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Re: Food allergy testing?

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I do not have an immediate reaction to any food and that makes it hard to isolate my allergies. I do know Package gravy and almost anything that food preservaties makes me sick. Sometimes it takes from 4 to 6 hours to hit. I am so sick until I get my stomach emptied. Chocolate breaks me out and itches. Milk products bother me. It;s getting to where its what I can eat instead of what I can't. I tried keeping a diary of what I had eaten so that I could isolate the things that bother me. I have had allergy tests but not for foods.........From Lou

>> Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of > eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never > get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy? > I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My > allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very > reliable. Thanks for any opinions.>

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I have food allergies. Someone told me once that there is a specific

common thing in foods I am allergic to. I am allergic to cantaloupe,

avocado, pecans, bananas, all shell fish which include lobster, crab,

and shrimp, raw potato.. there are more, but those are the ones that

give me wheezing, hives, digestive upsets, and sometimes the emergency

room. My mouth immediately gets itchy on contact with these things.

Some people are allergic to gluten? (I think I have that right), milk,

eggs, and those I am not allergic to. I do have a hard time digesting

corn and corn products...they don't make me wheezy, but I have

digestive upsets with them.

Some foods you immediately know that you are allergic to, like me and

the instant itch. Others you may have to do an elimination of a certain

food...one at a time to find the culprit.

Food allergies are the most frustrating for me, because, as you said

they are hard to find with allergy testing.

Another common allergy is anything that contains sulphites and sulphur.

That alone is scary, because if you read the ingredients on common

shampoos and cleansers, and the very foods and drinks you consume, you

will find alot of them contain these.

Best of luck!


njmom1boy wrote:

Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never

get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

reliable. Thanks for any opinions.

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I forgot another option which is tough too, and that is to start out

with a bland diet (tough with all the ingredients in foods and

beverages) and introduce suspected foods one at a time.


walkinglou2002 wrote:


> I do not have an immediate reaction to any food and that makes it hard

> to isolate my allergies. I do know Package gravy and almost anything

> that food preservaties makes me sick. Sometimes it takes from 4 to 6

> hours to hit. I am so sick until I get my stomach emptied. Chocolate

> breaks me out and itches. Milk products bother me. It;s getting to

> where its what I can eat instead of what I can't. I tried keeping a

> diary of what I had eaten so that I could isolate the things that

> bother me. I have had allergy tests but not for foods.........From

> Lou








> >

> > Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

> > eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never

> > get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

> > I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

> > allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

> > reliable. Thanks for any opinions.

> >



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I have tons of food allergies!! Im allergic to all fruits and most vegis! They cause sweeling in my face, tongue, and throat! I end up in ER if this happens! I am allergic to rosemary too and a few other spices! I get hives and blisters in my mouth and throat! I have never been tested for these but i know what happens when i eat them and have been told that an allergy by drs! I dont know much about the testing. Sorry i wasnt much help.






Antifungal effects of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil and its components on Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

K. A. Hammer1,* , C. F. Carson1 and T. V. Riley1,2

1 Microbiology Discipline, School of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley; 2 Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Western Australian Centre for Pathology and Medical Research, Queen II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6009

Food allergy testing?

Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy? I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very reliable. Thanks for any opinions.

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One more thing I saw in your post is that you never get hives....I am

thinking that hives are a result of severe over dose of said food

allergen. I don't always get hives, in fact I don't get hives often at

all. In the times I did get hives, I remember ingesting large quantities

of something that I was allergic to. I also got hives only one of the

times I was feeding alfalfa to the big animals. The rest of the times I

only had wheezing and itching. To me, hives are a sign of way too much

for the body to handle LOL! Hives to me are the next step to airway


One of my daughters gets chronic hives, and together we tried to find

out why she was getting them (five years ago). She went to doctors and

they could not pinpoint why. What I did find out is that while she may

have them for years, they would eventually be overcome by her immunity

system. I just emailed her today and asked how they were and she told me

that she had not had hives since June. She used to get them all over her

body...we eliminated soaps, laundry products, foods...etc. It still is a

mystery...she went to some pretty good doctors for it. She is the only

child of mine that has to have an epi-pen around in case she gets stung

by a bee. I have epi-pen prescribed in case I get bit by a kissing bug

aka cone nosed beetle. Allergies and asthma seemed to be passed down by

the generations. My paternal grandmother had asthma, I have asthma, and

my oldest daughter..two of her four kids have asthma. None of my kids

have asthma, but they have severe allergies to one thing or another. I

found it strange that asthma got passed down every other generation.

