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Hi Everyone,

As usual I have “talked” far too much and have a zillion posts so I’ve

bunched them all down the bottom. For anyone I’ve missed

(((((((((((((((((((((((Huge hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I hope all my RA family is having a great day.




I’m so happy for you, that trip sounds like just what you need. You are a

wonderful special friend and I just know there is someone out there for you,

you just have to let them in. That movie sounds like a great idea!




That’s the most fantastic news I’ve had this month!!! Pheeew, this must be

such a relief. I’m so happy they don’t think it’s cancer, I’ve been praying

for you every day.

I hope they find out what’s causing the weight loss soon so that your mind

can have a rest. I’m sure you will all breath a gigantic sigh of relief

once the results are in and everything is confirmed. Hopefully you don’t

need surgery for the hiatius sp? hernia, my mother, father and grandmother

had/have the same thing and were never operated so I don’t know if it’s

inevitable. I’ve been checked for it when I was having some tummy problems

as it can be hereditary, luckily they didn’t find anything though.

Randi has been in my prayers too, I also have endometriosis and that might

be it. I’ve had surgery for it twice and they often biopsy the cysts for

cancer because they can look a little weird but they have always been okay.

It’s not great news but it’s a lot better than having cancer so I will be

praying for her. There is a lot of evidence pointing to endometriosis being

an immune disease as well. Has she had a laprascopy? What kind of tests

are they doing to find out what it is? My endometriosis was diagnosed

through ultrasound and confirmed through the lap scope.

Please let us know as soon as you know either of your diagnosis’s, I’m still

a bit worried.

You, Randi and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

((((((((((((((((((((((((Happy hopeful Hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


And hey! We love you too!

Hi Judi!,

I’m so glad is recovering nicely – now its time to look after yourself

a bit my friend! You need to rest! I hope you did sleep till noon!

It’s wonderful that you and Ron are getting the right treatment. It must be

a relief for you as well to have a diagnosis.

Wow I can’t believe Ron’s aunt is 102 years old!! That’s amazing! And it’s

now she’s decided to move into a nursing home – just incredible!

It’s sad how nobody corresponds by snail mail anymore isn’t it! I’m a very

lazy letter writer – one of the worst :-) - but I’d love to send you a

letter please send me your address! I just love receiving letters in the

post – it seems like all we ever get by post nowadays is bills LOL!



Subject: Wasted opportunity, cord blood?

Hi Carol,

I don’t think it’s morbid. Actually, I’ve wondered if I should try and save

the cord blood if I have a baby. I was thinking it was better safe than

sorry in case he/she ever got sick and needed it one day. I didn’t realize

that it could be used for someone else. Interesting. I doubt we have the

facilities to save it here though but it might be worth looking into.



Subject: Re: Heidi-rash


Happy Birthday!!!! It’s a bit late but I just saw this, I hope you had a

fantastic day.

Thanks for the reply. I know what you mean about not wanting to check it

out – I was the same. It was my Rheumy who saw it and insisted I went to a

dermatologist to have a biopsy. Her reaction made it me bit nervous but I’m

glad I went. Themain thing they wanted to exclude was vasculitis ?sp –which

can be one of the charming systemic effects of RA. Thank goodness it wasn’t

but I would really advise you to bring it up at your next visit with your

Rheumy – Vasculitis is treatable but can be dangerous if you just leave it.

(((((((((((((((((((Huge Birthday Hugs)))))))))))))))))))


Hi Tess!

I just loved your latest poem – a real winner. We are so lucky to have our

own poet, how many people can claim that! :-)

I’m so glad you got out and went to watch that movie! I did watch Hannibal

and must admit it was rather gory – I think Hopkins is a genius

though – he’s such a good actor. I also really enjoy suspense &

psychological tension in movies; the problem nowadays is that most of them

are extremely gory. I thought “Seven” was one of the most brilliant movies

I’d ever seen, really clever but the gore was terrible. “Sixth Sense” was

brilliant too, a little scary and gory but brilliant.

I’m so glad your toe is better now! I said a little prayer for it every

day. Sorry you are flaring though but at least now you can get some relief

from the Remicade.




Thanks so much for the baby prayers – I’ve seen the power of prayer work

repeatedly in our little group and am sure that it’s going to work this


I feel for your daughter and have a lot of admiration for her courage in

standing up to this man and fighting for herself and her children. These

things can get a bit ugly but if she is free in the end it will have been

worth it. My mother’s second husband was a horrible abusive man and it

ended very badly, I wish she had had a supportive parent like you or the

courage to leave him alone, I was too young to help her.

I will keep those prayers coming until her and Richie are safe and happy


((((((((((((((Giant hugs for you)))))))))))))))))



LOL! Yes, I had the same reaction. It’s “great” having something that can’t

harm you. When I told my husband he went all pale and like “oooh noooo not

another one!” it took me a little while to convince him that it was harmless

and that I didn’t need any medication!

I’m so sorry your Rheumy is a wet tennis shoe LOL! Are you Running out of

options? I know how uncomfortable wet tennis shoes can be :-) (LOL! sorry

I’m in a very corny mood! But I really mean it, maybe you need to look for

someone a little more perky that you feel more comfortable with?

You remain in my thoughts and prayers.



