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Hi I am new here. My name is Anne and I am in the process of being

diagnosed with RA. I am familiar with autimmune deseases because my

mother suffers horribly from Schleroderma as well as a few others

that have showed up since her initial diagnosis.

I have been in excrutiating pain for the last 4 weeks and just went

to see my Dr. She says with my family history, that she is 90%

positive it is RA. I was sent for a bunch of blood tests and should

know for sure in a day or two. In the mean time I was prescribed

Vioxx to help relieve the pain. Unfortunatly I have to wait until pay

day to fill the prescription (a week away). SO I have booked a week

off work to get some rest (I am in retail and my job keeps me running

constantly with little to no sit down time)

I guess what I would like to know is what I should expect from here

on out. My DR told me that it is not like it was years ago where

people would become crippled and in wheelchairs and that there are

numerous drugs therapies that they use to try and keep the crippling

effects at bay. I am waiting for a referral to see a joint

specialist. What is it that he/she would do?

I have done alot of reading today on the condition and I think it has

not quite sunk in fully. I suppose it will soon enough. So far it is

very depressing. I am only 29 years old and I have a 2 year old

daughter that requires enormous amounts of energy and I just can't

seem to muster it up. Now I guess that she stands a chance of getting

some horrible incurable desease becuase of my damn genetics. I think

this is the most depressing of all. Sorry this is so long. I am

pretty down in the dumps about the whole thing.


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