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Welcome to the OBnurses list, Suzanne! Your test messages got through,

though the first one has an attachment which I wouldn't open becase I didn't

know what it was. Any idea what the attachment was?

Nice to have you here!


There can't be a crisis today, my schedule is already full.

[OBnurses] new member


> << hi my name is suzanne. Before my intro, I am just sending this to see


> it goes through, as I have been having some email probs today, keep


> failure messages. Thanks! >>



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Ok, Suzanne, no problem! It may have just been AOL attaching the original

message if you replied to the welcome message. Each ISP has it's own

idiosyncrasies. <g>

Go redirect your sleeping daughter, then when you return, maybe you could

explain that? :) (the sleepwalking daughter!)


Re: [OBnurses] new member

> From: BullFrog2908@...


> I have no idea what the attachment was, what a screwy day! I am glad to


> up and running now. I have to go redirect my sleepwalking daughter, I


> return. Suzanne


> ---------------------------

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Hi Suzanne!

Hey I have a sleepwalking daughter too! She's 9 yo, it is sooo very weird & she

does it almost


in KY

BullFrog2908@... wrote:

> From: BullFrog2908@...


> I have no idea what the attachment was, what a screwy day! I am glad to be

> up and running now. I have to go redirect my sleepwalking daughter, I shall

> return. Suzanne


> ---------------------------

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Tricia,

Good luck. There should be staff at the state school where your daughter

currently lives who could help get you in touch with resources in the Denton

area (whether Denton State School, or other resources).



> My name is Tricia. I am mother to a lovly young lady who was diagnosed with

> autism at the young age of two and a half, and is 23 years old now.


> any information regarding placements,

> activities for adults, etc. in the Denton area, as this is where I am

> planning to move to next year, and my daughter with me. At this time I am in

> San , Tx.


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Hi Tricia,

My name is Peg Pickering and I live in Denton. My son

with autism is only 3, so I haven't explored all the

adult services available. You might start with the

ARC of Denton County at or .

Also, get in touch with REACH (Resource Centers on

Independent Living) in Denton at . They

after a bunch of services for teens and adults.

Hope this helps. Best of luck to you

Peg P

Mit and Janie's Mom

--- Ssundnce@... wrote:

> Thank you Micheal,


> My name is Tricia. I am mother to a lovly young lady

> who was diagnosed with

> autism at the young age of two and a half, and is 23

> years old now. I am 45

> years old. I work full time asassistant manager for

> a local convienent store.


> My daughter does not live with me at this time,

> although I have tried to

> mainstream her into my home several times through

> the years.


> I am excited about all the new information at my

> finger tips, as it gives me

> more hope that I will excell with knowledge that

> will further help mein my

> never ending search to improve my daughters life.


> My goal at this time is to adventurally move my

> daughter from the state

> school she is in, into a group home close to me,

> where I may have a closer

> relationship and interaction with her caregivers.

> And more time and

> involvement with her.


> I noticed that one of your members lives in Denton,

> Tx. I am also hoping

> to gain knowledge from this person on any

> information regarding placements,

> activities for adults, etc. in the Denton area, as

> this is where I am

> planning to move to next year, and my daughter with

> me. At this time I am in

> San , Tx.


> I look forward to learning from this site. I am

> open, and always look for the

> potential to be reached in all our exceptional

> children, no matter what age.


> Thank you for being here.


> Tricia






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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys,

Sorry I haven't responded lately. " Influenza " moved into our house for the

week. Had a hard time kicking him out.LOL Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

I'll be relocating from Hawaii to the Columbus, GA area in March. My husband

is military and I am hoping to get back into OB. I did get a lead lately from

someone from an Infusion company looking for a PICC certified nurse. I guess

that could hold me until I could get back into the hospital. How would I find

out if I need refresher courses and any other training to go back to

L & D/postpartum? Have you known of many nurses having problems with changing

their specialty?

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----M4863@... Wrote----

> Hi guys, <BR>

> Sorry I haven't responded lately. " Influenza " moved into our house for the


> week. Had a hard time kicking him out.LOL <snip>

> L & D/postpartum? Have you known of many nurses having problems with changing >

their specialty?


Have you tried an online hospital search for the area or <nursingnet.org>,

<nursingwebsearch.com>, <ublib.buffalo.edu/units/hsl/intenet, I think there's

one more that's really good but I'll have to email a friend and get the www...

