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Re: B vitamins and D

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Hi all,

This is worth repeating....... Bj

The below information is on the Brain Talk Communities - Gluten

Sensitivity Forum (I think it's fascinating info!). The person that

posted this info on that forum is a wealth of information on Vitamin D

supplementation, and he posts many links for studies done about safe

high dose supplementation of Vitamin D. After reading his posts and

quotes from the studies, I have absolutely no qualms about taking

5,000iu/day! Although if I get half that much I think its progress.

I always take my vit D with calcium, magnesium, zinc for best

benefit. Since I take Armour sublingually I don't have to worry

about the four hour rule, but make sure it's four hours away from

when I take iron.

You may find Zuleikaa's factsheet fascinating and interesting, too.

http://forum.lowcarber.org/showpost.php?p=6684892 & postcount=1524

Vitamin D Facts

Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in over 80 diseases and has been

proven to prevent or remit 28 kinds of cancers. Vitamin D is a

powerful steroidal hormone that tells the body how to work and

controls a wide variety of cellular functions, not just calcium

regulation and bone growth.

If it hurts to press firmly on the breastbone, you might have chronic

vitamin D deficiency.

Other signs of vitamin D deficiency:

• Arthritis, bone, muscle, and/or joint pain, lack of leg and other

muscle strength; lack of balance, rickets, osteomalacia,

osteoporosis, need for joint replacement

• Susceptibility to sunburn, fragile skin that easily tears, cracked

dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea

• Tiredness, depression, Seasonal Effective Disorder (SAD),Chronic

Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

• Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, hyperparathyroidism,

• Immune system and Auto immune diseases: Asthma, Lupus, TB, MS,

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Celiac, Crohn's, Parkinson's,

rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, chronic infections

• PMS, heavy bleeding, fibroids, infertility, PCOS, low


• Any cancer, especially that of the skin, breast, ovaries, cervix,

colon, prostate, lung, and lymphomas

• Prenatal/child implications: gestational diabetes, preeclampsia,

miscarriage, hypertension, low birth weight, birth defects, teeth and

bone deformities, autism, asthma, Type I diabetes, learning


Per day: 2,000-50,000 IU vitamin D3, 1200-1800 mg calcium, and 600-

900 mg magnesium. Always take calcium and magnesium with vitamin D

supplements. Vitamin D will pull calcium from the bones if adequate

calcium is not ingested. Magnesium assists in calcium uptake.

Required vitamin D dose depends on season, resident latitude, skin

tone, weight, age, dress or cultural mores as well as presence and

severity of D deficiency symptoms.

Adequate vitamin D levels can prevent 80% of vitamin D deficiency

related diseases and cancers, 80% of breast cancers, and 50% of

prostate cancers.

60 times more cancer deaths are attributed to vitamin D deficiency

from lack of sun exposure than to skin cancer deaths from too much

sun exposure. In fact, people with adequate vitamin D levels do not

get skin cancer.

Natural vitamin D3 is very safe!!!

Natural vitamin D, cholecalciferol, is named D3; manmade vitamin D,

ergocalciferol, is named D2.

• Natural vitamin D, D3, has been tested at 20,000 IUs per day over a

5 year period and found non toxic.

• Cases of proven natural vitamin D toxicity have been the result of

industrial accidents or accidental mega doses in excess of 1 Million

IUs per day over a prolonged period.

• No incident of natural vitamin D toxicity has resulted in death.

• Vitamin D levels can be easily tested via the is 25(OH)D blood

test. When reading results ignore the lab ranges for normal as ranges

were established using a vitamin D deficient population. Use these


--Any reading below 50 nmol/L is deficient.

--Any reading of 50-80 nmol/L is insufficient

--80-250 nmol/L is optimal and preventive of cancers.

--Individuals in the tropics have vitamin D levels from mid 100s-200


• Vitamin D toxicity arises at a blood level of >250 nmol/L.

