focus from physical reality andawaken your sleeping spiritual senses to the mystical energies allaround you. As you attune your senses to the realm of the "unseen,"you are able to explore and

experience a vast array of energies thatdeepen your spiritual understanding. This paradoxically gives you aricher experience of physical existence.We offer here some ways you can begin to access the portal of mysticalrealities in your daily life. The first step is the same as with allthings -- that is, set your intention to do so, then begin to shiftyour focus and attention through right use of will and desire. Onceyou have taken this first step, you can take the further steps oflistening to your imagination and trusting the images it brings you,and remembering and interpreting the messages your soul brings you inyour nightly dreams.The Doorway of the ImaginationIn your world, the imagination is often considered a second-rateinstrument that "makes up" things. The realm of the imaginary hascome into such scorn that many stifle the messages of theirimagination early in life. This is one of the greatest

points ofmisunderstanding in your world! Your imagination is your bridge tohigher consciousness. It is your greatest means of accessing otheraspects of yourself, such as your higher self, your oversoul, andother incarnational selves that exist in other timeframe dimensions.Cutting yourself off from your imagination is like attempting tofunction with only half your self intact. It's true, many adapt tosuch a "half" existence, but it is always with a great feeling of lossand a knowing that something important is missing. When you loseconnection with this wise and knowing part of yourself, you go throughlife without knowing why you are here. True love eludes those who arenot in touch with their soul. Life becomes an endless striving formaterial gain that never quenches the growing thirst for spiritualconnection.Those who have cut themselves off from their imagination can choose toreconnect by changing their

beliefs about the imagination. Understandand accept that all the images your imagination brings you are realand true and apply to you. Your imagination only brings you imagesthat are an energetic match for your present reality. Sometimes, inorder to understand the full meaning of these images, it is necessaryto view them in a symbolic rather than literal way. Perceiving yourexistence in a symbolic way requires you to take a few steps back fromphysical reality and enter the realm of the mystical.The Theater of Nightly DreamsIn much the same way, your nightly dreams bring images and messagesthat shed light on the state of your present-moment consciousness.They also offer glimpses of past and future moments as they apply toyour present moment. By setting the intention to remember thesemessages and understanding their meaning, you gain access to the realmof the mystical.Some of your nightly dreams center

on processing waking experiences.Ideally, at some point during the night, you complete this processingand enter an elevated dream state where you are able to receiveinformation and guidance from your higher self and guides. In thisstate, you may also commune with aspects of your self that exist inother time frame dimensions.As you become advanced in your dream time experiences, you are able toattend spiritual teachings all over the universe, or serve as avolunteer traveling in dream time to assist other souls in your worldand in other dimensions. There are many possibilities you are able toexplore as you become adept in dream time travels. We will speak moreon such possibilities next week in a discussion titled Entering thePortal of Angelic Intervention.To set up the probability of accessing elevated dream states, you canconsciously choose to process and distill the meaning of your wakingexperiences before you

enter the sleep state. One way to do this isto interpret the meaning of significant events from your day in termsof dream symbols. When you process your waking experiences prior toentering the sleep state, this frees time and energy that wouldotherwise be used processing your waking experiences.Another step is to speak to your higher self and guides before youfall asleep about the journeys and understandings you wish toundertake in your sleep state. Become clear about the areas on whichyou wish to focus. This sets up a framework of intention that takesyou into the timeframes, dimensions and journeys you wish toexperience during your dream time.As you learn to navigate the universe of the subconscious during dreamstates, you learn to bring the realm of the mystical into your wakingexistence.By entering the Portal of Mystical Experiences, you learn to feed yourspirit by awakening your spiritual senses to

the realm of the unseen,which has the power to grow your spirit and enrich your experience ofphysical existence. Within this portal, you encounter two doorways;one leading to the imagination and the other to the theater of yournightly dreams. Both offer access to the realm of the mystical whereyour highest probabilities beacon like fields of wildflowers.For more information, email Deborah@... or visitcelestialvision/

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