I think if you wanted to get into L & D an update with Neonatal Resuscitation and

AWHONN's Fetal Monitoring course and certification would get you in the groove.

Hope youre feeling better,


Lawrence, KS

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Re: [OBnurses] New member

> From: M4863@...


> Hi guys,

> Sorry I haven't responded lately. " Influenza " moved into our house for the

> week. Had a hard time kicking him out.LOL Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

Wow, ! That flu packs a whallop, and can be deadly. Please be careful,

and don't overdo it while you are recovering.


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  • 6 months later...
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Shauna..WELCOME!!! We are so glad you have choseb to work with our kids through

ABA!! And when you finish school and get to Atlanta you willl have no problem

finding work. MY grandson is in Maine (where I am visiting this week) and gets

30 hr ABA a week for 23 months....it surely works wonders, especially when

comcined with the GFCF diet . Keep us posted on your training and the

experience you are having and again Welcome!! Cale UNLOCKING AUTISM

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  • 3 years later...

Hi Littlebit,

Welcome to the group! I agree with the previous comment about how you were

fired. Depending on what your job is (excluding medical-related jobs that

have the potential for blood-contact) having HepC is not grounds for


Also, how did your employer find out about the HepC? You would have had to

sign a release allowing your doctor to give the information to your

employer. If your employer is also your insurer, they may only use your

health information for insurance-related purposes, and not for

employment-related purposes. This is a violation of HIPAA (Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act).

I would encourage you to contact your County's health department for your

medical care. Also you may be eligible for Medicaid. Best wishes,


new member

Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and I just wanted to say

" Hi " . I have had hepatitis c for 23 years. It started giving

me problems for the last year. I didn't even know I had it

until last year. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Ever

since my surgery I have had problems. I was also diagnosed

with Bi-Polar disorder,High blood pressure and my joints

ache all the time. I also itch a lot and my hands swell up

really bad. I had my liver biopsy done Sept. 24 and the

results wasnt all that good. I was going to have treatment

but my doctor said he wouldn't give me treatment until my

doctor that is treating me for Bi-polar and depression gave

him a letter stating I could handle it. But when my insurance

papers got back to my job and they found out I had Hepatitis

They fired me. So now I don't have insurance or a job. I can't

even see a doctor at this point. The worst thing of all is my

son is in the Navy and he was deployed in August and I haven't

even told him any of this. Well I'm sorry, I didnt mean to go

on and on. Thanks for letting me vent.It feels good to have

somebody to talk to. Thanks Littlebit8861

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Welcome to the group, i'm canadian so i'm not into the Amrerican

legal poop, but many here have experience, so fight for those



> Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and I just wanted to say

> " Hi " . I have had hepatitis c for 23 years. It started giving

> me problems for the last year. I didn't even know I had it

> until last year. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Ever

> since my surgery I have had problems. I was also diagnosed

> with Bi-Polar disorder,High blood pressure and my joints

> ache all the time. I also itch a lot and my hands swell up

> really bad. I had my liver biopsy done Sept. 24 and the

> results wasnt all that good. I was going to have treatment

> but my doctor said he wouldn't give me treatment until my

> doctor that is treating me for Bi-polar and depression gave

> him a letter stating I could handle it. But when my insurance

> papers got back to my job and they found out I had Hepatitis

> They fired me. So now I don't have insurance or a job. I can't

> even see a doctor at this point. The worst thing of all is my

> son is in the Navy and he was deployed in August and I haven't

> even told him any of this. Well I'm sorry, I didnt mean to go

> on and on. Thanks for letting me vent.It feels good to have

> somebody to talk to. Thanks Littlebit8861

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Welcome and I hope things start looking up for you. The side effects of some of

the treatments have depression and suicidal thoughts. Its probably a good thing

that they don't want to start you on it right now.