Natural vitamin D3 is safe even for children, infants, and fetus!!! A

2 year old was given 4 Million IUs of vitamin D over a 5 day period

resulting in vitamin D toxicity. His symptoms were diarrhea, stomach

ache, and high blood calcium. He was treated over a period of 3

months to reduce his calcium and fully recovered with no negative

results. Vitamin D is essential in the development of fetal bone,

brain, and nervous systems, and prevents birth defects and

miscarriages. Breast fed infants, especially, should be given liquid

vitamin D supplements. Experts recommend pregnant and lactating women

take 4,000 IUs of D per day, and children up to 60 pounds be given

1,000-2,000 IUs of D per day, or enough vitamin D in each case to

achieve blood levels above 60 ng/ml.

• Adults born in winter or spring have higher rates of schizophrenia,

bipolar disorder, and depression.

• Children born June-August are seven times more likely to have

learning disabilities, mental idiotation, low Apgar scores, low birth

weight, and dyslexia than those born in cooler months.

• Prior to 1985 infants and children in Finland, Norway and Sweden

were given 2,000-4,000 IUs a day of D3. Those countries then had the

lowest rates of juvenile diabetes, and developmental, and childhood

illness of industrialized nations. These children, now adults, have

the lowest rates of cancer compared to those who were not


• 27 sickly children ages ranging from 2-12 were given 9,000 IUs a

day of vitamin D3 for six weeks one winter; they stopped getting sick.

Implications for People of Color:

• People with darker skin need up to 20 times as much exposure to

sunlight as fair-skinned people to generate the same amount of

vitamin D.

• Blacks generally are 10 times more vitamin D deficient than whites.

• More than 80% of Black women and almost 50% of white women are

deficient upon delivery.

• 92% of Black infants and 62% of white infants are born vitamin D


• Blacks have nearly 50%percent higher rate of birth defects than

whites, Hispanics 30% higher.

• Young Black women are 24 times more vitamin D deficient than young

white women. Of those tested, almost 50% had vitamin D levels <15


• 87% of Black adolescents tested have vitamin D deficiency with

vitamin D levels below <30 ng/mg

• Blacks have lower survival rates for all types of cancer all other

factors being equal.

Other impacted populations:

• People with very pale skin that won't tan, and those of Northern

European heritage can not generate adequate vitamin D levels from the

sun before burning.

• People of orthodox religions or those having cultural mores that

limit the amount of skin that is exposed.

• The elderly; the ability to make vitamin D decreases with age.

• Apartment dwellers, office workers, shut-ins and those in nursing


• The obese; vitamin D is captured in fat and therefore the obese may

need up to 4 times the amount of vitamin D as a normal weight


Other considerations:

• Vitamin D use by a healthy body is about 7,000 IU/day; the RDI is

currently 400 IU/day. Many experts recommend increasing the vitamin D

RDI from 400 to 2,000 IU/day.

• Sufficient levels of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption.

Without sufficient vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium, this

makes calcium supplements useless and leads to osteoporosis.

• It's impossible to obtain enough vitamin D from diet alone and

multivitamins do not contain adequate vitamin D. Sunlight exposure is

the only reliable way for the body to generate vitamin D. When

adequate sunlight is not available, an individual vitamin D

supplement is required.

• Prenatal vitamins do not contain adequate vitamin D for optimum

fetal development.

• Chronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight: it takes

months of high dose vitamin D supplementation and sunlight exposure

to rebuild the body's bones and nervous system.

• The best time to produce vitamin D from sun exposure during the day

is between the hours of 10-3, the time most people are indoors, and

the very hours that people are advised to avoid the sun.

• Adequate vitamin D cannot be generated by casual sun exposure of

the face and arms; it requires that 80% of the body be exposed for at

least 15-20 minutes to generate sufficient daily vitamin D.

• Use of sunscreen/block of even SPF=8 cuts 95% of vitamin D


• Vitamin D cannot be produced by sun shining through glass.

