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Re: Diet Article - Best Way to Banish Hunger

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This is good stuff, Carol. That suggestion about binging only in front

of a full length mirror while completely naked conjures up all sorts of

interesting images.

[ ] Diet Article - Best Way to Banish Hunger

> The best ways to banish your hunger cravings...

> You don't have to be hungry when you are on a diet, according to


> , M.D., author of The New ton Program: The Permanent

> Weight-Control Solution.

> A person who eats three nutritionally balanced meals a day, plus a few


> snacks, cannot possibly experience true hunger. It's physiologically

> impossible to have a true hunger pang under those circumstances.


> overweight individuals on a proper diet can and do experience


> desires, and urges for specific foods, which they often interpret as


> If you take even part of the following advice, you will learn to think


> a thin person and eat only when you experience true hunger. These tips


> help you banish your hunger cravings.

> * Don't skip meals. When you skip a meal, you are more apt to overeat


> the next meal. When you eat a lot at one time your body can't burn off


> excess calories and they turn into fat. It's best to eat small amounts


> regular intervals.

> * Eat between meals only when you are really hungry. Overweight people


> often eat not to satisfy real hunger, but only to feel better


> * Drink several glasses of water shortly before (no more than five


> before starting) a meal to get a full feeling. Between meals, try a

cup of

> hot tea, coffee, or lemon-flavored water to satisfy hunger urges. A

cup of

> hot bouillon soup often works wonders in satisfying hunger.

> * Exercise inhibits the hunger urge. Put more activity into your life.


> yourself to walk more by parking your car several blocks from your

> destination, take the elevator and get off on the floor below where

you want

> to be and walk up the remaining flight. Walk down steps instead of

taking an

> elevator or escalator.

> * If you tend to overeat while watching TV or reading a book, you


> resolve not to eat at those times. You must separate the act of eating


> TV watching because TV watching takes your mind off what you're


> * It is often hard for people to resist snacking during TV


> Instead of running for the refrigerator, do short exercises: Walk

around the

> room on your toes, jog in place, or do simple stretching exercises.


> sitting, you can extend your legs, wiggle your toes, and make circles


> your arms. These exercises will take your mind off hunger urges.

> * If you do snack, munch on measured portions of bite-size pieces of


> such as melon balls, pieces of apple, pear, oranges, peaches, banana


> or strawberries. It is important that these foods already be prepared.


> you are hungry and have to prepare the bite-size pieces, it's too easy


> overeat while you are preparing them.

> * Another satisfying " no hunger " dieting trick is to freeze


> blackberries, boysenberries, strawberries or seedless grapes. Pop


> berries or individual grapes in your mouth. Savor the taste as they

melt in

> your mouth. The experience will be so satisfying that only a few will


> your hunger craving.

> * If, after eating fruit, you still crave something sweet, instead of

> reaching for a high-calorie dessert try something sour. Savor a dill


> or eat a hot pepper. Strong flavors will often banish sweet cravings


> hunger urges.

> * If you have an uncontrollable urge to binge, do it, but first take

off all

> your clothes and sit down with your food in front of a full-length


> You are allowed to eat all you want as long as you watch yourself.

> Overweight patients say they usually stop after only two bites when

they use

> this technique. It's a very effective method because you can see what


> are doing to yourself by overeating.

> Remember, if you are eating three balanced meals and snacks a day you


> experiencing true hunger. You can turn off false hunger cravings by

> reminding yourself how uncomfortable extra calories make you feel. For

> instance, go to your closet and try on some clothes that are too


> Force yourself to wear them for a few hours so you can experience


> tightness.

> If you have thrown out or given away your old tight clothes, go to a

> clothing store and try on clothes a size too small. Imagine how good


> would feel to wear them without the tightness. Use the experience to


> yourself of the rewards of controlling your weight.

> Author

> Maury M. Breecher, Ph.D., M.P.H

> http://thefactsaboutfitness.com/research/nohunger.htm




> Carol

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Eating in front of a full length mirror, naked, could turn some of us

anorexic! That's an off the wall idea, needless to say, but some of this

man's research is really interesting. I've been getting his newsletter for

at least a year, but I've never subscribed to his pay service. I do eat

frozen berries for a snack, and I try to incorporate a lot of fiber into my


The suggestion about walking around the room on your toes during a

commercial makes me hurt just imagining it. Definitely not a suggestion for

someone with RA!