I hope your son comes home safe and happy.


littlebit8861 wrote:

Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and I just wanted to say

" Hi " . I have had hepatitis c for 23 years. It started giving

me problems for the last year. I didn't even know I had it

until last year. I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Ever

since my surgery I have had problems. I was also diagnosed

with Bi-Polar disorder,High blood pressure and my joints

ache all the time. I also itch a lot and my hands swell up

really bad. I had my liver biopsy done Sept. 24 and the

results wasnt all that good. I was going to have treatment

but my doctor said he wouldn't give me treatment until my

doctor that is treating me for Bi-polar and depression gave

him a letter stating I could handle it. But when my insurance

papers got back to my job and they found out I had Hepatitis

They fired me. So now I don't have insurance or a job. I can't

even see a doctor at this point. The worst thing of all is my

son is in the Navy and he was deployed in August and I haven't

even told him any of this. Well I'm sorry, I didnt mean to go

on and on. Thanks for letting me vent.It feels good to have

somebody to talk to. Thanks Littlebit8861

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  • 3 months later...
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A big welcome to the group, Sorry you had to find us this way!

Start reading, drink lots of water (half your body weight in ounces

of water)even if you are not doing meds. Start a file, then ask for

and keep a copy of every test they run. It's amazing how helpful

that info can be. I'd have the kids tested, just to ease your mind,

but the chances of them having it are not great. It must be blood

to blood transfer.

You should both avoid sharing any personal care items like

toothbrushes, reazors etc. with the kids, and even with each other.

Knowledge is power! Read all you can!


> Hi,

> I just found your group and was so thankful. I found out yesterday


> have tested positive for Hep C. My husband was diagnosed two years

> ago but has been fine so far, no elevated levels of whatever they

> check for (I am really ignorant on this so far, sorry). We thought

> we were being so careful, but I have it anyway. I go to a


> Friday. I have been having sore muscles for about three months and

> couldn't figure out what was causing it, but other than that, have

> always been healthy and have felt good. We are 50 and 49 yrs old

> with two small, adopted children. Our doc says they don't need to


> tested but I think they should be, any thoughts on that? I can't

> find much on the internet about living with children and Hep C.

> Les

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Welcome Kim,

Glad you came out of Lurkedom!!

We love it when you introduce yourself. That way we can get to know

you better. We are a friendly bunch here. Most helpful group of

individuals that I have ever hoped to call my friends. Now I have a

new friend YOU!!

Let me introduce myself to you. I am Janet and I am a moderator here.

I will try my best to provide you with the current information and

answers to your questions. I am the mother of 5 children. Yup 5.

My youngest and my hearts delight is 8 years old. I have was dx with

Hep C (hmmmmm lets see, brain fog.) About 3 years ago. I under went

treatment with the Peg-intron and rebetrol and was a non-responder.

Been off of treatment since last sept. And although not much has

changed for me. I am still suffering with fatigue,muscle aches. I

now have joint pain to add to the list. LOL

But I keep myself active, go to my daughters soccer games, camping

with family, work in the yard(when my knees will allow me to do it.)

Ride my bike (not so hard on the knees). And so forth.

You have to keep a good attitude about this diease. Most of us will

die with the diease and NOT FROM THE DIEASE!!!

I no longer partake of alcoholic drinks because it is not good for

the liver. I watch the type of meds that I am on and so forth.

I am going to live a long time!!!!!!!!!

So never get discouraged because we are here to help and believe me

we are great spirit lifters.



> Hi,


> I have been lurking for a since last week and thought I should


> myself. My name is Kim. I'm the single mom of 3 kids - 2 at home


> have their own disabilities (ADHD and learning disabled) and 1 who


> away from home. I found out a few months ago that I had Hep C. I


> in total shock. I should not be in any of the risk categories


> for my ex-husband. He was (probably still is) an IV drug user.


> haven't been together in over 12 yrs. I've been practically a nun


> then and don't even drink (due to other health issues). I

finally got

> through all the testing including the liver biopsy and am going to


> combo treatment on April 8th. I have been really depressed and


> the past week since I got the results of my biopsy. I wasn't


> as much liver damage as I have. The report says I have grade 2-3.


> what does that make me - a 2 or 3? It really scares me because I


> to be around for my kids and I have to be able to work. One good


> (so my doc says) is I have the 2b genotype. I'm just hoping I


> enough sick time to make it through treatment and most importantly


> it works.


