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Re: Arthritis Pain Has a Daily Cycle

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Hi a,

Fits me to a " T " . Did they really need to do a study to find this out?



[ ] Arthritis Pain Has a Daily Cycle

> Arthritis Pain Has a Daily Cycle




> WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13 (HealthScoutNews) -- What do the U.S. Navy Observatory

> Master Clock and your arthritis have in common? They both help you measure

> time.


> Arthritis stiffness and pain closely follow the rhythms of your body


> says a study in the ls of the Rheumatic Diseases journal.


> The study included 21 people with osteoarthritis in their hands. They were

> asked to rate their pain and stiffness levels at six specified points


> the day -- on waking, at bedtime, and every four hours in between. They


> this for 10 days.


> Most of the participants were women and their average age was 62. None of

> them was being treated with steroids.


> At the same time they rated their pain and stiffness, the study


> also performed manual dexterity tests. They picked up beads and fed them

> through a narrow tube into a container. If they dropped any of the beads,

> they had to start over again. The tests were timed.


> The study found that pain and stiffness varied with the body's circadian

> rhythms. For 75 percent of the participants, pain and stiffness were

> greatest in the morning and at bedtime and lowest in mid-afternoon.


> Those levels of pain and stiffness also affected manual dexterity, which

> peaked at 3:48 p.m. and was best within the zones of least overall pain,

> from 1:12 p.m. to 6 p.m., and stiffness, from 3:20 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


> This link between body rhythms and arthritis pain and stiffness, along


> the effect on manual dexterity, can be used by people with arthritis to

> better schedule their daily activities, the researchers say. It might also

> be used to better time drug treatments for maximum benefit, they say.


> More information


> Learn more about arthritis at the Arthritis Foundation.


> http://www.healthcentral.com/news/NewsFullText.cfm



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Hi, Suzanne,

That is called, " Your research dollars at work " .

The odd thing about it is that people who live with pain from any

source learn quickly how to make changes in their schedules to accommodate

the times when the pain or other difficulty is the worst. At least those

who have a healthy outlook will do that.

No matter what anyone says, if they are in enough pain to think

about it, then they are making changes in how they do things simply because

it hurts to do things the way they did before. On the days when all I have

is minimal pain, I start out moving slowly, take my meds to get some relief

and then sort things out for the rest of the day based on how I am feeling.

All of that changes when the pain is worse and does not let up with the



----- Original Message -----

From: " Suzanne " <suzshay@...>

> Hi a,


> Fits me to a " T " . Did they really need to do a study to find this out?

> (LOL)


> Suzanne



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So true...


> Hi, Suzanne,


> That is called, " Your research dollars at work " .


> The odd thing about it is that people who live with pain from any

> source learn quickly how to make changes in their schedules to accommodate

> the times when the pain or other difficulty is the worst. At least those

> who have a healthy outlook will do that.


> No matter what anyone says, if they are in enough pain to think

> about it, then they are making changes in how they do things simply


> it hurts to do things the way they did before. On the days when all I


> is minimal pain, I start out moving slowly, take my meds to get some


> and then sort things out for the rest of the day based on how I am


> All of that changes when the pain is worse and does not let up with the

> meds.


> Dianne


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: " Suzanne " <suzshay@...>



> > Hi a,

> >

> > Fits me to a " T " . Did they really need to do a study to find this out?

> > (LOL)

> >

> > Suzanne

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