Love and hugs,


Re: [ ] Diet Article - Best Way to Banish Hunger

This is good stuff, Carol. That suggestion about binging only in front

of a full length mirror while completely naked conjures up all sorts of

interesting images.

[ ] Diet Article - Best Way to Banish Hunger

> The best ways to banish your hunger cravings...

> You don't have to be hungry when you are on a diet, according to


> , M.D., author of The New ton Program: The Permanent

> Weight-Control Solution.

> A person who eats three nutritionally balanced meals a day, plus a few


> snacks, cannot possibly experience true hunger. It's physiologically

> impossible to have a true hunger pang under those circumstances.


> overweight individuals on a proper diet can and do experience


> desires, and urges for specific foods, which they often interpret as


> If you take even part of the following advice, you will learn to think


> a thin person and eat only when you experience true hunger. These tips


> help you banish your hunger cravings.

> * Don't skip meals. When you skip a meal, you are more apt to overeat


> the next meal. When you eat a lot at one time your body can't burn off


> excess calories and they turn into fat. It's best to eat small amounts


> regular intervals.

> * Eat between meals only when you are really hungry. Overweight people


> often eat not to satisfy real hunger, but only to feel better


> * Drink several glasses of water shortly before (no more than five


> before starting) a meal to get a full feeling. Between meals, try a

cup of

> hot tea, coffee, or lemon-flavored water to satisfy hunger urges. A

cup of

> hot bouillon soup often works wonders in satisfying hunger.

> * Exercise inhibits the hunger urge. Put more activity into your life.


> yourself to walk more by parking your car several blocks from your

> destination, take the elevator and get off on the floor below where

you want

> to be and walk up the remaining flight. Walk down steps instead of

taking an

> elevator or escalator.

> * If you tend to overeat while watching TV or reading a book, you


> resolve not to eat at those times. You must separate the act of eating


> TV watching because TV watching takes your mind off what you're


> * It is often hard for people to resist snacking during TV


> Instead of running for the refrigerator, do short exercises: Walk

around the

> room on your toes, jog in place, or do simple stretching exercises.


> sitting, you can extend your legs, wiggle your toes, and make circles


> your arms. These exercises will take your mind off hunger urges.

> * If you do snack, munch on measured portions of bite-size pieces of


> such as melon balls, pieces of apple, pear, oranges, peaches, banana


> or strawberries. It is important that these foods already be prepared.


> you are hungry and have to prepare the bite-size pieces, it's too easy


> overeat while you are preparing them.

> * Another satisfying " no hunger " dieting trick is to freeze


> blackberries, boysenberries, strawberries or seedless grapes. Pop


> berries or individual grapes in your mouth. Savor the taste as they

melt in

> your mouth. The experience will be so satisfying that only a few will


> your hunger craving.

> * If, after eating fruit, you still crave something sweet, instead of

> reaching for a high-calorie dessert try something sour. Savor a dill


> or eat a hot pepper. Strong flavors will often banish sweet cravings


> hunger urges.

> * If you have an uncontrollable urge to binge, do it, but first take

off all

> your clothes and sit down with your food in front of a full-length


> You are allowed to eat all you want as long as you watch yourself.

> Overweight patients say they usually stop after only two bites when

they use

> this technique. It's a very effective method because you can see what


> are doing to yourself by overeating.

> Remember, if you are eating three balanced meals and snacks a day you


> experiencing true hunger. You can turn off false hunger cravings by

> reminding yourself how uncomfortable extra calories make you feel. For

> instance, go to your closet and try on some clothes that are too


> Force yourself to wear them for a few hours so you can experience


> tightness.

> If you have thrown out or given away your old tight clothes, go to a

> clothing store and try on clothes a size too small. Imagine how good


> would feel to wear them without the tightness. Use the experience to


> yourself of the rewards of controlling your weight.

> Author

> Maury M. Breecher, Ph.D., M.P.H

> http://thefactsaboutfitness.com/research/nohunger.htm




> Carol

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Carol and ...Only take a few bites while naked and

watching yourself in the mirror...I probably couldn't

eat for a week. Ha Ha...Iris

--- <Matsumura_Clan@...> wrote:

> This is good stuff, Carol. That suggestion about

> binging only in front

> of a full length mirror while completely naked

> conjures up all sorts of

> interesting images.





> [ ] Diet Article - Best Way to

> Banish Hunger



> > The best ways to banish your hunger cravings...

> > You don't have to be hungry when you are on a

> diet, according to

> W.