• Rates of vitamin D deficiency diseases rise with distance from the


• The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need

to the midday sun in order to generate vitamin D. Canada, the UK and

most U.S. states are far from the equator.

• There is no possible vitamin D production from the sun during

winter for those living above 41 degrees latitude north or south of

the equator.

• Daily vitamin D needs cannot be met from the sun during winter 37

degrees from the equator.

• Clouds, aerosols and thick ozone events reduce the duration of

vitamin D synthesis considerably, and can suppress vitamin D

synthesis completely even at the equator.

• Kidney disease or liver damage can impair the body's ability to

activate vitamin D for its use. "

> > > my doc wanted me on Vit. D--even living in sunny California my

> > levels

> > > were low. He said the risks and chances of overdosing are

> > > exaggerated--but I read later it's important to take it with

> > calcium.

> > > Now I'm just taking a lower dose with calcium once per day.

> > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks for the info Becky-interesting! I am taking Super Calcium by

Schiff. It was the only Calcium I could find that had 1200mg of

Calcium(without having to take 4 or 6 pills a day-this one is just

2). It has 800IU of Vitamin D in it which is 200% of the RDA. So,

it can't be dangerous if they expect you to take 200% (not that you

said it was dangerous, but I think someone mentioned it was easy to

overdose on it). It does contain soybean oil, but I don't eat any

other soy products, so I figured it's okay. Oh yeah, I do also take

magnesium with it, too, but not zinc. Is the zinc necessary?


> > > > my doc wanted me on Vit. D--even living in sunny California


> > > levels

> > > > were low. He said the risks and chances of overdosing are

> > > > exaggerated--but I read later it's important to take it with

> > > calcium.

> > > > Now I'm just taking a lower dose with calcium once per day.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Miaja

• Natural vitamin D, D3, has been tested at 20,000 IUs per day over a

5 year period and found non toxic.

Now that's a huge amount. I try to take 5000 IUs a day, but normally

only get 2500 IUs of extra Vit D when I remember to take it.

The zinc may not be vital for Vit D absorption, but it is for

calcium's. I take a Nutraceutical product: Solaray Calcium Citrate

Supreme – 6 pills a day. Another thing to keep in mind is that this

is all so hard to maneuver because the body can only utilize 500mg of

calcium at once. Taking any more at one time is like throwing money

down the drain. I am lucky if I get 800 mg of calcium a day, 400 in

the morning and 400 in the evening because I also desperately need

iron (take 54 mg with vit c at lunch time) and can't take the iron

near the calcium and neither within four hours of thyroid meds for

most people. OH Bother! Actually I take my Armour sublingually and

take the calcium, vit d, zinc, etc with/after breakfast and dinner.



> > > > > my doc wanted me on Vit. D--even living in sunny California

> my

> > > > levels

> > > > > were low. He said the risks and chances of overdosing are

> > > > > exaggerated--but I read later it's important to take it


> > > > calcium.

> > > > > Now I'm just taking a lower dose with calcium once per day.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Yeah, I actually take 1 pill in the afternoon and 1 pill at night to

get the 1200mg, but I realize I may only be getting 1000mg instead.

I just can't stand to take 6 pills a day! I find I get too forgetful

and then end up forgetting something really important like me thyroid





> Hi Miaja


Another thing to keep in mind is that this

> is all so hard to maneuver because the body can only utilize 500mg


> calcium at once. Taking any more at one time is like throwing


> down the drain.

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i just bought some Vit D pills

made from fish (as are most Vit D3* , the only other source of vitD at

my health food store was Lanolin!! which , no thanks :)

so in effect, don't ALL Vit D supplements -made from fish- have some

Vit A in them??

i just got some by solgar and i think it has a fair amount of vit A

(whcih they state on the label exists naturally,, they didn't add extra

A :)



> But the cod liver oil has a " blocking " effect beCAUSE the A is

combined with the D. I'm thinking this was the article that pointed

this out, or was that the one by a compounding pharmacist?

Aaaaaaaaaaa, can't remember now, lol.




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