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If you had used the word " accessory " to describe a pet, I would have

said that you do not understand what it means to love another

lifeform. Since you have mentioned your divorce a couple of times, I

feel that you were expressing personal issues. I agree with much of

what the feminist movement has espouced over the years but it doesn't

mean much if respect is not part of the overall. If we assume that

men can only achieve a certain level whether in relationship or

parenting, then young men will be less challenged to find balance.

I have known women who equate sex with males in terms of " servicing "

since they are not necessarily wanting a male friend of spouce.

I have also come across lots of guys who treat sexuality on the level

of taking a pee. I think that if people are honest with one another,

this behavior can be workable if precautions to avoid breeding are

sought though self-gratification might be more appropriate. More

often, sexual encounters without respect and love are laced with

dishonesty and people get disallusioned, if not hurt.

Vegetarians are often those who have adjusted their diet out of

consideration to other lifeforms besides personal health, so the

comment surprised me. I am glad that you were not offended by my


Btw, I understand the addage " the way to a mans heart is through his

stomach " since great cooking definately impresses me :]. cheers,

* http://hempprints.com

audreynj <jes@l...> wrote:

> When I used the word " accessory " i think i mislead a few people....

> A partner is not essential to life but it does add to the beauty

and sweetness of living....not to mention I secretly love it when

someone raves about my cooking:)


> or perhaps this is far too much feminist retrodict! ha.


> peace to all!

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Yes, I have a son that is your age but am not currently in a

relationship. The mother of my children was not active in their lives

and left me to fend for them in '85. I didn't like how things went

down but my faith in relationships is not deminished. I was more

guarded and found it easier to raise my kids alone rather than with

someone who didn't share my values. I broke up with my second

significant other, when she wanted to have a baby since I was already

struggling to support 3.

I understand that females have a different experience than males and

are more often subjected to violence in the home, but I think that

getting beyond factors that separate the sexes, races, and " isms " is

a lofty goal. The mother of my sons would make offhanded statements

like " All men are... " which I felt was not only incorrect, but

insensitive. I expected them to be careing, nurturing, individuals

and choice to become friends with more positive rolemodels.

Masculinity doesn't denote control, selfishness, or violence. A true

warrior is not one who flails around or attacks when things don't go

their way. I am from a large family of boys who are responsible

parents and grandparents besides respectful to their spouces. My sons

also understand how to act in relationships.

I don't put friends down for venting and am understanding, but at the

same time I am wanting to create an environment of support and growth.

audreynj <jes@l...> wrote:



> i assume u are a bit older than I am. > I do, however, believe that

the experience of young females is different than men for a variety

of reasons. God bless you and the continued success of your marriage

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I think it's terrible that you would say you think I would have problems with pregnancy, birth and delivery, not to mention raising my child the way I want. I was so surprised when I read that coming from you I had to read it twice to make sure I didn't read it wrong.

"Happiness is a state of mind, become the change you envision" Hinds ----Original Message Follows---- From: "purpleveg" Reply-To: VeganMacrobiotics To: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Date: Mon, 08 Mar 2004 21:58:18 -0000 You say I think you're not listening. Well, you aren't I mean you "hear me" but you don't listen. I SERIOUSLY doubt that you will not have problems with pregnancy, birth, delivery, raising your child the way you want. THAT has already voiced his opinions. I mean if he did respect your veganism would he take you to barbques and ask why you don't try the stuff? what about wanting a home birth and vaccines? what about a midwife? those are things I know you've told me you'd like......... Ok, I'll stop now.......... > I've been reading all your posts. I'm having such a hard time posting on the website. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've tried so many times and nothing seems to work. I"ve even opened new accounts. ...anyhow I"m sure you wont get this. Reggie says my posts are blank. ...But I can really share your feelings in regards to your relationship with your Bruce. I'm engaged to a meat-eater with different ideals than my own. I"ll send this to Reggie in hopes that you get this. Reggie has been a great source of advice and help for me. ...and though she often thinks I"m not listening. I am. It's hard to say if your Bruce would change or not. I know my fiance says he has no problem with me raising any possible children as vegan but like you say who knows if that would change. I know he thinks that they'd be seen as weird too. ...but more and more families and children are vegan (don't know much about the macro) that I don't think it would be an issue at all for the child. ...but I have a question for you. ...how would you feel if one day your child wanted to eat meat like daddy? How would you feel about that? I ask ...because it's a question I ask myself. Free yourself from those irritating pop-up ads With MSN Premium Get 2 Months FREE*

