Guest guest Posted October 8, 2002 Report Share Posted October 8, 2002 Hello my friends! Well once again I was hopelessly behind in my posts, but I’ve finally caught up! Pheeeew! n & I went on a Marriage Encounter weekend last weekend, it was amazing and really helped us face and deal with a lot of the issues we have had over the last year and a half – like the RA, baby mission problems etc. It’s a fantastic thing for couples to go through and I’d really recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their relationship (apparently the movement comes from the US so you must have the possibility of doing it there). Otherwise all is well, Arthur is playing up again a little and that amazing energy I felt has been replaced by the usual fatigue. It was so wonderful to feel so energetic again and I really enjoyed it while it lasted. It’s crazy how we just get used to the fatigue – having energy again was such a revelation but it does make it a bit harder to accept this toned down version of myself LOL! Anyway at least I’ll appreciate it more when it comes back again. I’ve stuck all my replies below so that I don’t have to send a million e-mails and flood the board. You are all in my thoughts and prayers my little RA family ((((((((((((((Huge Hugs))))))))))))))))) Heidi Hi Judy, Thanks so much for letting us know how Debs is, if you speak to her again please send my love and tell her I am praying for her. Hugs, Heidi , We’ll miss you! Just remember that we are always here when you need us. Hugs, Heidi Hi Keri! Thanks for the good holiday wishes. I hope your trip was fun, how are you doing? I’m so sorry that is still so passive in attacking this disease, I really feel for you – it must be very difficult feeling that you have all the responsibility to look after him. You are in my prayers, I hope that this gets easier for you and that he starts to help you help him. Hugs, Heidi ((((((((((((((((((Tess))))))))))))))))))))))) Feeeee faaaaaaa Feeeeeee Faaaaaaa Feeeeeee faaaaaaa (Toe Truck siren blaring - coming your way!) I’m so sorry your toe is so sore, I have been praying it gets better. Please call your doctor about this new pain, just to be sure. ((((((Hugs)))))))) Heidi (((((((((((((Joanne))))))))))))))))) Sorry to hear you are having pain in your joints from the humidity but I’m very happy that you seem a bit more positive about your move. You can do it!! When I moved to Mauritius from South Africa a lot of people thought I was nuts because it’s far from my family, not as developed and the language and culture are very different (it’s French speaking and I couldn’t speak a word of French!). When I arrived I just told my husband, who was really stressed that I would be miserable, not to worry that I had DECIDED to be happy. It’s a simple silly thing to say but after nearly 5 years here now I have found that it was decisive in making this move work. It wasn’t easy but I was so determined to be happy and that it was my responsibility to make it happen that it worked. I learnt the language, have lots of friends and have come to really love my new little home. There are many South African’s here on work contracts or married to Mauritians like me but I’m one of the very few that speak French and who don’t spend all day moaning and groaning about all they’ve left behind and that the Mauritians never make an effort to speak English even though they know how, how they can’t find the “things” they could back home and how they live in “depression” and just HAVE to go back “home” up to 8 times a year to stay sane! I call them the “when wees” (when we were in SA … this When we were in SA …that) I always have to bite my tongue and stop myself offering them directions to the nearest travel agents for a one way ticket back to SA. I know it’s not very kind of me but it drives me nuts LOL! I made sure that I learnt French, made Mauritian friends almost exclusively and avoided the negative expatriate South African crowd although I have since made a few positive South African friends with the same attitude and I enjoy sharing our similarities. I found a job as soon as possible (which was really hard then, I had to take a job I was totally overqualified for because I didn’t speak/write the most used language – even though English is the official language everyone speaks French or Creole) and tried to meet new people. It was really hard in the beginning and I felt so lonely and frustrated not really understanding much and feeling so stupid with my awful French. Sometimes it was tempting to join the South African crowd just to mix with people that shared my language, culture and sense of humor, but every time I tried it I just felt worse – they were so negative it just drained all my positive energy and determination away and made me feel depressed. All the effort really paid off in the end. I love it here now, have a great support network