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Stacey in PA

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I haven't heard anything, but I've been worried too. Hopefully she'll post

soon so we know what's going on. Does anyone have her phone number that

they can call her?

Much love,


[ ] Stacey in PA

Has anyone heard anything from Stacey lately? I know she was going to the

doctor and I'm a bit worried about her.


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I'm still here. Sorry if I worried anyone. I'm ok. Just nursing a case of

the gloomies. I hate this disease. It just doesn't let up. I was looking

up info on some of my meds and saw how many of them " may cause malignancies. "

Isn't that just wonderful. My mammo is scheduled for the 23rd and the

symptoms aren't getting any better. In fact the pain is getting worse. It

feels like an electrical current running through my breasts. That's great

when you are having sex, but otherwise NOT. Things have been rather hectic

around here and I haven't even been on the net in over a week. Wyatt is in a

parade with his ball team on Saturday at the Octoberfest. We are selling

popcorn for the Cub Scouts. School pics were delivered and I have to divvie

them up for family. I cancelled my Longaberger basket party because I don't

think that I could deal with entertaining right now. Some people are

disappointed about that, but, oh well. My neighbor had a baby girl last

week. She is so precious. Her name is .

Wyatt had to have an adult partner for the Cub Scouts. He is a Tiger Scout.

We decided to ask his father's brother, Wayne. Wayne is the one who just had

a nasty divorce. His ex accused him of molesting her 10 year-old daughter so

that she would get a nice divorce settlement. Then a month later, she

overdosed on diet pills and others and had a stroke. Anyway, Uncle Wayne

agreed to be Wyatt's partner. But he said that there may be a problem in the

future. He plead " no contest " to the charge of general assault, because he

was financially, emotionally, and mentally bankrupt. This has gone on for

over a year now. It has really taken a toll on him. He started taking

antidepressants prescribed by his dr. and lost his job when a drug screen

came back positive from the meds. This has also been in the papers and on TV

in our area and he has been jumped in a parking lot and hit in the head with

a bottle and had to get a lot of stitches to clean it up. Anyway, since he

accepted this plea, CYS has reopened its case against him. They already

investigated the incident and declared it unfounded. Well now, if they

decide to, they can order him to stay away from children and he wouldn't be

able to help Wyatt. But he is going to do it for now. I have every

confidence in the world that he is completely innocent and I am extremely

concerned about him. I think that Wyatt is helping him just as much as he is

helping Wyatt. I have always been closer to Wayne than to anyone else in the

family and I really feel for him. It is a sad situation. I know that I am

not going to vote for the D.A. in this election.

My aunt and uncle live in land, right in the middle of these sniper

incidents. Its really scary.

A man fell over the hillside behind my mom and dad's house on Sunday morning

and landed on the highway below and died. Mom said that police were

everywhere. She and everyone in the house had to give statements. They are

still investigating what happened and how it happened and just what he was

doing there in the first place.

And I hate this disease. It is very sad for me to know that this is the best

that it will be. It is only going to get worse from here. Even on the

Remicade, which is helping, by the way, I am noticing more and more

deformities in my hands, feet, and ankles every week. My feet and ankles

always hurt and the swelling is still there, worse on some days and better on

others. I hate the TED hose. They are a big pain in the ass. I have no

energy and have no interest in doing anything including cleaning the house.

I force myself to try to keep up, but I put it off until I have no choice. I

am still lonely and wonder what kind of man would want a broken down,

overweight, disabled woman with a small child. He would have to be a glutton

for punishment or some kind of psychopath or something. I have all kinds of

crafts to make for Christmas, but just have no desire to even start on them.

My car keeps breaking down and I have put all of my money in it to keep it

running. I borrowed a car from my dad, but now it won't start and I'm afraid

to tell him. I keep thinking that one day I will go out and it will just

start right up, like some majic wand will wave over it and make it ok.

Funny, huh? Wyatt's father still hasn't called for visitation, which is a

good thing for me, but it bothers Wyatt sometimes. How would you feel if you

knew that your dad wanted nothing to do with you? He is being a trooper

though and he has lots of things to do. There is more, and I could go on

forever, but this is long enough. Sorry to be so negative, but this is where

I am right now. Just trying to deal with life on life's terms.