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When I read it, i thought it was in regards to problems between you

and your significant other rather than relating directly

childbearing, etc. Of course, not knowing the situation I wouldn't

make predictions only to say it works better if your significant

other is supportive and likeminded. I wish you much happiness in your

personal life choices. *

, " Hinds " <sonia_hinds@h...> wrote:


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  • 5 weeks later...
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Hi Reggie,

Thanks for checking in, I am still here. It's been crazy lately, it only took one day to find the buyers of our home. The first people to come look at it wanted it. We are currently in attorney review and are expecting to close mid-May. Bruce found an apartment over the weekend and moves in May 1. I am looking forward to having the house to myself for a few weeks. Bruce is going to Cancun by himself the last week of April so I only have two more weeks of living with him. Thank goodness! He has already started meeting girls and they call him all hours of the day and night so I get to hear him flirting with them on the phone. Kind of makes me feel sick and sad that he was able to get over this so easily. I know this is for the best and I am happier, I'll be much happier though once he has moved out.

I fell out of Macrobiotics, haven't been so strict since the break up but I am back today. I have been feeling so horrible and already after just some miso soup and brown rice I feel pretty good. I gained back some weight too, that's kind of depressing but I know it will start coming off again once I am back on the diet strict. I also joined the gym the other day. I am so excited to have a great place to work out. I can't wait to go after work today.

Hope everyone is doing well!

purpleveg wrote:

,Are you around? Are you ok? I haven't heard from you and hoping things are working out well for you now. Remember we're here for you...............Regards,ReggieThe animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men.- Alice The questions is not; Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?- Jeremey Bentham

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hey Reggie,

I'll have to check the cookies next time I go, they are labled vegan and I guess I'm just so trusting that I just bought them without looking/asking for the ingrediants. You think I would know better, right?

Mike stopped by yesterday, unannounced. He seemed upset but I just really don't want to talk to him right now. He stayed for 20 minutes pacing my kitchen. I told him to sit down but he wouldn't. I couldn't wait for him to leave. I don't know...we'll see. I think I feel better not talking to/seeing him.

If you will be in NY this summer I would love to meet you there. Keep me posted on when you will be there.

I'll check with Mike next time he calls..and he will...the measurements for the amasake pudding. It is just amasake and kuzu, I'm just not sure how much of each.

purpleveg wrote:

Hey K,That is your junk food, lol. First, I am allergic to pineapples and second I am in florida, ha ha. ;) My junk food is like Tings that 's snack, tastes like cheese doodles (from what I remember) but they are vegan and the flavor is nutritional yeast. I also like making macro desserts, love rice dream heated up with Roma my competition with starbucks decaf soy late. Right ?Um, oh, I also love Soy delicious fruit juice sweetened and Nana's cookies either chocolate chip or coconut chocolate chip. The vegan ones you eat, do they have sugar in them? Oh, love Dolphin chocolates too. Um, and Sesame blues chips. Hard on the liver, one of my big problems that and intestines according to Michio.Mike and Bruce, very interesting stuff actually. Have you ever

mentioned your (Bruce's) assesment on the situation? I would. Maybe if you pointed it out to him it may sink in and maybe he'll do something about it. Perhaps not now but at least put the seed in his head. Oh I don't know, men are so strange. The older I get the more realistic I become and the more I agree there is a whole mars/venus thing going on. I do think it's our fault tho, women's that is. I believe since we do the majority of the child rearing we socialize boys to become the men they are today. So, next time we complain we should complain to ourselves. Anyone else have an opinion on this? , I know you must! Can I have the recipe for the amazake pudding too?No, not more of a response than I wanted, my life is really so simple now, I like to live vicariously through others. Oh, I am probably coming up to NY this summer, Marlie (my daughter),

Scruffy (my first born, hairy child) and me. Would love to have a get together, if possible. We can do Mana.Have a great one,Reggie> >The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men. - Alice The questions is not; Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? - Bentham

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  • 3 weeks later...
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:] check is in the mail...lol. Thanks to you and for the

call... it made my bday more special. I got to spend time with my

sons and they gave me some Beatles and a few other cds since I won't

have radio/tv in Yellowstone. I am enjoying Bozeman [at University

right now] and heard there is snow in the Canyon where I will be in a

couple of days.

