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Hi all - I have been a little busy at work this week and then our computer at

home got " sick " (or so it thought) so I have been getting caught up on the

messgaes. Our schools had an " early out " Wednesday where the kids go home and we

get to sit through an inservice! yippee!!! Then today (friday) is a school

holiday so all our military families can go out and have a " family day " on Ft

Hood. It is a great thing - but it is really looking like rain today so those

who are at the lake may not have such a great time! But rmor has it that these

guys will be leaving - we just do not know when. 11 years ago for Desert Storm

the local economy really took a hit - family businesses closed within weeks of

the deployment and a lot of our young wives go back home to family - especially

if they have little ones. The buzz from the moms at school is that they are

waiting for their husbands to come home and say that they will see them

when......SO anyways - today is a well deserved day - got cancelled last year

due to Sept 11 and all the security issues.

As for me - the anti-depressants work well. The first night I took it about 8 pm

so it would kick in early enough for me to sleep and not feel crummy in the

morning. Well - thank goodness my husbdan was home because within 20 minutes he

was taking me to bed! My legs were like rubber and I was VERY relaxed! I am

still waking up in the night but am able to go back to sleep. A very pleasant

change from the 2 or 3 hours I was dealing with! And it doesn't mess with me in

the morngin either. I also find that I seem to be coming off the flare I was

having. Maybe the meds are helping? Though I have noticed that my pattern seems

to be " ok " for a couple months and then I have a really bad month. Then back to

ok and then a bad month. So we will see! But for now I consider myself at least

improved! Thoguh everytime I say that a certain joint isn't bothering me lately,

it seems to remind me that it is still there in a rather nasty way!

Stacey - the butter sounds great! How much is it? And I have been trying to

decide what to be for Halloween at school - the " well person " was awesome - but

people there don't understand and wouldn't get it!

Tess - congrats in the weight loss! And my prayers are for sunnier days for you!

Be kind to yourself and do something special!

Debs - you are in my thoughts often. And I also have a rescued dog - he is 11

now and I am not sure how much longer he will be with us - but I will definately

rescue another one when he is gone! They are so special and make the best dogs!

What a special treat for you to have a such a sweet visitor to cheer you up! It

is good to see you post again - you take care of you and make sure they are too!

If Jeanine gets to see you make sure she gives you a hug from me! Prayers for

knowledge with your team of doctors and peace for you -

Kathy - enjoy your trip! Hope you are feeling better so you can enjoy it.

Hopefully just getting away will be enough of a break from the everyday that it

will brighten your spirits!

Al - Happy late B-day! And God does answer prayer doesn't he? Though as with

Randi - maybe not in the way that we hope for. Though they have found it early

and that in itself is a blessing. You both are in my prayers.

Iris - As I write this I believe you are having your surgery! May God guide

those hands - and hope you are back to feeling better soon. My Dad is retired

Army and around here duct tape is called " 100 mile an hour tape " because they

used it on planes or something like that. I need one of those calendars for him

and my husband! They have rubbed off on each other! And we have it in silver and

good old army green! Makes it all the more unattractive!

Judi - your story warmed my heart! We are renting ourhouse right now and ourkids

drive by 2 story houses and say they want that one with stairs! The thought

makes me cringe! But it is so good to hear that you had a wonderful morning! And

Ihave to agree witHeidi about the warts! Ouch!!!!

Jen - glad to see you got some meds and good luck with the study!

Heidi - let's all write letters to the new store for you - then they will have

to get donuts! And thanks for all the great ideas with baby oil! yes - we have

's! I have to go to the store today and I will just have to pick up a

large bottle! I used it in college adn then when the kdis were babies - and we

all deserve a treat like that!

Prayers for all of you - I found a co-worker that has FM and we talked a little

yesterday. He struggles everyday and when it gets cold will be using a cain -

but I think it was helpful to both of us to share some common feelings. He has 2

boys that want to play and all....I told him that when it turns cold here we

will have to get some heating blankets and some hot cocoa in our " free time " and

stay warm! Everyone thinks it is funny that I have a heating pad on my chair -

but it is always so cold in the room I work in!

May you feel better today than you did yesterday! (((((((((((((Hugs to all of

you!)))))))))))))) Janet

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