> Just reading everyone's posts has helped me a great deal. I'm

going to

> try to eat healthier and as I've been reading drink lots of

water :-)


> Kim K

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HI Kim,

I'm , diagnosed in 2000, with genotype 3a. I have been in

remission since Nov. 2000 and consider myself to be cured. Just

wanted to let you know that Hep c has a very low sexual transmission

rate, 0-3%, but you may have been infected by sharing a razor or a

toothbrush. Those are risk factors too. However, you need'nt rack

your brains trying to figure out how you got it; it won't change

anything you need to do from here on in. You mentioned your grade

was a 2-3. The grade is the amount of inflammation and that

fluctuates anyway, that's why liver enzyme levels fluctuate in people

with hep c. The more important result of your biopsy would be your

stage. That is the amount of fibrosis or scarring of your liver.

With a genotype of 2, you have a good chance of clearing this virus.

Best wishes to you in your treatment.


> Hi,


> I have been lurking for a since last week and thought I should


> myself. My name is Kim. I'm the single mom of 3 kids - 2 at home


> have their own disabilities (ADHD and learning disabled) and 1 who


> away from home. I found out a few months ago that I had Hep C. I


> in total shock. I should not be in any of the risk categories


> for my ex-husband. He was (probably still is) an IV drug user. We

> haven't been together in over 12 yrs. I've been practically a nun


> then and don't even drink (due to other health issues). I finally


> through all the testing including the liver biopsy and am going to


> combo treatment on April 8th. I have been really depressed and


> the past week since I got the results of my biopsy. I wasn't


> as much liver damage as I have. The report says I have grade 2-3.


> what does that make me - a 2 or 3? It really scares me because I


> to be around for my kids and I have to be able to work. One good


> (so my doc says) is I have the 2b genotype. I'm just hoping I have

> enough sick time to make it through treatment and most importantly


> it works.


> Just reading everyone's posts has helped me a great deal. I'm

going to

> try to eat healthier and as I've been reading drink lots of water :-



> Kim K

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  • 1 month later...
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And thanks for saying hello to all of us.

If we can help in anyway let us know.



> I have been reading the messages for the last couple of weeks and

> have found them to very interesting and informative.


> I will be taking shot #8 this Friday night. So far sides have been

> predictable but not overly severe. I do go into the dumper for


> three days. I have missed only a couple of days of work due to the

> treatment. I have missed more days going to the doctor.


> I am receiving treatment at the VA and they have been great!


> that there is a disproportionately high incidence of HCV amoung

> Vietnam era vets and they dont know why.)


> Sure hope this stuff works....

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 6/29/2004 11:10:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

tcervo@... writes:

how do you make your signitures worth the time



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In a message dated 6/30/2004 5:04:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

kanga2@... writes:

End Stage Liver Disease. It basically means that Daryl's liver is so damaged

the only treatment for long term survival is a liver transplant. It's also

known as Decompensating Liver Disease.

I'm sorry Bob. One of my ASS-U-ME moments.


Re: New Member


What's ESLD stand for? (I'll give myself a " Duh! " in advance)

Bob Drury

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End Stage Liver Disease. It basically means that Daryl's liver is so damaged the

only treatment for long term survival is a liver transplant. It's also known as

Decompensating Liver Disease.

I'm sorry Bob. One of my ASS-U-ME moments.


Re: New Member


What's ESLD stand for? (I'll give myself a " Duh! " in advance)

Bob Drury

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I wouldn't be able to comment much on his bedside manner. Both rounds

of treatment that I underwent were done under the auspices of studies

that he supervised. Virtually all of my contact was with the research

coordinator. He did keep me well medicated against the side effects.

I ran into him in Lunds one day and he did recognize me. He gave my

grocery basket the once over and commented that I was eating healthful

food. :)


TigerHawk wrote:

>Dr. has the reputation of being the best gastroenterologist in

the Upper Midwest. I'm quite pleased with his knowledge, his expertise, and

especially his ability to do a biopsy. He could use a bit of help with his

bedside manner, but I can forgive him for that because of his high abilities as

a gastroenterologist.




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  • 4 weeks later...
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When it's hot in the kitchen, a smoothie or fruit salad might be the

better choice. Welcome Laurie :] *

, " purpleveg " <purpleveg@y...> wrote:

> Laurie, welcome to our group! Please feel free to ask any


> you'd like people have been quiet lately maybe it's the

> heat???????? But there are plenty of people here with loads of

> knowledge. If someone doesn't know something I will do my best to

> find out for you.

> I'm happy to have you here!

> Best,

> Reggie

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