and enjoy our lifestyle. Yes it’s different but it’s not worse. So many Mauritians comment that it’s great to see a foreigner make the effort, what they don’t realize is that the one who benefited most from all those efforts is me! I hope you don’t think I’m bragging, I’m just trying to show you the state of mind that helped me to be happy in my big move. I hope that you can decide to be happy in your new state and that you will try to reach out to others and make friends and find your own support network. Yes you do have obstacles with RA that might make it harder but I really believe in you that you can do what you need to make you happy, you’ve already started by reaching out to the other members here on the board that live near you. You are in my thoughts and prayers and have all our support. We are holding your hand through this rough patch. (((((((((((((((((((((Hopeful happy hugs))))))))))))))))))))))) Heidi LOL! Kathe! Yes I’m planning on doing a lot of s ss ss …. smiling! :-) Thanks for the holiday good wishes. I’m sorry you are having problems with the Avara, hopefully diminishing the dose will help. Hugs, Heidi Hi Shandi, I’m so sorry you have to see your son in such pain, I agree with you that you should have it checked out thoroughly. It must be really hard on you. Your step-mom and your family are in my prayers, it’s so sad to watch one of our loved ones dying of cancer, my grandfather died of prostrate cancer that spread a few years ago, it was really terrible watching such a strong capable man that we loved so much slowly slipping away. You and your family are in my thoughts. ((((((((sending gentle hugs)))))))))))))and prayers across the ocean. Heidi , I’m sorry you are having so much pain and trouble with your feet, I hope they find a better solution to keep you comfortable. You are in my prayers, Hugs, Heidi Hi a, This is great! It’s so nice that they are doing something so proactive, it should create a lot of awareness. Thanks so much for the holiday wishes, I really appreciate them. I hope your husband is recovering well from his surgery and that it wasn’t anything too serious. You are both in my prayers, Hugs, Heidi a wrote: From: a <paula54@...> Subject: Arthritis Foundation Launches PSAs Laurie, Thanks for letting us know about your mom! Lynn, if you can read this WELCOME HOME!! I hope that you are recovering well and are not in too much pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers, please rest and get better soon. ((((((((((((((((healing hugs))))))))))))))))) love Heidi Hi Kathi! Thanks for the good holiday wishes, I’m really excited. I’m so sorry you are still in so much pain and having so many problems, you are in my thoughts and prayers. ((((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))))))) Heidi (((((((((((((((((Al)))))))))))))))))))) Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about Randi, of course prayers are flying out the window right away. Your family must be in an absolute state over both of you. It must be really difficult for her and your family to face the possibility that she may have cancer at such a young age. I will pray that it is something benign and that her tests come back okay. You, and the boys haven’t left my prayers for a minute; please let us know as soon as your tests come back, I’m so worried about you. When are you expecting your results? Sending (((((((((((((((((((((((((huge hopeful praying hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Heidi (((((((((((((((((((Judi)))))))))))))))))))))) I’m so sorry to hear that Ron may have Parkinson’s disease; I’ll pray that the doctor is wrong but if he is right then I’ll pray that it is a mild form and for the strength to deal with it. It’s great that you are keeping a positive attitude though it will help you in the hard times – please remember we are here whenever you feel the need to Whine though, it’s important to let go of those feelings sometimes and you must be so worried and scared. Sorry to hear that Arthur is not behaving himself either, I hope you are going to be able to rest up soon and look after yourself. I’m so glad got home from the hospital alright, I will keep her in my prayers until she is running around again (well as much as she can with 3 little babies sharing her space :-) Gosh I really feel for her with this gas problem, I had an operation last year for endometriosis, the pain from the incision wasn’t too bad but the gas nearly killed me (not literally :-) but wow it hurt) it felt like a truck had run over my ribs, back and shoulders – 10 times! I hope it gets better soon, it took me almost a week for it all to work out of my system, sorry but I can’t think of anything that might help I just kind of waited it out, walking did give some relief though. She should speak to her doctor though. TJ sounds so adorable, poor little guy is going to be overwhelmed to go