Probably just a coincidence.


njmom1boy wrote:


> Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

> eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never

> get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

> I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

> allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

> reliable. Thanks for any opinions.



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I forgot that I had read when I was researching this that sometimes an food allergy may not show up right away...hour....or days. So it's very hard to find out what it is. I belive there is a blood test that will show some of your food allergies. If I can remember I am going to ask my dr and see what happens.

From Lou> > >> > > Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of> > > eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never> > > get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?> > > I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My> > > allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very> > > reliable. Thanks for any opinions.> > >> >> >>

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I think you are right! The one time that I ate the lobster and wound up

in the emergency room...it was like 12 hours after I ate it. Kinda

likened to food poisoning...it takes a while for the digestion system to

kick in and work it in the body. I have read that if you are poisoned

from food it can be from days ago...dunno.

Would the blood test show up allergies if you had not of consumed them?

Let us know what your doctor says.



walkinglou2002 wrote:


> I forgot that I had read when I was researching this that sometimes an

> food allergy may not show up right away...hour....or days. So it's

> very hard to find out what it is. I belive there is a blood test

> that will show some of your food allergies. If I can remember I am

> going to ask my dr and see what happens.


> From Lou


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I don't have any food allergies. However, my doc did test me for

foods. Not all foods, but the most common. Milk, eggs, nuts,

shellfish, etc... He seemed to think it was very important.


> >

> > Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

> > eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never

> > get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

> > I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

> > allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

> > reliable. Thanks for any opinions.

> >


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WOW Carol, I thought I was having a problems with food allergies, but you are really having a hard time. I do not have the swelling. Sometimes but not all the time I get hives. The only time I really break out and itch is when I eat Chocolate. Have you ever asked to be tested? My friends sometime look at me like they think I am lying. I always carry several Benadryl. Praying that this will change.

Thinking of you,


>> I have tons of food allergies!! Im allergic to all fruits and most vegis! They cause sweeling in my face, tongue, and throat! I end up in ER if this happens! I am allergic to rosemary too and a few other spices! I get hives and blisters in my mouth and throat! I have never been tested for these but i know what happens when i eat them and have been told that an allergy by drs! I dont know much about the testing. Sorry i wasnt much help. >

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I just remember that a friend of mine a few years ago was taking a shot every week for food allergies. She told me that they took blood and send it off somewhere for testing and it takes a few weeks. I don't even know where she is now, but I think it would be worth looking into.I will let you know what my GP says. Its about time for a visit with my Allergy dr. If I can find out anything I will let you know. Has anyone else out there know anything about food allergy shots?

From Lou

> >> > I forgot that I had read when I was researching this that sometimes an > > food allergy may not show up right away...hour....or days. So it's > > very hard to find out what it is. I belive there is a blood test > > that will show some of your food allergies. If I can remember I am > > going to ask my dr and see what happens.> >> > From Lou> >> > Recent Activity> >> > *> > 8> > New Members> > <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asthma/members;_ylc=X3oDMTJjN3U4dnViBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzI0NTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxNjEzBHNlYwN2dGwEc2xrA3ZtYnJzBHN0aW1lAzEyMjQwMTY0NzM->> >> > Visit Your Group > > <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asthma;_ylc=X3oDMTJia3JsbDUwBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzI0NTYEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDYxNjEzBHNlYwN2dGwEc2xrA3ZnaHAEc3RpbWUDMTIyNDAxNjQ3Mw--> > >> > Meditation and> >> > Lovingkindness > > <http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=13r74n48a/M=493064.12016231.12582634.9706571/D=grphealth/S=1705061613:NC/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1224023673/L=/B=So6bAULaX9o-/J=1224016473387811/A=5191951/R=0/SIG=11iiaadso/*http://new.groups.yahoo.com/giftoflovingkindness>> >> > A Yahoo! Group> >> > to share and learn.> >> > Yahoo! Health> >> > Early Detection > > <http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=13r028cdd/M=493064.12016303.12582636.9706571/D=grphealth/S=1705061613:NC/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1224023673/L=/B=S46bAULaX9o-/J=1224016473387811/A=5191946/R=0/SIG=12u9heqpd/*http://health.yahoo.com/breastcancer-symptoms/breast-cancer-symptoms/healthwise--tv3621.html>> >> > Know the symptoms> >> > of breast cancer.> >> > Special K Group> >> > on Yahoo! Groups > > <http://us.ard.yahoo.com/SIG=13sulabpm/M=493064.12016300.12445692.11323196/D=grphealth/S=1705061613:NC/Y=YAHOO/EXP=1224023673/L=/B=TI6bAULaX9o-/J=1224016473387811/A=5170420/R=0/SIG=11b5gu1oe/*http://new.groups.yahoo.com/specialKgroup>> >> > Join the challenge> >> > and lose weight.> >> > .> >> >>

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Benadryl makes me very sleepy....and when I need it I can't seem to

remember where I put it LOL!

