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RE: live while I'm alive

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Hi Heidi,

Thanks for the great hug, it made me feel better already. My next infusion

is in 2 ? weeks, and I think the Remicade is starting to wear off. I took

10 mg prednisone yesterday, and it really helped me get through the day.

Prednisone can be such a miracle! I might take 5 mg today, then 2.5

tomorrow. I'm really not supposed to do prednisone tapers, because of the

Remicade study, but my rheumy told me to go ahead and do an abbreviated one.

I'm just taking it easy and getting through each day. At least I'm able to

do what I need to do. I've been grumpy from dealing with the pain, and

that's why I've been kind of quiet. I hope nobody thinks it's because I

have feelings other than immense love for each and every one of you!!!

How are you feeling? You said your rheumy upped your prednisone, too. You

want to get things under control before your getaway next weekend. I hope

you have a super time. I'm sure you will, as it sounds lovely and peaceful.

Very romantic! I'll be saying extra baby prayers while you're out of town!


I agree wholeheartedly about wanting to live and not just exist. I've been

trying to get involved in more service projects, as well as plugging away

with school and work. Stan and I are talking about a trip next month, which

would be nice also. I think it's awesome that you play volleyball. I would

continue to do it as long as you can.

Sending ((((((((((((((((((((((((((enormous hugs)))))))))))))))))))))

And tons of love,


[ ] " live while I'm alive "

Hi Carol!!

How are you feeling? Are you still having that flare? When is your next

infusion? etc! Can't they give you a pred taper? I'm a bit worried about

you, you've been very quiet.

Obviously if you are feeling miserable though please rest and only write

when you feel up to it!

Yep the " live while I'm alive " must have gotten into my brain from Bon Jovi

- I love them and he is SUCH a biscuit. Have you ever seen the movie

" Midnight and Valentino " ? He's scrumptious in it - good movie if you

haven't - very weepy though, I bawled my eyes out (very embarrasing in the


I really love that line though, that and " I want to live - not just exist "

(have no idea where I picked that up either LOL!) are my favorites. Poor

Jules hears them all the time to excuse all my nutty ideas and projects,

generally when I'm doing something not advised or potentially overwhelming

for " someone with RA " . It drives him a bit dilly as he finds it hard

comming up with a reasonable, plausible answer for me not to " live " . (Keri,

if you're reading this - I'm sorry I'm an RA spouses nightmare too sometimes


I hope you are feeling a little better,

((((((((((((((Giant hugs))))))))))))))) and lots of love,


<< My wish right now is to " live while I'm alive " >>

Heidi, did you get that from the new Bon Jovi song? ;-) I got that CD last

week, and have been enjoying it so much. Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora

are such hunks!

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Lots of Hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

And lots of love,



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