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Hi everyone!

I hope you are all well!

I've bunched my replies again, it takes so much less time than trying to

send the individual responses through hotmail.

Sending you all hugs and prayers!



Hi Joan,

Thanks so much for the link! It was very interesting.

Mine was pretty much all over but seems to be clearing up now, I think the

Decapeptyl I was taking caused it, it started with the medication and seems

to be clearing up now that I’ve stopped.

I hope you are well.



Subject: Methotrexate & alcohol

Hi there Betty,

Don’t worry it doesn’t sound like you have a problem :-), there’s nothing

wrong with enjoying alcohol in moderation. I might have to go on

methotrexate once I’ve had a baby and having to stop alcohol completely

forever is not an idea I’m particularly excited about, I really enjoy a nice

glass of red wine when out and love French champagne at Christmas and new


I hope you are feeling well today,



Hi !

I’m so glad that you are feeling a little better, it must be a great relief

for you to have your doctors treating you and finding answers.

I hope that you continue to improve so that we can see your sweet posts more




Hi Judi,

You & Ron are in my thoughts and prayers for Friday, I hope that he can get

some concrete answers and start treatment soon.



Hi Tamara,

I’m so glad you got in to see your doctor earlier. Please make it very

clear exactly how you feel and that you need help. One of our members found

writing a letter to their doctor describing exactly how they felt and

sending it before the visit very helpful in getting them to understand.

Just a thought. I find I always downplay my pain and forget half the things

I wanted to say whenever I go to a doctor, so maybe it’s a good idea.

You are in my thoughts and prayers, I hope it goes well on Thursday, let us




“You are the mortar between the bricks that keep us together.”

Jan, I think that was a lovely way of putting it, it explains our wonderful

moderators perfectly! I loved your stories, they were sad but interesting.

I also really loved your Struggles post, it is so true that our hardships

make us what we are. I have found that it is easier to be empathetic and

really feel for others after the difficulties I’ve faced in my life,

sometimes the lack of empathy I hear in others shocks me until I realize

that some people just don’t have a clue what true hardship and pain is.

I hope you are well today,




I’m so sorry you had such a scary panic attack, it must have really upset


I’m sure that all the changes and stress you’ve had in your life recently

can’t have helped. Have you had any luck selling your house? I hope that

issue resolves itself soon.

You are in my thoughts and prayers




Sending you a giant hug and a warm mug of hot chocolate with fresh cream,

marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles (it’s virtual so there are NO calories!


I’m so sorry you are feeling so awful, ouch! that sounds really sore, how

could they do that to your poor boob!

Please rest up and try to recover, I’m praying that the Remicade kicks in

really fast to give you some much needed and deserved rest.

((((((((((((((Gentle angel hugs))))))))))))))))))))


Hi ,

I’m so sorry you have RA but welcome to the group! You will find this is a

safe place to come for information, sharing, support and friendship from a

wonderful group of people that know what you are going through first hand.

I’m 26 years old and was diagnosed with RA about 1 ½ years ago, finding this

group was the best thing that’s happened to me since this disease started, I

hope you will find the same comfort and support that I have.

I look forward to getting to know you,

Take care,


Hi Janet!

I’m so glad that your appointment went well, although I can understand your

frustration in not having an immediate solution. Did your doctor not

mention the possibility of a Prednisone taper in the meantime to get the

flare under control while you are waiting for the Plaquenil to kick in? I

know the side effects are a bit crummy long term but it could really help in

the short term to get things under control.

I know it’s amazing that they don’t have donuts here in Mauritius – imagine!

You’ll have to send me some virtual donuts in the meantime until I can get

back to South Africa LOL!

Sending hugs and prayers your way, I hope that you feel better soon.




I was having flashbacks reading your e-mail about your son’s school

uniforms. South African schools are very conservative and were even more so

when I went to school. We wore uniforms throughout school (which included

ties and blazers even for the girls! At a lot of schools they have to wear

hats too.) There were all kind of daft regulations; we’d have inspections

once a week and they’d check the girls hair, nails & uniforms (no hair in

your face at all and only regulation (brown) clips and black elastics) if

your nails could be seen over the tops of your fingers they’d cut them. In

junior school, we even had regulation panties for the girls LOL! They were

the sexiest numbers… Not! Enormous dark green jobs Yikes! We had to keep

our shirts tucked in and our skirts had to be 3 fingers above our knees or

longer, regulation white socks that had to be folded twice etc. Obviously

no make up or hair dye allowed either! (Torture for me in high school, I’m

blonde and have white eyebrows and lashes so I was forever getting into

trouble for dyeing them!)

I hated it, I always felt like a tin soldier – it’s hard to be different and

original in that kind of environment. I do agree with uniforms in

moderation though especially with the amount of competition among kids with

clothes nowadays – it’s really hard on kids who’s parent’s just cant’ afford

to keep up with the latest trends but it can be taken to extremes and get a

bit daft sometimes.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today.




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