It is a lifesaver that for years was only prescription. When I had

chicken pox at the ripe age of 38, the doctor told me to buy Benadryl,

and take as many as it took to relieve the itching...this was way over

the edge of the directions on the package. But it worked....I just

slept a lot!

I just got bit by a kissing bug on my leg and arm, and could not find

the Benadryl....it would have saved me the blisters that popped bigger

than a marble. I popped the blisters, and now am fighting

infection....not getting infection but with all the MRSA going on I am

applying everything locally on the bites that I can find. The bites a

good four days old now are looking just ok. Not great, but ok. Kissing

bugs are native to the SouthWestern U.S. People who are allergic to

them...each bite gets worse. They are blood sucking insects that come

out only at night. YIKES!! but true!! Another thing to look at when

thinking of moving here to the great state of Arizona...........google

kissing bugs!


walkinglou2002 wrote:

WOW Carol, I thought I was having a problems

with food allergies, but you are really having a hard time. I do not

have the swelling. Sometimes but not all the time I get hives. The

only time I really break out and itch is when I eat Chocolate. Have

you ever asked to be tested? My friends sometime look at me like they

think I am lying. I always carry several Benadryl. Praying that this

will change.

Thinking of you,



> I have tons of food allergies!! Im allergic to all fruits and

most vegis! They cause sweeling in my face, tongue, and throat! I end

up in ER if this happens! I am allergic to rosemary too and a few

other spices! I get hives and blisters in my mouth and throat! I have

never been tested for these but i know what happens when i eat them and

have been told that an allergy by drs! I dont know much about the

testing. Sorry i wasnt much help.


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How did he test you for food allergies? Was it by a blood test?

> > >> > > Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of> > > eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never> > > get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?> > > I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My> > > allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very> > > reliable. Thanks for any opinions.> > >> >>

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I did not know until recently that they make a liquid Benadryl. It get into your blood stream faster that the capsules. I keep the liquid in my cabinet and I have a compartment in my purse for Benadryl and other meds. It has really been a good med for a lot of years.


>> Benadryl makes me very sleepy....and when I need it I can't seem to > remember where I put it LOL!> > It is a lifesaver that for years was only prescription. When I had > chicken pox at the ripe age of 38, the doctor told me to buy Benadryl, > and take as many as it took to relieve the itching...this was way over > the edge of the directions on the package. But it worked....I just slept > a lot!> > I just got bit by a kissing bug on my leg and arm, and could not find > the Benadryl....it would have saved me the blisters that popped bigger > than a marble. I popped the blisters, and now am fighting > infection....not getting infection but with all the MRSA going on I am > applying everything locally on the bites that I can find. The bites a > good four days old now are looking just ok. Not great, but ok. Kissing > bugs are native to the SouthWestern U.S. People who are allergic to > them...each bite gets worse. They are blood sucking insects that come > out only at night. YIKES!! but true!! Another thing to look at when > thinking of moving here to the great state of Arizona...........google > kissing bugs!> > Cindi> > >

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liquid benadryl by prescription was what was prescribed for my daughter

(30 years ago) for her bee sting allergy. It is nice to know there is

that now over the counter...I will try to find that and keep it near

by. It is funny how you never think about that, or large bandages (to

cover huge insect bites ) until you need them. We live very rural, and

it is hard to just run down and pick up such said items. We try hard to

keep our "first aid" up to date, but again, when you don't need it, it

seems to slip the "old" mind. I was wishing that it was easy to keep a

pack of predinisone just for those emergencies........I had one doctor

that prescribed that, but we no longer are around her. I think the pack

would have been just right for this episode.....it would have made my

breathing and general feel better lots ok! The kissing bugs affect my

breathing tremendously. I get "tight" in the chest. Kind of scary!



walkinglou2002 wrote:

I did not know until recently that they make

a liquid Benadryl. It get into your blood stream faster that the

capsules. I keep the liquid in my cabinet and I have a compartment in

my purse for Benadryl and other meds. It has really been a good med

for a lot of years.