I am enjoying getting to know all of you and will check in when I

can. hugs, *

, " purpleveg " <purpleveg@y...> wrote:

> , I know I spoke to you but I should have posted on the group

> too

> Happy Happy birthday and many more.

> This is the 2nd year of bdays I can spend with you online and hope

> to have many more. You sure are a pleasure to know. You are an

> honest and kind man with much to share with this group and who I

> respect.

> Ok, well, when will I get my check????????? LOL

> Reggie

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Last night I hung out with people from Columbia and Slovania coming

to Yellowstone for the season... I hope to meet people from all over

and have a nice cultural exchange.

For the next two days, I plan to just relax and get use to the

altitude [7734 ft. where I will stay in Yellowstone] Cheers,

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Haven't stopped using the account. those were simply old ones that I hadn't replied to and sadly forgot because I have been using the sinvegan account, that's all.

"Happiness is a state of mind, become the change you envision" Hinds ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: VeganMacrobiotics To: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 16:44:35 -0000 , Why did you stop using the Sinvegan account? I can't see your posts again unless I go to the site directly. I'm sorry about your situation but I do think that family should be number one. There is a reason this is all happening not for you to suffer but for something good to come out of it. Consider what your mom is saying....... Love, Reg

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Hi Reg,

I called TJ Maxx in Ocala, and they didn't get a shipment. They said

to keep checking, as they get new stuff all the time, but never know

what it will be.

> Interesting stuff isn't it?

> Hey, did you ever go to TJ Maxx and get the vegan moisturizer?


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  • 1 month later...
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There is no judgement involved beside what you perceive to be the

best recourse for you and living within you personal values. You

obviously care about how you treat your body even if you are


If you have time to boil water and add brown rice, the rest can be

purchased premade in any healthfood store if it's strictly a time

issue. Sometimes children are trained to eat a cookie or something

when they are sad and then revert as adults to whatever brings

security or comfort. I had to reprogram myself when my world changed.

Group hug, and remember to laugh and give thanks.

Cheers, *

, " purpleveg " <purpleveg@y...> wrote:

> dear, sorry you've " fallen off the wagon " but that doesn't

> mean you can't still be here. We love to hear from you.

> I have some news that may help you....... Marlie and I will be in


> on Wed the 14th. Well, be bringing my furry companion Scruffy and

> staying with my bro on the UWS. More to tell but in person if we

> can meet. Mana??????????? Email me I'd love to meet up in person.

> Be positive, remember you are not perfect and do what you need to


> survive.

> Reggie



> > Hey Everyone,

> >

> > I've been MIA for a while for a boat load of reasons, some good,

> some

> > not so good. Anyway, I have completely fallen off being macro.

> Ever

> > since my break up and moving back in with my parents I have not

> made

> > the time to cook which in turn has caused me to gain back almost

> all

> > 26 pounds I had lost. I have even hired a personal trainer but

> that

> > hasn't made a difference as I have been eating lots of garbage

> > lately. It makes me so angry because I know what is healthy, I

> know

> > what I SHOULD be doing. I really don't have time for all the

> cooking

> > being macro involves, how do I go about this?

> >

> > Hope everyone else is doing well.

> >

> >

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Hope everyones having a good week... am flying back to Oregon today

or tomarrow but will check in when I get back. The time in

Yellowstone was memorable even if the food wasn't..hehe.

, hope things get better for you. It's important to take care

of yourself especially when the struggles come. *

, <qterthanu23@y...>

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks for asking Reg..

Am working evenings cleaning offices and looking for a room

somewhere... have a couple of leads today but am not sure yet... will

let ya know. I am jonesing to get some new art projects done so a

quiet spot would be helpful.

Today as I was having a coffee on the corner of Willamette and 10th

[downtown Eugene], there were two people making out in undies with a

sign that said " Vegans make better lovers " ... they were handing out

PETAs new veggie starter kit http://www.vegetarianstarterkit.com

It's a nice publication and free for the asking.

cheers everyone, *

" purpleveg " <purpleveg@y...> wrote:

> ,

> how are things going for you back in Oregon. I hope you are using

> the same air carrier so you are getting some frequent flier miles!

