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Re: Nasty gas after surgery

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After any abdominal surgery there is gas....warm drinks like tea and room

temperature 7 up can help.....lying flat on a bed and rolling side to

side.....Gas X will help make it go burp or well.......the

other......walking has always been the best thing to do....I learned from my

1stCsection that it is never too early to walk .....After my hernia surgeries

last year I was begging to get up and walk....also dont let her drink thru a

straw......Judy in AZ

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I would call the doctor and see if she should be walking. My husband is

recuperating from abdominal surgery and has a lot of gas. They use gas to

blow up the abdominal area so that they have room to work. The only thing

that helps him is walking. When he sits, he hurts. Also ask her if her

bowels are moving and if not it could be a source of discomfort. I got my

husbands moving by having him drink a lot of fresh carrot/spinach juice.

Not to appealing, but that is what was recommended to help the

gas/consipation. I¹m also giving him ground flax seed. Drinking a lot of

water can also help. Because she is pregnant, she has to talk to her doctor

before doing anything. They really should have sent her home with

instructions. My husband is sleeping in a recliner. He cannot lay down

because it is to uncomfortable. Milk of magnesia was recommended for my

husband, but you have to ask if it¹s ok. I hope she feels better soon. If

she is allowed, I think walking will give her the most relief.


> Hi dear friends,


> I'm trying to keep up with a 2-year old, help my daughter, keep my

> husband on his diet, cook for a picky son-in-law, and going nutz!!

> If I can find someone who knows how to help this poor daughter of

> mine stop having so much intestinal gas--she is plum miserable, can't

> eat, sleep, or get comfortable. Her incision is healing nicely,

> muscles in the abdomen sore (naturally) but she says she has so much

> gas that she can't eat, and I think that makes the gas worse. Also,

> she isn't walking around much, and I'm trying to get her up and

> walking around the house. Is it too soon for her to move more? They

> didn't give her any instructions when they sent her home Thursday

> (she had surgery Tuesday) so we really don't know what to do. She

> called the dr. Friday and office nurse said to take Gas-X, which

> hasn't helped.


> Thanks all, and hope you are having a pain-free weekend.


> God bless,

> Judi in IN




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What about having her drink a carbonated drink. Have her lay down for

awhile then have her return to a sitting position. I know it sounds

weird but the carbon of course makes some people burp. If it doesn't

help right away, going from a laying position to a sitting position

may help push some of that gas out. Have youthough about calling the

hospital where she was at and seeing if you could get a hold of an RN

or someone there? Up here in MI we used to have a number that you

could call, it was called " Ask a Nurse " but with everyone making cuts

they did away with that. Maybe they have something in the phone book

there along that line. Don't know if I helped you or not. Probably

just babbled more than anything. Family has FINALLY left me alone

(kids are asleep/hopefully for the night) Good luck! OH, and hand

the pots and pans over to the son in law and tell himn to cook it

himself if he doesn't like what you make or he can starve!!!!!!! :)

Keri in MI

> Hi dear friends,


> I'm trying to keep up with a 2-year old, help my daughter, keep my

> husband on his diet, cook for a picky son-in-law, and going nutz!!

> If I can find someone who knows how to help this poor daughter of

> mine stop having so much intestinal gas--she is plum miserable,


> eat, sleep, or get comfortable. Her incision is healing nicely,

> muscles in the abdomen sore (naturally) but she says she has so


> gas that she can't eat, and I think that makes the gas worse.


> she isn't walking around much, and I'm trying to get her up and

> walking around the house. Is it too soon for her to move more?


> didn't give her any instructions when they sent her home Thursday

> (she had surgery Tuesday) so we really don't know what to do. She

> called the dr. Friday and office nurse said to take Gas-X, which

> hasn't helped.


> Thanks all, and hope you are having a pain-free weekend.


> God bless,

> Judi in IN

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