> Benadryl makes me very sleepy....and when I need it I can't seem


> remember where I put it LOL!


> It is a lifesaver that for years was only prescription. When I had

> chicken pox at the ripe age of 38, the doctor told me to buy


> and take as many as it took to relieve the itching...this was way


> the edge of the directions on the package. But it worked....I just


> a lot!


> I just got bit by a kissing bug on my leg and arm, and could not


> the Benadryl....it would have saved me the blisters that

popped bigger

> than a marble. I popped the blisters, and now am fighting

> infection....not getting infection but with all the MRSA

going on I am

> applying everything locally on the bites that I can find. The

bites a

> good four days old now are looking just ok. Not great, but ok.


> bugs are native to the SouthWestern U.S. People who are allergic


> them...each bite gets worse. They are blood sucking insects that


> out only at night. YIKES!! but true!! Another thing to look at


> thinking of moving here to the great state of Arizona...........google

> kissing bugs!


> Cindi




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I HAVE asked to be tested but as i have no insurance right now i go to a free clinic for my drs and they dont pay for such things. They didnt even pay for my Mamogram THEY sent me to get done! But if i ever DO get insurance then i WILL be asking for the testing!






Antifungal effects of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil and its components on Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

K. A. Hammer1,* , C. F. Carson1 and T. V. Riley1,2

1 Microbiology Discipline, School of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley; 2 Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Western Australian Centre for Pathology and Medical Research, Queen II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6009

Re: Food allergy testing?

WOW Carol, I thought I was having a problems with food allergies, but you are really having a hard time. I do not have the swelling. Sometimes but not all the time I get hives. The only time I really break out and itch is when I eat Chocolate. Have you ever asked to be tested? My friends sometime look at me like they think I am lying. I always carry several Benadryl. Praying that this will change.

Thinking of you,


>> I have tons of food allergies!! Im allergic to all fruits and most vegis! They cause sweeling in my face, tongue, and throat! I end up in ER if this happens! I am allergic to rosemary too and a few other spices! I get hives and blisters in my mouth and throat! I have never been tested for these but i know what happens when i eat them and have been told that an allergy by drs! I dont know much about the testing. Sorry i wasnt much help. >

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OH and I cant even TAKE benedryl it make me have asthma! LOL






Antifungal effects of Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil and its components on Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

K. A. Hammer1,* , C. F. Carson1 and T. V. Riley1,2

1 Microbiology Discipline, School of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley; 2 Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Western Australian Centre for Pathology and Medical Research, Queen II Medical Centre, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6009

Re: Food allergy testing?

WOW Carol, I thought I was having a problems with food allergies, but you are really having a hard time. I do not have the swelling. Sometimes but not all the time I get hives. The only time I really break out and itch is when I eat Chocolate. Have you ever asked to be tested? My friends sometime look at me like they think I am lying. I always carry several Benadryl. Praying that this will change.

Thinking of you,


>> I have tons of food allergies!! Im allergic to all fruits and most vegis! They cause sweeling in my face, tongue, and throat! I end up in ER if this happens! I am allergic to rosemary too and a few other spices! I get hives and blisters in my mouth and throat! I have never been tested for these but i know what happens when i eat them and have been told that an allergy by drs! I dont know much about the testing. Sorry i wasnt much help. >

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I've had both skin and blood tests. They come out the same. For me, I have to know what I'm allergic to because I will get anaphylaxis (throat swelling). Some things make me get hives, others give me swelling.

Somethings (like seafood) make me wheeze. My allergist said that if you're allergic to shellfish then you're probably allergic to peanuts. Those are two allergies you never outgrow. I am allergic to both, but peanuts to a lesser degree. I can eat them, but if I eat too many I either get hives or eczema. Seafood I can't even be around. Once, when I was younger, I simply picked up a package of perch that my mom bought. Immediately she had to take me to the ER. My eyes swelled shut; it was awful.

I used to be allergic to wheat, corn and rice but not any more. Maybe I outgrew them?

Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never

get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

reliable. Thanks for any opinions.

-- " Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today. " --Jesus

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that is very interesting because I show no allergy to peanuts. Peanuts

are not a tree grown nut...in fact they are not a nut at all, they are

grown in fields much like beans.

I was under the thinking that peanut allergy was an allergy of it's own.

I did find a likening to shell fish and the avacado allergy. There seems

to be a common thing to the two.

