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Re: Kineret/Comments/Advise~Please

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Myra, I'm sorry you are still having such a rough time and that you

don't have family or friends near you to support you. Of course, we will

try our best to help you.

I don't have any experience with Kineret, but it is definitely worth a

try. I hope it works for you.

Seeing a counselor is an excellent idea. I understand what you are

saying about feeling better psychologically if you could improve

physically. Until then, having someone to discuss your frustrations and

fears with and learning coping strategies may be very helpful.

If you are able to walk, I would suggest walking as a free, safe,

valuable exercise. Or what about some light weight training that you can

do at your house on your own? Yoga?

Please keep us posted, and good luck with Kineret!

[ ] Kineret/Comments/Advise~Please

> Hello to all. I don't post much as I am still trying to understand RA

reading and gathering information. I have been on plaquenil 400 mg,

arava, prednisone 10 mgs, lortabs then percocet. I cannot take the pain

meds as often as needed because of my work schedule I am up at 5:30 to

leave the house by 7:15 (takes longer for me to dress than it use to) I

am home by 6:00. By this time I am very tired and by 9:00 sometimes

earlier I am in bed. I did not test positive for the RA factor but did

test positive for the ANA and the HLA B27. The Arava is causing hair

loss. My life has revolved around my fatigue for about 2 years, most

dr's just told me it was all in my head and gave antidepressants. I

pushed most friends out of my life because I did not have the energy to

do anything with them. June of this year after not healing well from a

frozen shoulder I was referred to a rheumatologist dx of RA was in

August. None of the above meds have helped very much. I still hurt all

over. Last visit 2 weeks ago my rheumatologist suggested Kineret. My

insurance approved this and will have my first inject on Tuesday.

> Last month my doc recommended an anti-depressant; I went with

Wellbutrin 150 mgs. (I have taken this before and had no side affect but

saw no real improvement either). I have my first appointment with a

counselor this Wednesday to help me deal better with what is going on.

Though I feel I would be ok if this disease would come under control.


> Has anyone on here used Kineret? What about the site injections

problems? I would like to do something for my body any suggestion? I

feel like I am dying inside and my strength just keeps disappearing. I

guess the fatigue is a big problem her, joining a water program gym cost

about $500 a year. I fear I will not use it enough to warrants this

expense (I know I need it) any 'other' suggestions? Any therapy I can

ask my doc to prescribe that may help? There are so many questions. I

am so new to this. The one thing I see positive is that my

reumatologist must be aggressive with her treatment.


> Any suggestions or comments please. Thank you all for being here it

is a comfort to know that I am not a freak. My family cannot get it

through there heads that something is not right. I look ok not sick at

all. I am pretty much alone with this disease. My 24 year old daughter

thinks all of this is just drama.


> Myra, 50 Atlanta, GA

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Kineret works for 40% of people from what I was told so it is worth a shot.

My site reactions didn't accur until 10 days into the Kineret. My belly was

bruised and red for two weeks. The shot reactions are reducing as they do

not stick around for more than a day. Mine were about 1 1/2 inch to two

inches in diameter and would itch some. I haven't seen any significance of

infection nor improvement. They are going to keep me on it two more months

to see if I can get some effectiveness. My fatigue hasn't been helped by it.

To reduce the pain of the injection I leave the needle out for an hour and

then ice the area for about 30 seconds to numb it. It still stings but not

nearly as much.

With RA and other immune illnesses it is hard to say what you can have. Some

people do have depression induced arthritis while with others depression is

part of hte process. When I first developed RA most of those around me

thought the same things, that I was depressed or doing it for attention. I

had just had a baby so some thought it was post partum too. Luckily, I had

blood work and quick damage done to my joints to have them accept my problem.

Certainly shutting down isn't healthy, although probably normal given the

situation, so you might feel better if you get to talk with a professional

you feel comfortable with. My therapy the early part of my illness was the

internet...I couldn't afford a psychiatrist so I was lucky to find others on

the net with my problems that I could unload on. Sometimes all you need is a

friendly ear.

Shandi :)

In a message dated 11/17/2002 9:50:53 AM Eastern Standard Time,

tarnishedsilverheart@... writes:

> Has anyone on here used Kineret? What about the site injections problems? I

> would like to do something for my body any suggestion? I feel like I am

> dying inside and my strength just keeps disappearing. I guess the fatigue

> is a big problem her, joining a water program gym cost about $500 a year.

> I fear I will not use it enough to warrants this expense (I know I need it)

> any 'other' suggestions? Any therapy I can ask my doc to prescribe that may

> help? There are so many questions. I am so new to this. The one thing I

> see positive is that my reumatologist must be aggressive with her

> treatment.


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