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psoriatic arthritis

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I was finally Dx with Psoriatic arthritis a week ago.My rhem. Dr.

told me on the phone and that we need to connect so he can give me a

prescription for a sulfur, slow acting anti-inflammatory drug.

Probably Azuldephine (sp.)Would this help the pain? I'm already on

Celebrex which does not control my pain. At my previous appointment

I told my rhem, just how much horrible pain I was in . He offered

me perkoset but I told him if it was like ultram or codiene, those

drugs made me throw-up.

He said if you can't take ultram then you won't be able to take

anything else. So I can't give you anything. I 'll give you the

antidepressant Elvail, at 10 mg. and with the 5 mg. of Ambien, that

should make you groggy to sleep.What am I suppose to do go to bed

when I have pain?

So I have nothing for all this horrible constant pain I'm in, except

celebrex.Needless to say I'm not going back to that jerk. I have an

appointment with another Rhem Dr. But I can't get in til the 19th of


Any ideas what I can do til then? I have pain all the time all over

my body, ( yes I probably have FMS Too) but at night I can't walk

and most of the time can't sleep. I am very desperate here. I can't

function anymore.

My c-reactive protein is 1.8 and my sed rate is 49. I know that

means I have inflammation in my body. But I 'm not sure what that

means as it pertains to treatment or dx.

thank you, Rose

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