> > , M.D., author of The New ton

> Program: The Permanent

> > Weight-Control Solution.

> > A person who eats three nutritionally balanced

> meals a day, plus a few

> small

> > snacks, cannot possibly experience true hunger.

> It's physiologically

> > impossible to have a true hunger pang under those

> circumstances.

> However,

> > overweight individuals on a proper diet can and do

> experience

> cravings,

> > desires, and urges for specific foods, which they

> often interpret as

> hunger.

> > If you take even part of the following advice, you

> will learn to think

> like

> > a thin person and eat only when you experience

> true hunger. These tips

> will

> > help you banish your hunger cravings.

> > * Don't skip meals. When you skip a meal, you are

> more apt to overeat

> during

> > the next meal. When you eat a lot at one time your

> body can't burn off

> the

> > excess calories and they turn into fat. It's best

> to eat small amounts

> at

> > regular intervals.

> > * Eat between meals only when you are really

> hungry. Overweight people

> too

> > often eat not to satisfy real hunger, but only to

> feel better

> emotionally.

> > * Drink several glasses of water shortly before

> (no more than five

> minutes

> > before starting) a meal to get a full feeling.

> Between meals, try a

> cup of

> > hot tea, coffee, or lemon-flavored water to

> satisfy hunger urges. A

> cup of

> > hot bouillon soup often works wonders in

> satisfying hunger.

> > * Exercise inhibits the hunger urge. Put more

> activity into your life.

> Force

> > yourself to walk more by parking your car several

> blocks from your

> > destination, take the elevator and get off on the

> floor below where

> you want

> > to be and walk up the remaining flight. Walk down

> steps instead of

> taking an

> > elevator or escalator.

> > * If you tend to overeat while watching TV or

> reading a book, you

> should

> > resolve not to eat at those times. You must

> separate the act of eating

> and

> > TV watching because TV watching takes your mind

> off what you're

> eating.

> > * It is often hard for people to resist snacking

> during TV

> commercials.

> > Instead of running for the refrigerator, do short

> exercises: Walk

> around the

> > room on your toes, jog in place, or do simple

> stretching exercises.

> While

> > sitting, you can extend your legs, wiggle your

> toes, and make circles

> with

> > your arms. These exercises will take your mind off

> hunger urges.

> > * If you do snack, munch on measured portions of

> bite-size pieces of

> fruit

> > such as melon balls, pieces of apple, pear,

> oranges, peaches, banana

> slices,

> > or strawberries. It is important that these foods

> already be prepared.

> If

> > you are hungry and have to prepare the bite-size

> pieces, it's too easy

> to

> > overeat while you are preparing them.

> > * Another satisfying " no hunger " dieting trick is

> to freeze

> blueberries,

> > blackberries, boysenberries, strawberries or

> seedless grapes. Pop

> individual

> > berries or individual grapes in your mouth. Savor

> the taste as they

> melt in

> > your mouth. The experience will be so satisfying

> that only a few will

> cure

> > your hunger craving.

> > * If, after eating fruit, you still crave

> something sweet, instead of

> > reaching for a high-calorie dessert try something

> sour. Savor a dill

> pickle

> > or eat a hot pepper. Strong flavors will often

> banish sweet cravings

> and

> > hunger urges.

> > * If you have an uncontrollable urge to binge, do

> it, but first take

> off all

> > your clothes and sit down with your food in front

> of a full-length

> mirror.

> > You are allowed to eat all you want as long as you

> watch yourself.

> > Overweight patients say they usually stop after

> only two bites when

> they use

> > this technique. It's a very effective method

> because you can see what

> you

> > are doing to yourself by overeating.

> > Remember, if you are eating three balanced meals

> and snacks a day you

> aren't

> > experiencing true hunger. You can turn off false

> hunger cravings by

> > reminding yourself how uncomfortable extra

> calories make you feel. For

> > instance, go to your closet and try on some

> clothes that are too

> tight.

> > Force yourself to wear them for a few hours so you

> can experience

> their

> > tightness.

> > If you have thrown out or given away your old

> tight clothes, go to a

> > clothing store and try on clothes a size too

> small. Imagine how good

> it

> > would feel to wear them without the tightness. Use

> the experience to

> remind

> > yourself of the rewards of controlling your

> weight.

> > Author

> > Maury M. Breecher, Ph.D., M.P.H

> >



> >

> >

> >

> > Carol



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