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Re: Dr. Kraft and others - question about finger ridges

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I remember the finger print from way back along with the Red Crescent shape

on the sides of your throat as something to notice for diagnostic reason but

no one seems to talk about it much now days. I still have the red throat and

my finger prints are almost completely gone and he tips of my fingers have

atrophied, also they look as if I have been in water, all wrinkled..I think

when they are really bad I am dehydrated.

Why this is no longer talked about this a mystery along with so much other

evidence that has piled up over the years. It would a good picture to show

the world, the evidence would easily fill a room..

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Hi, yes, I have almost no fingerprints for many years now, I have been ill

for 22. It’s just one of those oddities, I believe Bell explains it, but to

me it just shows how utterly weird this disease is! Aylwin xox

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I have lived this phenomena as well....my fingertips were so smooth

taking fingerprints for security clearance was very difficult...and

painful because they would press down REALLY hard to get an image. Now

that I have eliminated some of my yeast problem, treated the thyroid

antibodies, built up my adrenals....the little ridges have returned.


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In my former life I was employed as a forensic specialist for a local PD and

worked withfingerprints for many years. I have always found this particular

aspectof CFIDS/ME very interesting. Could you refer me to the source of

Bell's explanation for this? Is it in one of his books? If you ever have to be

fingerprinted try using ridge builder or even lotion will help. diane


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> In Dr. Bell's book (and in writings by others as well), it is


> that patients with CFS often lack finger ridges. I was wondering if

> that was the case with Dr. Kraft, if she does not mind responding.


> The question sounds strangeunless you have read Dr. Bell's book


> he mentions it. I was reading his book and the meinute I came


> this, I immediately looked at my fingertips and sure enough there


> no ridges that I could see. Now I am discerning faint ridges and I


> also having less fatigue and more stamina. I cannot say for sure


> the ridges were totally gone before and are now back as they are


> faint now. I have to look at them in a just the right way in a good

> light to see the ridges.


> I specifically wanted to ask Dr. Kraft about this as I know from


> posts how severe her condition is. I know it is not something you

> would think to check without having read Dr.Bell's book or come


> it elsewhere.


> Also, I would be interested in hearing from the rest of the posters

> here about whether you have finger ridges or not. I asked this


> once before but not recently.


> Thanks for any responses.


Dr. Bell is my CFS specialist. But I have the finger ridges.


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Just got to my email after another short break, and saw the question

about finger rigdes. Yes, I do have them, and though they are faint

they are there, and Im not sure how faint mine really are compared with

other people - I do know that as a child I was finger printed without a

problem, and then again in my early twenties when I was substitute

teaching as all teachers had back ground checks with no problem then



Dr. Craft

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