I did not just happen on the shell fish allergy....I ate tons and

literally tons of crab legs when I was pregnant with my fourth

child....never suffered until after I had her. This was 20 years ago.

All of a sudden I became allergic to shell fish....anything seafood that

is in a shell. Never tried clams....never will. The lobster did me in,

but it was not my first lobster. I can still eat peanuts and peanut

butter with no problems. huh....weird what some doctors say. And as far

as outgrowing...this allergy happened when I was almost 40 years old.

Also, people try to generalize seafood as their allergy...I was told

that I could eat seafood, as long as it did not have a shell, or live in

the shell. The shell part has the thing that I am allergic to. Perch is

not a shell fish. So, we might be talking about some different ideas or


Who knows really I guess.

Elaine Pollard wrote:

> I've had both skin and blood tests. They come out the same. For me, I

> have to know what I'm allergic to because I will get anaphylaxis

> (throat swelling). Some things make me get hives, others give me swelling.


> Somethings (like seafood) make me wheeze. My allergist said that if

> you're allergic to shellfish then you're probably allergic to peanuts.

> Those are two allergies you never outgrow. I am allergic to both, but

> peanuts to a lesser degree. I can eat them, but if I eat too many I

> either get hives or eczema. Seafood I can't even be around. Once, when

> I was younger, I simply picked up a package of perch that my mom

> bought. Immediately she had to take me to the ER. My eyes swelled

> shut; it was awful.


> I used to be allergic to wheat, corn and rice but not any more. Maybe

> I outgrew them?


> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 3:21 PM, njmom1boy <tasha70999@...

> > wrote:


> Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

> eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never

> get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

> I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

> allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

> reliable. Thanks for any opinions.





> --

> " Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have

> enough to worry about today. " --Jesus




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I am actually allergic to both shellfish and seafood. The shell may have something to do with sulfites or is it iodine? It seems like I had to have surgery once and they asked if I was allergic to shellfish and they said they couldn't use iodine on me. Not sure though, that's been awhile. Most people aren't allergic to freshwater fish (perch, trout), but I am. I am weird, though.

I've heard other people say they developed an allergy after being pregnant, too. For me it was opposite. I couldn't eat fresh peaches for years, but not too long after I had my daughter I was able to eat them. I just have weird allergies. I am even allergic to turkey, of all things! Even my doctor was surprised. I think it has to do with body chemistry or something. That's just my own thought, nobody told me this.

that is very interesting because I show no allergy to peanuts. Peanuts

are not a tree grown nut...in fact they are not a nut at all, they are

grown in fields much like beans.

I was under the thinking that peanut allergy was an allergy of it's own.

I did find a likening to shell fish and the avacado allergy. There seems

to be a common thing to the two.

I did not just happen on the shell fish allergy....I ate tons and

literally tons of crab legs when I was pregnant with my fourth

child....never suffered until after I had her. This was 20 years ago.

All of a sudden I became allergic to shell fish....anything seafood that

is in a shell. Never tried clams....never will. The lobster did me in,

but it was not my first lobster. I can still eat peanuts and peanut

butter with no problems. huh....weird what some doctors say. And as far

as outgrowing...this allergy happened when I was almost 40 years old.

Also, people try to generalize seafood as their allergy...I was told

that I could eat seafood, as long as it did not have a shell, or live in

the shell. The shell part has the thing that I am allergic to. Perch is

not a shell fish. So, we might be talking about some different ideas or


Who knows really I guess.

Elaine Pollard wrote:

> I've had both skin and blood tests. They come out the same. For me, I

> have to know what I'm allergic to because I will get anaphylaxis

> (throat swelling). Some things make me get hives, others give me swelling.


> Somethings (like seafood) make me wheeze. My allergist said that if

> you're allergic to shellfish then you're probably allergic to peanuts.

> Those are two allergies you never outgrow. I am allergic to both, but

> peanuts to a lesser degree. I can eat them, but if I eat too many I

> either get hives or eczema. Seafood I can't even be around. Once, when

> I was younger, I simply picked up a package of perch that my mom

> bought. Immediately she had to take me to the ER. My eyes swelled

> shut; it was awful.


> I used to be allergic to wheat, corn and rice but not any more. Maybe

> I outgrew them?


> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 3:21 PM, njmom1boy <tasha70999@...

> > wrote:


> Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

> eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I never

> get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

> I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

> allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

> reliable. Thanks for any opinions.