Stacey in PA

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<PRE>hang in there stacey, we have all been there. i forced myself to go out

today. my sister is going to fly me to florida on the 22nd of this month so

we can celebrate their " real " 50th.we come home on that sunday the 27th. i

went to chicago and my my car overheated on me twice today . i had my son

check my fluids and it was a good thing because we put in a gallon of anti

freeze!!! i hope it's ok. i can't believe i've let it get like this. i know i

have no money to fix it. guess i should have checked before making the trip.

gotta get my dog and cat used to being alone. also gotta get used to being

out of my house and in public. got home about 11:30 this morning.my temp at

100.4. i can't think when the last time i've been out, it's been 7 yrs since

i've been to florida. sorry i got off track, but i do understand how you

feel. i want my life back too. also want someone to be there and care about

me. but anytime someone asks me out. i end up running them off. because i

can't do this and sorry i'm running a fever today. and i don't know how i'll

feel next saturday. it does suck. but alot of the group has found someone.

sao it's got to be possible for us too. my friends and i used to laugh, when

we had good jobs, that i we were drunks, had 6 kids and no teeth, we'd have

3 guys after us!!! i guess we have to do the best we can for ourselves,

learn to manage and then it'll happen. kathy in il

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Stacey, I'm so sorry things are overwelming. You & Wyatt are in my

heart & in my prayers. Thank you for letting us know how you are.

There is a lot of love here for you, kiddo.

Hugs Always....


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Hi Stacey,

You answered my question from my last email, sorry! I should have read down


I meant to share something with you about the swollen calves. Because I

have a virus, I skipped my Methotrexate. The swelling was gone within two

days. Maybe the Remicade makes the swelling from the MTX more pronounced.

It certainly is annoying. I looked at a photo of me while I was in Atlanta,

in a dress with flat shoes on, and my legs look like sausages. Totally out

of proportion with the rest of my body. And I was wearing dark hose, which

should be slimming. Geez!

Don't apologize for being so negative, because we're your friends and want

to share in what you're going through. If only we could make it go away! I

'm actually going through the " This is never going to get better, and I need

to resign myself to living like this " phase, too. I've decided I need to

take a " wellness " attitude in spite of it. For me that means a healthy

diet, mild exercise, picking up a hobby, and trying not to focus so much on

the RA. It's hard to do, though. I remember reading about the stages of

grief with chronic disease, last Feb when I was diagnosed. I thought I

would be through them by now, but some of the emotions still keep popping

up. I guess it's just one more of the " joys " of RA.

Sending you an ((((((((((((((((((((enormous hug)))))))))))))))))) and hope

that this will pass soon.

Much love,


Re: [ ] Stacey in PA


I'm still here. Sorry if I worried anyone. I'm ok. Just nursing a case of

the gloomies. I hate this disease. It just doesn't let up. I was looking

up info on some of my meds and saw how many of them " may cause

malignancies. "

Isn't that just wonderful. My mammo is scheduled for the 23rd and the

symptoms aren't getting any better. In fact the pain is getting worse. It

feels like an electrical current running through my breasts. That's great

when you are having sex, but otherwise NOT. Things have been rather hectic

around here and I haven't even been on the net in over a week. Wyatt is in


parade with his ball team on Saturday at the Octoberfest. We are selling

popcorn for the Cub Scouts. School pics were delivered and I have to divvie

them up for family. I cancelled my Longaberger basket party because I don't

think that I could deal with entertaining right now. Some people are

disappointed about that, but, oh well. My neighbor had a baby girl last

week. She is so precious. Her name is .

Wyatt had to have an adult partner for the Cub Scouts. He is a Tiger Scout.

We decided to ask his father's brother, Wayne. Wayne is the one who just


a nasty divorce. His ex accused him of molesting her 10 year-old daughter


that she would get a nice divorce settlement. Then a month later, she

overdosed on diet pills and others and had a stroke. Anyway, Uncle Wayne

agreed to be Wyatt's partner. But he said that there may be a problem in


future. He plead " no contest " to the charge of general assault, because he

was financially, emotionally, and mentally bankrupt. This has gone on for

over a year now. It has really taken a toll on him. He started taking

antidepressants prescribed by his dr. and lost his job when a drug screen

came back positive from the meds. This has also been in the papers and on


in our area and he has been jumped in a parking lot and hit in the head with

a bottle and had to get a lot of stitches to clean it up. Anyway, since he

accepted this plea, CYS has reopened its case against him. They already

investigated the incident and declared it unfounded. Well now, if they

decide to, they can order him to stay away from children and he wouldn't be

able to help Wyatt. But he is going to do it for now. I have every

confidence in the world that he is completely innocent and I am extremely

concerned about him. I think that Wyatt is helping him just as much as he


helping Wyatt. I have always been closer to Wayne than to anyone else in


family and I really feel for him. It is a sad situation. I know that I am

not going to vote for the D.A. in this election.