from being the only child to the eldest of four! Thank goodness he has such a wonderful granny. Hope you were hearing right with those little feet in the background LOL! Yes the holiday is going to involve lots of beach and sounds of waves – as we are now going into summer I’m really looking forward to relaxing on the beach and swimming in the ocean. It’s going to be so great! You are an amazing mom and gran looking after everyone like this but please look after yourself a bit my friend, take that bubble bath, don’t forget the chocolate and let your SIL eat cornflakes for dinner if he has a problem with your cooking! ((((((((((((((((Hugs of energy)))))))))))))))))))))) Heidi (((((((((((((((((Tess)))))))))))))))))) LOL! Floofy pom-poms! LOL! Thanks so much for the cheerleading and good wishes – you made my day! I hope your toe is feeling a little better today. It’s just so wonderful that you are so happy and positive again, the medication seems to be doing wonders for you. ((((((((((((((((Happy Hugs)))))))))))))) and God bless you bunches too! Love Heidi ((((((((((((((((((Myra))))))))))))))))))))))))) I’m so sorry that you are in so much pain and feel so down. I wish I could come over and give you a big hug. It must be very difficult not having anyone to offer the love and support you need to get you through this. I agree with that it’s unacceptable that you are being left to live in so much pain. I will pray that this Rheumy will treat your disease and pain aggressively and give you some much needed relief. This is NOT in your head and you do not have to live like this! If he doesn’t tell him to hit the road jack! and find someone who will give you the treatment you deserve. I sure know what you mean about feeling old, we probably all do. I feel very old sometimes and I’m only 26 years old. I think the suggestion to speak to your doctor about your feelings of depression because of how you feel was very important, please do. (((((((((((Hopeful hugs))))))))))))) and prayers for relief. We are here whenever you need someone to listen. Heidi Hi Armanita, Sorry I can’t answer your question but I just wanted to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I will pray that you get some relief from this new drug. ((((((((Hugs))))))))) Heidi ((((((((((((((((Debs)))))))))))))))))))) Thank you so much for your wise words and baby wishes! I agree that we need to enjoy this time together. Actually we are a lot more relaxed about it so far this time so it’s great. We went to a “Marriage Encounter” weekend this weekend recommended by a priest – wow – amazing! It was so wonderful for us and we really got so much closer and communicated more than we ever have before (and I thought we were doing pretty well before that LOL!) I’m sure it will help our little mission. I’m so sorry you have to have more surgery but hope that this will be the one that sorts this all out! I am going to light a candle for you tonight (which is your morning!) and say special prayers with my hubby just for you. Please don’t think that we could ever get bored of you! You are our Debs and we love you and care for you. We are all worried when you are not well and concerned to know what’s going on. If it’s not too much trouble, please ask someone to let us know how you are doing – we really do worry when we hear nothing. ((((((((((((((Gigantic Huge Enormous Dinosaur HUGS))))))))))))))))))))) and lots of love for a very special friend I miss very much. Heidi (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Jan)))))))))))))))))))))))) I’m so sorry you were so sick. It sounds like you’ve been having a really hard time lately. You are a wonderful grandmother, Richie is so lucky to have someone in his little life that loves and cares for him so much. I was so sad for him after reading your post, it sounds like the poor little thing has really had a hard time. It’s fantastic though that your daughter has found the courage to divorce that abusive man, you must be so relieved. They are both in my prayers and so are you. Thank you so much for the good wishes for my holiday, I’m really looking forward to it. ((((((((((Hugs and prayers))))))))))))))) Heidi Subject: My first post... do I have it? Hi Anne! Welcome to the group! It’s impossible to say without seeing a doctor if you have arthritis or not. There are also so many different forms of arthritis that with just the little bit of information you gave it would be very hard to say. