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Kathy in IL

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Hi Kathy,

I think it's GREAT that you're going, and I'll bet you'll have a wonderful

time. This disease can take so much from us, we have to sometimes say " what

the heck! " and have some fun.

Sending tons of love,


Re: [ ] Stacey in PA

<PRE>hey stacey, i was really not wanting to go, but my family just ket on


seemed like they were all ganging up on me. i keep telling my son, ok, i

haven't done anything in 3 years, but shouldn't i start smaller? a museum,

zoo, movie?? but i have turned down trip after trip. it is my parents 50th

anninversary, she seems so much happier now that i am coming. it's just me

and my sister, so it will be nice. i am scared to travel, but oh well. i'll

bring my cane. who knows, maybe my family will see where i am now. i also

know what you mean about wanting more. i had a bed buddy too, but i chased

him away. being sick all the time. i went to the dr again today, he


a yeast infection. this is after a 7 day cream, 2 diflucan, and flagyl.

enough already!!! kathy in il

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<PRE>thanks carol, i'm sure i will once i get there. it's just all the walking


standing, then sitting in cramped quarters, then i have to worry about my son

and animals home alone!!! kathy in il

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Dearest Kathy...Happy Sweetest day to you, too. December 21 will be our

34th anniversary. Life sure goes different directions than we planned

or even imagined! I pray that when the right time & right man comes

along you will find love & peace, dear Kathy.

Many Hugs of Hope....


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<PRE>thanks tess, you too. i am doing my last load of laundry and cooking up


chicken for dan and the puppy!! tomorrow i've got to run to the store for

some meds and gum for my trip. get up at 4:30 am tues. to drive to my sisters

and off we go.....kathy in il

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<PRE>no dan, the dog and the cat are staying home. he is 19. it's the end of

semister at school. plus trying to take that much time off work. kinda

nervous about it. i have left him overnite before, but nothing like this. as

long as he keeps his normal routine, we should be ok. if not, well......this

time tomorrow, i should be flying over tennessee!!! kathy in il

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Have a nice time in Florida with your family. Is Dan and the puppy going

with you?


> <PRE>thanks tess, you too. i am doing my last load of laundry and cooking up

> some

> chicken for dan and the puppy!! tomorrow i've got to run to the store for

> some meds and gum for my trip. get up at 4:30 am tues. to drive to my sisters

> and off we go.....kathy in il



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<PRE>thanks paula, it has been a very upsetting day. i had my plans. go to the

store, get dan's food. go to k-mart and get my meds. well i called my refill

in on friday (for the yeast) still was not refilled until after 6pm tonight.

it took over 5 calls to the pharmacy and the dr''s office to get it straight.

then i got a letter saying that after jan. 1 2003 i will need pre

authorization for diflucan. must've been written by a man. (sorry guys!!)

then i go out and find a puddle under my car about the size of a small pizza.

my car overheated a couple weeks ago, i am still dog sitting. the lady just

called from milwaukee and is still meeting with hospice people for her mom.

tomorrow palm trees, a big hot tub. i'm ready and need it very bad.

uughhhhhhh!!! kathy in il

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Have a great trip, Kathy! I hope you'll let us know how you are doing in

FL. I'm sure Dan will be fine.

Re: [ ] Kathy in IL

> <PRE>no dan, the dog and the cat are staying home. he is 19. it's the

end of

> semister at school. plus trying to take that much time off work. kinda

> nervous about it. i have left him overnite before, but nothing like

this. as

> long as he keeps his normal routine, we should be ok. if not,


> time tomorrow, i should be flying over tennessee!!! kathy in il

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> Kathy,

> Dan will be just fine. He is an adult. I know it¹s hard to consider our sons

> adults (mine¹s going on 19) but they are. Have a great trip.

> a



>> > <PRE>no dan, the dog and the cat are staying home. he is 19. it's the

> end of

>> > semister at school. plus trying to take that much time off work. kinda

>> > nervous about it. i have left him overnite before, but nothing like

> this. as

>> > long as he keeps his normal routine, we should be ok. if not,

> well......this

>> > time tomorrow, i should be flying over tennessee!!! kathy in il


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<PRE>wow judi, that is a shame about the motel. no i stayed in most of the time,


don't do heat and humidity well. maybe it's just the traveling that gets us.

ick, i think about that brown foam. ick!!! i hope you made some complaints

when you left. my moms place had a spa too. i didn't go in. it raises my

blood pressure too much. i can put my feet in, but that is about it.

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