My aunt and uncle live in land, right in the middle of these sniper

incidents. Its really scary.

A man fell over the hillside behind my mom and dad's house on Sunday morning

and landed on the highway below and died. Mom said that police were

everywhere. She and everyone in the house had to give statements. They are

still investigating what happened and how it happened and just what he was

doing there in the first place.

And I hate this disease. It is very sad for me to know that this is the


that it will be. It is only going to get worse from here. Even on the

Remicade, which is helping, by the way, I am noticing more and more

deformities in my hands, feet, and ankles every week. My feet and ankles

always hurt and the swelling is still there, worse on some days and better


others. I hate the TED hose. They are a big pain in the ass. I have no

energy and have no interest in doing anything including cleaning the house.

I force myself to try to keep up, but I put it off until I have no choice.


am still lonely and wonder what kind of man would want a broken down,

overweight, disabled woman with a small child. He would have to be a


for punishment or some kind of psychopath or something. I have all kinds of

crafts to make for Christmas, but just have no desire to even start on them.

My car keeps breaking down and I have put all of my money in it to keep it

running. I borrowed a car from my dad, but now it won't start and I'm


to tell him. I keep thinking that one day I will go out and it will just

start right up, like some majic wand will wave over it and make it ok.

Funny, huh? Wyatt's father still hasn't called for visitation, which is a

good thing for me, but it bothers Wyatt sometimes. How would you feel if


knew that your dad wanted nothing to do with you? He is being a trooper

though and he has lots of things to do. There is more, and I could go on

forever, but this is long enough. Sorry to be so negative, but this is


I am right now. Just trying to deal with life on life's terms.


Stacey in PA

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Things sound pretty depressing with everything going on. I wish you didn¹t

have to wait so long for the mammo. I think the worry and the pain are

really hard to handle. Can you call your doctor and explain how much pain

you¹re in and see if they can move it up?

Keeping buys with Wyatt¹s activities will help you keep your mind off of

these scary things. It really is infuriating when divorcing couples accuse

each other of such terrible crimes. My old rheumy went through a divorce

and his wife did the same thing. These judges know that many of these

stories are fabricated and I hope your friend is cleared.

I hope they get this sniper soon. It¹s really awful how much pain and

terror one person can inflict on so many people. Being one state over, I¹m

not feeling to secure.

You have a lot of reason to feel sad Stacey, but I hope you get over the

gloomies soon. We all get down and angry at this disease and rightfully so.

Someone here once suggested that when you get down, get a piece of paper and

a pen and write down everything you have to be thankful for. It puts things

in perspective sometimes, and changes your focus to happier things.

I hope you feel better.


> Hi,

> I'm still here. Sorry if I worried anyone. I'm ok. Just nursing a case of

> the gloomies. I hate this disease. It just doesn't let up. I was looking

> up info on some of my meds and saw how many of them " may cause malignancies. "

> Isn't that just wonderful. My mammo is scheduled for the 23rd and the

> symptoms aren't getting any better. In fact the pain is getting worse. It

> feels like an electrical current running through my breasts. That's great

> when you are having sex, but otherwise NOT. Things have been rather hectic

> around here and I haven't even been on the net in over a week. Wyatt is in a

> parade with his ball team on Saturday at the Octoberfest. We are selling

> popcorn for the Cub Scouts. School pics were delivered and I have to divvie

> them up for family. I cancelled my Longaberger basket party because I don't

> think that I could deal with entertaining right now. Some people are

> disappointed about that, but, oh well. My neighbor had a baby girl last

> week. She is so precious. Her name is .

> Wyatt had to have an adult partner for the Cub Scouts. He is a Tiger Scout.