> I love to travel but packing and un packing all the time gets on my

> nerves, are you at that point yet?


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Of course, if I have another opportunity to live in SF or some parts

of Europe it would be hard to pass up! Meanwhile, I will stay in


, The Purple one <purpleveg@y...> wrote:


> Now that you're in a more stable place can we look forward to more

regular emails from you? I hope so.........

> Stay put and things will look up and you'll be back to your art

soon. Please keep me posted with any new projects that come up.

> Reg


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Reg! How's Marlie doing? Shes such a cutie :]. I am really

glad to see my sons happy and doing things that bring them personal

fofilment. I will be moving in my new place in a few days so am

excited. I will be able to set up my studio and computer soon.

Cheers, /oregon <purpleveg@y...> wrote:


> Happy birthday to your son, may he have a happy and peaceful one.

> Reg


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, know Ive been getting around since I went to SF 15 months ago.

Anyway, am planning to keep this place for a while even when I have

wandering feet. You know that I like a nice adventure. I dont want to

be caught in the eye of a hurricane though!

Sending regards, :]*

, The Purple one you'll be somewhere long enough for me to memorize

the number

> ;)

> The hurricane has hit here, left and now we're preparing for a 3rd

which is supposed to already be a category 5!!!

> Reggie

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  • 3 weeks later...

My convo? Is that Florida talk...lol.

I basically let him know a bit about my experiences and that I'd be

interested in future cruises. He is an interesting guy. DS

, " purpleveg " <purpleveg@y...> wrote:

> ,

> I spoke to Sandy for like 1 minute y'day and he said that he spoke

> to you and obviously we didn't have time to get into the rest.

> What happened with your convo????

> Reggie

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think that anyone is free of disease since there are many

factors envolved. We're like computers in that we don't last forever

[though working parts can be recycled]. Hopefully, we don't become

obsolete as fast :]

" Anja Tumert "

> We are supposed to eat like humanbeings, to evolve like spiritual



> AnJA

> > & gt;Balance the body perfectly (yin & amp; yang) with its

environment and it

> will be free from disease.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Reggie,

My friends study house is in Brighton, she has at the moment 4 people

living there learning cooking and living a macrobiotic way of life

plus her family. She holds weekly cooking classes and does

consultations and shiatsu. Her aim is to buy land in Portugal and have

a much larger study house there.

She also along with her partner runs an annual Summercamp held every

August usually in the south of England. If anyone would like a

brochure e-mail me your address and I'll pass it on to them.


> ,

> Not sure if I didn't read this properly or if I was having a senior

> moment or what but......... you have a friend who has a macro study

> house?  Wow, that's so great, tell us about it, how it got started,

> how often ppl are there, who is involoved, etc it sounds fascinating.

> Reggie



> > Hi , Brighton is on the south coast of England and people

> call it

> > 'London by the sea'.  It has a thriving altenative culture with

> lots of

> > juice bars, veggie cafes, organic stores and resturants and lots

> of

> > vegatarians, vegans, macro's and raw food people.  My friend has a

> > macrobiotic study house and can usually put people up if they are

> > passing through or if they want to learn to cook or are ill etc.

> >








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I hope to see the UK on my next Euro trip but would be more

inclined to teach rather than attend classes. I can prepare a

balanced meal without much thought. Its nice to know that

people can go to these things though and would like to see the

website. ds

> She also along with her partner runs an annual Summercamp

held every August usually in the south of England. If anyone

would like a

> brochure e-mail me your address and I'll pass it on to them.


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wow, sounds great, do you know how she got into this? Where did she

get her training?

Did you forward the cruise info to her? Is she interested?



> >

> > ,

> > Not sure if I didn't read this properly or if I was having a


> > moment or what but......... you have a friend who has a macro


> > house?  Wow, that's so great, tell us about it, how it got


> > how often ppl are there, who is involoved, etc it sounds


> > Reggie

> >

> >

> > > Hi , Brighton is on the south coast of England and people

> > call it

> > > 'London by the sea'.  It has a thriving altenative culture with

> > lots of

> > > juice bars, veggie cafes, organic stores and resturants and


> > of

> > > vegatarians, vegans, macro's and raw food people.  My friend

has a

> > > macrobiotic study house and can usually put people up if they


> > > passing through or if they want to learn to cook or are ill


> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Of course I'll marry you Reggie!! I'll cook and you can keep me motivated.

