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Re: need a hug

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Dear Tess: That has happened to me also. And it stays for a couple of weeks

with me because it becomes infected. I now keep peroxcide handy which helps. I

also make a point of telling the technichan that it will happen if they aren't

careful. They now go out of their way to do it a lot less aggressivly. It has

never been as bad as it was the first time. Angel Hugs and prayers. Jan in

CA +/:=)

tess_northwest@... wrote:I'm feeling really awful...IBS, low-grade fever

(just under 101), aches

everywhere, headaches, too. I went in for my yearly mammogram

today...the tech was very nice but pulled really hard on my right breast

and the skin underneath tore in a couple places. I knew something

REALLY hurt when she was getting me situated on the machine, but I had

no idea the skin tore til I got home. I know it is harder to film

larger-breasted women, but it feels awful.

Tomorrow is Remicade and I'm hoping it will turn some of this around.

I'm so tired and so chilly. I need a cup of hot chocolate, but ran out

of my s/f stuff.

Hugs to All...


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I¹m sending you mega hugs. You need it after the bad day you had. Large

breasts or not, the technician should have been more gentle. For your skin

to rip, she must have been pulling to hard.

You have your remicade to look forward to tomorrow and the relief it will

bring. Do you drink tea? I love hot tea and honey on a cold day.

Peppermint is one of my favorite.

Mega hugs,


> I'm feeling really awful...IBS, low-grade fever (just under 101), aches

> everywhere, headaches, too. I went in for my yearly mammogram

> today...the tech was very nice but pulled really hard on my right breast

> and the skin underneath tore in a couple places. I knew something

> REALLY hurt when she was getting me situated on the machine, but I had

> no idea the skin tore til I got home. I know it is harder to film

> larger-breasted women, but it feels awful.


> Tomorrow is Remicade and I'm hoping it will turn some of this around.

> I'm so tired and so chilly. I need a cup of hot chocolate, but ran out

> of my s/f stuff.


> Hugs to All...


> Tess




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Hi a...thank you so much for the mega hugs. The only kind of tea

(except for standard ice tea) I like is peppermint tea! Golly, there's

nothing better than that on a cold sniffly night!

Mega Hugs Right Back To You....


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Dear Jan...I'm sorry you've had that experience! I bet quite a few

women have had this but we just don't talk about it much. I will

definately bring this up next time I have a mammo, and will take good

care of the tears so hopefully no infection! Thanks, dear Jan.

Much Love...


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What a terrible thing to happen to you. It should not happen,

regardless of the size of ones breast. Can you report the incident to

someone? I hope today bring you good luck with the remicade.

Lynn (MeMom)

tess_northwest@... wrote:

> I'm feeling really awful...IBS, low-grade fever (just under 101), aches

> everywhere, headaches, too. I went in for my yearly mammogram

> today...the tech was very nice but pulled really hard on my right breast

> and the skin underneath tore in a couple places. I knew something

> REALLY hurt when she was getting me situated on the machine, but I had

> no idea the skin tore til I got home. I know it is harder to film

> larger-breasted women, but it feels awful.


> Tomorrow is Remicade and I'm hoping it will turn some of this around.

> I'm so tired and so chilly. I need a cup of hot chocolate, but ran out

> of my s/f stuff.


> Hugs to All...


> Tess




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OUCH! I'm sending you a big hug, too, Tess. It's a barbaric procedure

for sure, but what better choice do we have? Frustrating. I hope you

heal quickly and that your Remicade infusion helps to improve how you're


[ ] need a hug

> I'm feeling really awful...IBS, low-grade fever (just under 101),


> everywhere, headaches, too. I went in for my yearly mammogram

> today...the tech was very nice but pulled really hard on my right


> and the skin underneath tore in a couple places. I knew something

> REALLY hurt when she was getting me situated on the machine, but I had

> no idea the skin tore til I got home. I know it is harder to film

> larger-breasted women, but it feels awful.


> Tomorrow is Remicade and I'm hoping it will turn some of this around.

> I'm so tired and so chilly. I need a cup of hot chocolate, but ran out

> of my s/f stuff.


> Hugs to All...


> Tess

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Thanks, dear . I am really grateful that in the position I'm in

(very low income/disabled) I am blessed with insurance that covers my

needs, mammograms & Remicade included. I am so tired perhaps I'll nap

during Remicade...but I usually like to visit with my MA Bruce - what a

sweetheart, and the other " Remicadians " !!! Thank you for your love &


Many Hugs....


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Hi Sheri...thanks for your hugs & prayers. Ths group is the BEST.

Teaching about our bodies and sexuality is dicey with kids that have

developmental delays. I've tried to explain things in a way they can

relate to, but it is difficult. And lots of times though intellectually

there may be some sort of deficit, the hormones & curiosities are just

as active as any other kid's. Yikes...Em & I have come through some

difficult times but she really is maturing, though at a slower pace.

Let's keep each other & our children in our prayers.

Much Love, Sheri....


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Hi Lynn...thanks for your kindness. I think I may send an email to the

Breast Center. They are really wonderful and it is a beautiful,

top-notch facility...I'm sure they would welcome feedback from a

patient. Thanks for the encouragement.

Lynn, how are you doing? Do you feel your recovery is coming a long ok?

Much Love & Many Hugs....


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Sorry I'm kind of in delayed response mode lately, but I'm sending a

gigantic hug your way and I hope your infusion has you feeling better,


Sending love and hugs,


[ ] need a hug

I'm feeling really awful...IBS, low-grade fever (just under 101), aches

everywhere, headaches, too. I went in for my yearly mammogram

today...the tech was very nice but pulled really hard on my right breast

and the skin underneath tore in a couple places. I knew something

REALLY hurt when she was getting me situated on the machine, but I had

no idea the skin tore til I got home. I know it is harder to film

larger-breasted women, but it feels awful.

Tomorrow is Remicade and I'm hoping it will turn some of this around.

I'm so tired and so chilly. I need a cup of hot chocolate, but ran out

of my s/f stuff.

Hugs to All...


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Thanks, Kathe. Just got back from Remicade and going to lie down

shortly. Bruce, my MA, now has an assistant...she really bungled the

first iv poke, but redeemed herself getting it just right the second


Much Love, Always...


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Hi Tess,

I feel each day I get stronger. This surgery was more than I thought but

I am getting through it. I would just like to get out and go for a walk or

shop but I don't think I can do that right now. I am not in any of the pain

I was in, there is no bile taste, and I don't get nauseous like I did. So

even though the eating is a problem I feel I am in a better place. Eating

will always be a problem, can't make the pouch any bigger. However, this is

better than what I had before. How are you doing, I hope things are better

for you.

Lynn (MeMom)

tess_northwest@... wrote:

> Hi Lynn...thanks for your kindness. I think I may send an email to the

> Breast Center. They are really wonderful and it is a beautiful,

> top-notch facility...I'm sure they would welcome feedback from a

> patient. Thanks for the encouragement.


> Lynn, how are you doing? Do you feel your recovery is coming a long ok?


> Much Love & Many Hugs....


> Tess




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