> --

> " Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have

> enough to worry about today. " --Jesus




-- " Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today. " --Jesus

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Those are good thoughts!! Thank you for sharing. I have a red alert on

my med charts for sulphur and sulfites. I did not see a problem with

iodine when I have used it on cuts, but it is a good thing to think

about next time. You helped me remember why they told me that. Thank


Once I heard that your body chemistry changes every 7 years...dunno.

I have found that my allergies all my life have changed, and yes

pregnancy changed a lot! Weird, but maybe the whole pregnancy thing

does a number to the body and everything shifts. I have weird allergies

too...so you are not alone.

I am glad you wrote all of that...it is comforting to know that I am

not alone!!



Elaine Pollard wrote:

I am actually allergic to both shellfish and seafood.

The shell may have something to do with sulfites or is it iodine? It

seems like I had to have surgery once and they asked if I was allergic

to shellfish and they said they couldn't use iodine on me. Not sure

though, that's been awhile. Most people aren't allergic to freshwater

fish (perch, trout), but I am. I am weird, though.

I've heard other people say they developed an allergy after being

pregnant, too. For me it was opposite. I couldn't eat fresh peaches for

years, but not too long after I had my daughter I was able to eat them.

I just have weird allergies. I am even allergic to turkey, of all

things! Even my doctor was surprised. I think it has to do with body

chemistry or something. That's just my own thought, nobody told me


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Rodney

& Cindi <rctsielvtc (DOT) net>


that is very interesting because I show no allergy to peanuts.


are not a tree grown nut...in fact they are not a nut at all, they are

grown in fields much like beans.

I was under the thinking that peanut allergy was an allergy of it's own.

I did find a likening to shell fish and the avacado allergy. There


to be a common thing to the two.

I did not just happen on the shell fish allergy....I ate tons and

literally tons of crab legs when I was pregnant with my fourth

child....never suffered until after I had her. This was 20 years ago.

All of a sudden I became allergic to shell fish....anything seafood


is in a shell. Never tried clams....never will. The lobster did me in,

but it was not my first lobster. I can still eat peanuts and peanut

butter with no problems. huh....weird what some doctors say. And as far

as outgrowing...this allergy happened when I was almost 40 years


Also, people try to generalize seafood as their allergy...I was told

that I could eat seafood, as long as it did not have a shell, or live


the shell. The shell part has the thing that I am allergic to. Perch is

not a shell fish. So, we might be talking about some different ideas or


Who knows really I guess.

Elaine Pollard wrote:

> I've had both skin and blood tests. They come out the same. For

me, I

> have to know what I'm allergic to because I will get anaphylaxis

> (throat swelling). Some things make me get hives, others give me



> Somethings (like seafood) make me wheeze. My allergist said that


> you're allergic to shellfish then you're probably allergic to


> Those are two allergies you never outgrow. I am allergic to both,


> peanuts to a lesser degree. I can eat them, but if I eat too many


> either get hives or eczema. Seafood I can't even be around. Once,


> I was younger, I simply picked up a package of perch that my mom

> bought. Immediately she had to take me to the ER. My eyes swelled

> shut; it was awful.


> I used to be allergic to wheat, corn and rice but not any more.


> I outgrew them?


> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 3:21 PM, njmom1boy <tasha70999

> <mailto:tasha70999>>



> Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

> eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I


> get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

> I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods. My

> allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

> reliable. Thanks for any opinions.





> --

> "Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have

> enough to worry about today."--Jesus





"Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have

enough to worry about today."--Jesus

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To answer both your questions, I did sleep a good bit today. It was

better than last week though. So hopefully the side effects of the

methotrexate will be less every week. Food allergies - my doc did

both the skin scratch and bloodwork.


> > > >

> > > > Anyone have food allergies? I often start wheezing w/in minutes of

> > > > eating certain foods (mainly wheat, dairy, fruits, sulfites). I

> never

> > > > get hives so does that mean it's not a true allergy?

> > > > I've had skin tests for airborne pollutants but never for foods.

> My

> > > > allergist isn't big on food allergy testing, says it's not very

> > > > reliable. Thanks for any opinions.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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have you eaten pancakes and maple syrup since then?


Irene Macabagdal wrote:


> i remembered once when i was in college, i ate pancakes with maple

> syrup, within minutes i started coughing my eyes swelled and i

> couldn't breath. i was rushed to the ER, when the nurses and doctors

> asked me what i ate, i told them pancakes and the maple syrup. it's as

> if that was the first time they heard someone got an allergy with

> maple syrup.


> .



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