I only have to take my dog to the vet once every two weeks now so my bosses don't mind my leaving so much anymore. Timber is doing better as far as his glucose is considered but his back legs are getting bad. It's so hard for him to walk up and down stairs.

I am hoping to move out in May but we'll see. I'm really, really bad with money. I can't balance a checkbook to save my life!!

Happy Turkey - Free Thanksgiving everyone!

The Purple one wrote:

, will you marry me????????? :)I have been the cook around here for too long!don't tempt me to come eat your food, flights back to NY are WAYYYYYY toocheap now.What's been up with you and your job/dog situation? How has the doggiediet been? did you try it? Did you move out yet?RegSure you can come Reggie, there will be plenty of food!! I am actually going to make real mashed potatoes, millet is my least favorite grain ever. I eat potaoes probably twice a year, Thanksgiving and Christmas.I do love to cook, made an awesome black bean chili last night, though I overdid it with the cilantro. Have lot of leftovers so I'm having it for lunch and will probably add some brown rice to soak up some of the liquid so I can eat it as a burrito for dinner. =====I never

understood the whole signature thing, either people don't read it or they think it's dumb...............__________________________________________________

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Hi everybody,

Only sometimes in my busy everyday life I have the time to read all the

mail that you write. All this talk about food made me think of something;

soon x-mas is coming up and I want to ask if any of you know how to make

x-mas pudding (cake).

I wish you all the best and have fun preparing for x-mas.


& gt;From: The Purple one & lt;purpleveg@... & gt;

& gt;Reply-To: VeganMacrobiotics

& gt;To: VeganMacrobiotics

& gt;Subject:

& gt;Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 11:07:13 -0800 (PST)

& gt;

& gt;, will you marry me????????? :)

& gt;I have been the cook around here for too long!

& gt;don't tempt me to come eat your food, flights back to NY are WAYYYYYY


& gt;cheap now.

& gt;What's been up with you and your job/dog situation? How has the doggie

& gt;diet been? did you try it? Did you move out yet?

& gt;Reg

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;Sure you can come Reggie, there will be plenty of food!! I am actually

& gt;going to make real mashed potatoes, millet is my least favorite grain

& gt;ever. I eat potaoes probably twice a year, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

& gt;

& gt;I do love to cook, made an awesome black bean chili last night, though

& gt;I overdid it with the cilantro. Have lot of leftovers so I'm having it

& gt;for lunch and will probably add some brown rice to soak up some of the

& gt;liquid so I can eat it as a burrito for dinner.

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;

& gt;=====

& gt;I never understood the whole signature thing, either people don't read

it or they think it's dumb...............

& gt;

& gt;__________________________________________________

& gt;

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  • 2 months later...

Just a quick question. I'll reply to the other stuff a bit later.

Can anyone explain "concentrated" (yes, as in juice) and why it's not good for you?

"...become the change you envision" Hinds ----Original Message Follows---- Reply-To: VeganMacrobiotics To: VeganMacrobiotics Subject: Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 05:51:44 -0000 , I hear about soy too but I think fermented is healthier and in Macrobiotics they say to not eat unfermented soy. Tofu shouldn't be eaten too often (once a week maybe) it is supposed to cool you down and you should only have organic I think you are hearing bad stuff about non organic soy that is genetically modified. I don't have suggestions for your friend with transition except don't try to find replacements like fake cheese, etc as it will only frustrate them as it doesn't taste the same. About lowers levels, that will have to come with time and will happen naturally once the animal products are eliminated. Reg Hello! Nice to see so many new members! What type of tofu do most of you use? Medium-Firm, Firm, extra firm? I've been hearing a lot of bad stuff about tofu and soy lately (mostly the mass producing of it and introduction of lots of chemicals) has anyone else heard this? I also have another question. I have a friend who is considering becoming vegan because of tryglicerides and high cholesterol. What steps would you suggest they take to ease into the transistion and to lower their levels?

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