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I must say that it started kind of like you describe about 3 years ago few years ago, I would have a stiff swollen finger (like a sausage) for a few days/weeks and just ignore it. Then I had a stiff wrist and couldn’t use my hand in the mornings on and off for a few days at a time – I went to two doctors, one suggested that I was straining my wrist doing up my car windows!!?? LOL! He prescribed squeezing a rubber ball to strengthen my wrists! The other said it was nothing (it was noticeably swollen but he didn’t even look) nother “in your head” doctor. This irritated my Rheumatologist no end when I finally met her after being diagnosed by a new doctor. She was really cross no one had tried to go further earlier. I was finally diagnosed when I went into a major full body (all my joints) flare and was unable to do anything for about 3 months. I got all the classic symptoms of RA then, like fever, stiffness – especially in the morning, really painful swollen joints that were hot to the touch – they actually went red they were so hot, extreme fatigue etc. My life stopped and the disease basically crippled me I was in so much pain. First my doctor suspected a virus and prescribed Panadol, then voltaren, the RA never stopped flaring which eventually led to her finding the right diagnosis. If I hadn’t had such a major flare or if the Voltaren had worked and it had gone away I doubt I would have been diagnosed at all yet. I really would suggest that you speak to your doctor about your fears, they should be able to help you by doing the tests necessary to find out what the problem is. I will pray for you that it’s not RA! But if ever it is it’s important to be diagnosed early. Let us know what the doctor says. Take care, Heidi Hi Kitty! I’m not too sure if we’ve met officially. If not then HI! And WELCOME! Sorry about your cancer scare, that must have given you another perspective on life. It’s nice to have a companion on my baby-making mission! (I hope I understood right that you are trying for a baby) Maybe we can compare notes! How long have you been trying? What meds are you taking for the RA while you’re trying? Has your doctor given you any pregnancy specific advice related to RA and medication? How old are you? Oops it’s 20 questions time LOL! I’m 26 years old and was diagnosed with RA when I was 25. We’ve been trying for a baby for over 2 & a half years now (quiet a bit over!). I take prednisone to control the RA, the doctors have said it’s the only thing that’s safe for a fetus. They have told me that it will be safe to take throughout pregnancy if it’s necessary and afterwards I’ll start either Plaquenil or Methotrexate. My gynae however wants me to drop my dose of Pred as much as possible and try to lose a little weight – easier said than done! I’m only taking 5mg a day right now and I can feel it’s not enough – Arthur is saying Hi! And my blood tests are not too good, both CRP & ESR being higher than usual but it’s worth it so I’m not complaining! I hope I haven’t bored you with the detail; it’s just interesting to meet someone going through the same thing. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. Hugs, Heidi Hi there Janet! Welcome to the group! I wanted to give you a big (((((((((hug)))))))))) hello, your story really touched me because it could have been me writing that, except for the part with the children (none yet). I’m 26 years old and was diagnosed at 25. I had exactly the same reactions as you at work “you’re too young” “oh my grandmother had that in her knees” “do you know you’ll be crippled in a wheelchair” “yes my finger hurts too sometimes” bla bla bla The latest and my absolute Favorite “no no no you don’t have it, my friend has Terminal Rheumatoid Arthritis – the serious one!!??!!” and of course the eternal “but you look fine” It’s great that you have a good Rheumy, mine is great too – she just had a baby and is on 4 months maternity leave, I’m happy for her but it’s a bit scary knowing she’s not available, but she’s wonderful! I had exactly the same experience as you when I was first diagnosed, couldn’t do anything! My husband had to brush my hair (it was long and I had to cut it short), squeeze my toothpaste out, open the fridge door any door actually, I couldn’t drive and he even had help me onto and off the loo (really embarrassing)! I even had to wake him up to pull up the covers when I was cold, it was just too painful and difficult. It was a nightmare and I was terrified that was “it”, my life was over! None of the NSAID’s worked for me, I tried Voltaren, Mobic and a few others and then she finally put me on Prednisone. The first dose didn’t work so well and I still had pain and stiffness so she increased the dose till….WOW! It was a complete turnaround and within days I was feeling almost as good as my old self, it was really amazing. I’ve been on Pred for about 16 months now and do get flares sometimes and but nothing close to how bad it was in the beginning. I will start either Plaquenil or Methotrexate once I’ve had a baby. I’ve been really lucky though that my RA is not as aggressive as some of our friends here and has been well controlled by the Pred. Sorry this has been so long and I hope you weren’t bored but I just wanted to share my story to show