> We decided to ask his father's brother, Wayne. Wayne is the one who just had

> a nasty divorce. His ex accused him of molesting her 10 year-old daughter so

> that she would get a nice divorce settlement. Then a month later, she

> overdosed on diet pills and others and had a stroke. Anyway, Uncle Wayne

> agreed to be Wyatt's partner. But he said that there may be a problem in the

> future. He plead " no contest " to the charge of general assault, because he

> was financially, emotionally, and mentally bankrupt. This has gone on for

> over a year now. It has really taken a toll on him. He started taking

> antidepressants prescribed by his dr. and lost his job when a drug screen

> came back positive from the meds. This has also been in the papers and on TV

> in our area and he has been jumped in a parking lot and hit in the head with

> a bottle and had to get a lot of stitches to clean it up. Anyway, since he

> accepted this plea, CYS has reopened its case against him. They already

> investigated the incident and declared it unfounded. Well now, if they

> decide to, they can order him to stay away from children and he wouldn't be

> able to help Wyatt. But he is going to do it for now. I have every

> confidence in the world that he is completely innocent and I am extremely

> concerned about him. I think that Wyatt is helping him just as much as he is

> helping Wyatt. I have always been closer to Wayne than to anyone else in the

> family and I really feel for him. It is a sad situation. I know that I am

> not going to vote for the D.A. in this election.

> My aunt and uncle live in land, right in the middle of these sniper

> incidents. Its really scary.

> A man fell over the hillside behind my mom and dad's house on Sunday morning

> and landed on the highway below and died. Mom said that police were

> everywhere. She and everyone in the house had to give statements. They are

> still investigating what happened and how it happened and just what he was

> doing there in the first place.

> And I hate this disease. It is very sad for me to know that this is the best

> that it will be. It is only going to get worse from here. Even on the

> Remicade, which is helping, by the way, I am noticing more and more

> deformities in my hands, feet, and ankles every week. My feet and ankles

> always hurt and the swelling is still there, worse on some days and better on

> others. I hate the TED hose. They are a big pain in the ass. I have no

> energy and have no interest in doing anything including cleaning the house.

> I force myself to try to keep up, but I put it off until I have no choice. I

> am still lonely and wonder what kind of man would want a broken down,

> overweight, disabled woman with a small child. He would have to be a glutton

> for punishment or some kind of psychopath or something. I have all kinds of

> crafts to make for Christmas, but just have no desire to even start on them.

> My car keeps breaking down and I have put all of my money in it to keep it

> running. I borrowed a car from my dad, but now it won't start and I'm afraid

> to tell him. I keep thinking that one day I will go out and it will just

> start right up, like some majic wand will wave over it and make it ok.

> Funny, huh? Wyatt's father still hasn't called for visitation, which is a

> good thing for me, but it bothers Wyatt sometimes. How would you feel if you

> knew that your dad wanted nothing to do with you? He is being a trooper

> though and he has lots of things to do. There is more, and I could go on

> forever, but this is long enough. Sorry to be so negative, but this is where

> I am right now. Just trying to deal with life on life's terms.

> Love

> Stacey in PA



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Thank you Tess,

I always know that you will know what I feel like when I am depressed. I

just don't want to do anything or talk to anyone. I won't answer the phone

or try to call anyone. I seem to be coming out of it a little today. I did

some house cleaning and feel a little better. Right now, though, there is

one of those tiny " fruit " fleas buzzing around my head making me crazy

because I can't seem to catch it. I would write more, but Wyatt is at his

aunt's house and it is time to go and pick him up. Just trying to do a

little catching up.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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Thanks Kathy,

I know that I'll find someone when the time is right. But sometimes, I just

get so lonely for adult companionship. I have a bed buddie whenever I want,

but I feel the need for something more. Someone to just be there. I'm sure

you know what I mean. I guess I should be thankful for what I do have. I

hope you have a great trip. You are so brave. I don't know if I would do

it. Yea, I think I would. I'm tired of this disease kicking me in the ass.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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<PRE>hey stacey, i was really not wanting to go, but my family just ket on me.

seemed like they were all ganging up on me. i keep telling my son, ok, i

haven't done anything in 3 years, but shouldn't i start smaller? a museum,

zoo, movie?? but i have turned down trip after trip. it is my parents 50th

anninversary, she seems so much happier now that i am coming. it's just me

and my sister, so it will be nice. i am scared to travel, but oh well. i'll

bring my cane. who knows, maybe my family will see where i am now. i also

know what you mean about wanting more. i had a bed buddy too, but i chased

him away. being sick all the time. i went to the dr again today, he confirmed

a yeast infection. this is after a 7 day cream, 2 diflucan, and flagyl.

enough already!!! kathy in il

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