Iris wrote:

Heidi...I was freaked out about a rash too until my GP

sent me to the dermatologist and she said it was

Schumberg's. We are not used to hearing that we have a

disease and that it will cause no harm to us.

Subject: The " new kid on the block "

Hi there Betty!

It’s nice to meet you, welcome to the group! You will find it’s a wonderful

safe place to come for support, information and just to relax and enjoy the

company of others who understand how you feel and what you are going


I’m so sorry you are in so much pain and not feeling well right now, what

medications are you on for the RA? I was sorry to hear that you had cancer,

thank goodness it was cleared up.

Please don’t feel guilty about your pain, we all have awful days and you are

welcome to share what you are going through here, be it good or bad. You

never need to fight this alone again. Our wonderful Debs (who’s not well

enough to post right now) would tell you that “it’s a Cheese and Whine party

everyday here, with no limits on the Whine” :-) so please don’t feel bad.

I’m 26yrs old, have RA and live in Mauritius (an island in the Indian Ocean)

with my husband. I originally come from South Africa but moved here with my

husband who is French-Mauritian.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you,

Take care,


Hi there Janet!

Wow it sounds like you are pretty busy at the moment. I really like the

donut idea YUM! I love donuts, I’ve never been able to find them here in

Mauritius and whenever I go back to South Africa for a holiday it’s one of

the first things I look for, I love jam donuts and apple donuts!

I’m so sorry you are still in so much pain, it’s definitely a good idea to

speak to your Doctor if you feel your medications aren’t working. You are

the one who lives with the pain so you know better than anyone if you need

anything else.

I hope this week brings you some relief from the pain.



Subject: Schamberg's Disease

Thanks for the links !! You’re a star.



Hi Tamara,

Welcome to the group! It’s nice to meet you.

I’m so sorry you are having such a difficult time right now. You have come

to a great safe place for support, information and friendship.

Many of our members have fibromyalgia so you will find a lot of people who

understand what you are going through. I hope that your doctor can find a

better way to treat it and give you some relief.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you,

Take care,



It’s so good to see you posting!

I’m so sorry you are still in the hospital. You are in my thoughts and

prayers all day. I am praying that there is a light at the end of the

tunnel soon and that my friend can get a break!

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Huge, gentle angel hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))



Hi and welcome to the group, you sound in serious need of a hug!

Your story made me so sad for you and angry at the way you have been dealt

with by your doctors. I can only tell you my story and hope it will help

you. I am 26 years old and have RA. My RF Factor was not positive and I am

not swollen ALL the time. They did the RF Factor test twice, once when I

started having a major flare and then again about a month later, it had

increased a lot but was still within the normal range. They also tested for

lots of other things before deciding on the diagnosis.

The RA/RF Factor is only one of many tests they can do to help diagnose RA.

My Rheumy said it’s unnecessary to repeat the test and she follows my

progress by doing ESR and CRP tests and a Full Blood Count once a month.

When I’m flaring, the ESR and CRP (which show the levels of inflammation in

your system) are high (they are never really within the normal range but

they go higher). There are other things on the FBC that change a bit as

well but honestly, I’ve never taken the time to learn what all of them mean.

I had an x-ray of my hand when I was first diagnosed and it never showed

any damage (this didn’t phase them in the least). When I was first

diagnosed I was having a major flare that lasted for about 4 months, which

made it easier for the doctors. I went to see one of the leading

Rheumatology professors in South Africa and he was in no doubt about my

diagnosis. He said that one of the main things they go by are clinical

symptoms, mine were stiffness (especially in the mornings and especially in

my fingers and toes) swelling and redness in my joints (which were hot to

the touch )and the most awful pain in practically all the joints in my body

(I’d never realized I had so many joints! LOL!). I also often had a fever

and felt a bit like I was coming down with flu (at first they thought I had

a virus). I had been having symptoms on and off for about 2 years before I

was diagnosed. My wrist was sometimes very painful and stiff in the

mornings – I could hardly brush my hair and teeth and two of my fingers

would swell up like sausages and be very stiff (this would come and go). I

saw two doctors; they just brushed me off (one of them suggested it was

probably caused by rolling up my car windows and to squeeze a ball to

strengthen my wrists!). This story really made my Rheumy mad when she asked

if I had been treated before LOL!

I’m so sorry you have had such a terrible time finding the right doctor but

please don’t give up hope. This is your body, you need treatment and it is

possible with the right doctor and medication to get back a good part of

your former life. I work full time in a stressful job I was terrified of

taking when I was first ill, I have a wonderful Rheumy who really cares and

will not leave me in pain, it is possible to carry on living with RA.

You have come to a safe place where you will find support, friendship,

information and encouragement.

I look forward to getting to know you.



Hi Jeanine,

Thank you so much for letting us know how Debs is doing. I wish the news

was better. If you talk to her again please send her my love and tell her

I’m praying for her


I hope you are feeling better and healing well after your operation.



Subject: Re: Re: Panic attacks, and other anxiety disorders

Hi Joanne,

I have had mild anxiety attacks, when I get them I feel like I can’t breath,

its like I just can’t get enough air into my lungs to have a proper breath

and that makes me a bit panicky. The last time I had them was when I was

taking Decapeptyl, I think the medication caused them.




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