you that there is hope and a diagnosis of RA doesn’t mean the end of your world, with the right treatment you should be able to play in the grass with your little babies again and have a life closer to the one you miss again. It is very hard to accept that you have a chronic disease, don’t feel bad if you go through the “grief and acceptance” and back to the “anger and grief” all over again a few times. It’s so normal and we all go through the same thing. This group is an enormous help in dealing with this disease. You have on tap support and information whenever you need it from people who honestly care and truly know how you are feeling. We are all walking this road together and are there to help. Just jump in and make yourself at home. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Heidi (((((((((((((((Carol)))))))))))))))))) Oooooohhh noooooo! I missed your birthday! I’m a bit behind and only just saw this HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I’m so sorry you had such a bad flare during your visit, gosh Arthur is a real pain in the you know what sometimes. Thank goodness it’s getting better. Please try and get some rest now and get rid of this virus ASAP. I’m so glad baby and his mom are doing well. The jobs going well, as hectic as ever. I’m really looking forward to that holiday! The Marriage Encounter we went on during the weekend was really an incredible experience. Very emotional and interesting, almost life altering LOL! One thing that came out of it was how much my job interferes with our life/my health and amazingly enough during all the exercises we did I didn’t once bring it up as a top priority in my life, hopes and dreams even though I am so devoted to it and it is definitely given priority over everything else. Weird how life works out, anyway right now moving isn’t really an option but at least I can try to change the center of my universe more towards something that is more important to me. Eventually I would love to do volunteer work, something to help others. Hopefully Jules will one day make enough for me to be able to give myself to something a bit more in line with what I really want to do. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy the challenge of my job but it’s such a superficial world – banking – just talking about money all day. I love my clients as individuals and enjoy trying to help them but let’s be honest they are not exactly Needy if they can bank with us LOL! The baby mission is in full swing :-) I’m trying not to think about it but it’s pretty much impossible – I’m far more relaxed about it though – just have a good feeling that all those prayers are going to work. The Non-smoking mission has been a great success! It will be 4 weeks on Wednesday and I don’t even have cravings anymore, I haven’t even put on any weight, which I’m so relieved about! I will e-mail you my weight loss for the week and am very stoked to report that I’ve lost another 2 pounds! I hope you have a good safe trip home, enjoy your new floors! Please let us know how your virus is going. Sending love ((((((((((((((((dinosaur hugs))))))))))))))))))) and hot chicken soup across the ocean. Heidi Hi Jeanine! I’m so glad to hear you are feeling a little better after your surgery, I hope that you continue to improve. Thanks for your prayers! Hugs & prayers, Heidi Subject: the way to inner peace - OT funny LOL Kathe! Hi ! I’m so sorry to hear that you have IBS on top of the RA. It sounds like you are on quiet a cocktail of meds, I hope you get some relief from them soon. Please take & a’s advice and check out if you are being looked after properly, a second opinion on your medication might be a good idea. You are in my thoughts and prayers, I will say special prayers that your biopsy is negative. Hugs, Heidi Subject: How Long Will It Take? I’m so sorry your Dad is suffering so much, he really needs to see another Doctor that will treat his pain and disease more aggressively. I think it’s wonderful that you care so much and have come to try and find out more, welcome to the group! What you are doing now and just listening and supporting your dad will do wonders for him, he must be pretty scared right now. Like you say everyone is different but I can tell you from my experience that it took about 3 months to find the right treatment and regain most of my before RA activities and be almost pain free a lot of the time. I still work and have a very active life. There is hope, please don’t think that he will need to be like this forever. You and your family are in my prayers, please feel free to come on over and ask anything you need, we are here to offer information and support to each other and there are others here who come for support because someone they love has RA. Hugs, Heidi _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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