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Tadpole update! Everyone

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Hi Everyone!

Wow! I am finalllllllllllly caught up on the posts! Pheeeeeeew! Now I

feel much better!

Sorry I’ve been a bit incognito lately but I’ve been catching up at work

after my holiday and I’ve been so tired lately when I get home I just end up

veging out on the couch like a sloth LOL! I’m going to try and not get

behind again, it’s scary how long it takes to catch up on a few missed days.

I missed you all bunches.

We went to see the Gynae again on Tuesday morning, he did an ultrasound and

we saw our little tadpole, he/she?? looks like a little kidney bean but we

saw and heard the little heart beating!! It was so amazing and really fast!

We got it on video and we watched again the last few nights – it’s our new

form of entertainment LOL! Everything is going very well, the doc says it’s

very well implanted?. I am now 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant and the tadpole

is due on 10th July 2003. So far I’m not getting sick, just a little queasy

sometimes, I’m really tired but consider myself really lucky, and my boobs

are becoming like Dolly Parton’s – gosh what will they look like in 9 months

time LOL! I’ve told Jules this is my Playboy moment – It’s now or never

LOL! We are going to keep the sex of the baby a surprise but it’s already

confusing me – I don’t know what to call my baby – he? she? it? So I’m

sticking to tadpole for now :-) LOL!

I’ve dropped the Pred to 3.5mg’s and Arthur is still being the ultimate

gentleman (maybe it’s too crowded in here for him now LOL!), I’m coping

amazingly well, a tiny bit of pain and stiffness in the mornings but it’s

laughable really. Jules is being such a sweetie pie, he’s a total mother

hen and is watching me very carefully, he’s babying me, it’s great.

I told them at work, my first boss was great – I actually told him that I

had RA – needed to explain that I’d have more doctor appointments than your

average pregnant woman and plus I prefer to bring it out now in case I want

to try and negotiate for shorter hours once the baby’s born – keeping my

options open. It turns out that his wife, whom I’ve met a few times, also

has RA! Amazing coincidence isn’t it. Anyway he was great and knew exactly

what I was going through and is being really supportive. The CEO “big boss”

wasn’t as great when I told him, his reaction was “Oh nooooo” – not the most

politically correct answer nowadays – it was so bad that I had to laugh. He

was a bit confused when I started laughing but then also saw the funny side

and then went kind of “oh well, I suppose I should also add

congratulations”. So all in all it went off okay.

My next appointment is on 17th December, I can’t wait.

I’ve bunched all my replies below, sorry if I missed anyone – I lost one or

two of the posts - I will try to be a good girl and keep up from now on!

Sending you all tons of ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) and lots of




I’m so sorry you are having so much trouble with your tummy. Sending

prayers and ((((((((((((gentle hugs)))))))))))))))) your way,



Subject: OK, now I'm getting depressed...


I’m so sorry you are feeling so down and have this new diagnosis to add to

your burden. It must be very difficult dealing with RA, your new baby and

now this. I wish there was something I could do to help but please know

that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free to have your pity party,

we all know how you feel and we all go down that road sometimes – we


Sending (((((((((((((((big gentle hugs))))))))))))))))) and mugs of virtual

hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.



I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well. I’m also hopelessly behind and

am almost caught up on the posts but have had to give up on a lot of the

ones I missed on holiday – I’ll never have the time.

I hope you feel better soon.



Hi Jeannine,

Thanks so much for the congratulations, I have a friend here at work who has

a digital camera so I’m going to try get some photo’s to post as soon as my

bump starts to show.

I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter, you must be so worried. Sorry too

about all the pain you’ve been in lately, I have definitely noticed a

correlation between high stress at work and flares, it’s good that you could

take some time off.

You and your daughter are in my prayers, please let us know how she’s doing

and how her blood tests turn out.



Hi Sue,

I’m sorry you had such a frustrating time at your Rheumy’s office. I hope

that they can find a way to bring your wbc up without compromising your RA.

Do you have to accept working with the fellow or can you ask your Rheumy to

see you himself?

I hope you feel better today,



Subject: Re: Re: Jen

Hi Kathe!

Poor Jen, I only just saw her posts, I’ve been incognito the last few days,

trying to catch up at work after my holiday and my little tadpole is making

me as sleepy as a bear in winter (I just plonk down on the couch when I get

home now and even fall asleep most of the time LOL!). I did send Jen a mail

directly so that she would know that she wasn’t being ignored but I’m glad

she’s had the time to meet you wonderful bunch.



Hi ,

Congratulations on your new grandbaby to be and good luck for your move.

I’m sure you will really enjoy spending more time with your family.



Subject: back

Hi Colleen!

It’s great to hear from you again and wonderful news that your RA is under


I hope that you manage to find a way to get onto some long term meds soon

and that this good news continues!



Subject: lessons learned deeply

Oh ((((((((((((((((((((((Tess)))))))))))))))))))))))) your beautiful story

brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sad for you that you lost Vince so young

and that you and his family had to go through that terribly sad experience.

It’s wonderful that you could all be together and share your grief and

comfort each other. I agree with you there is no “healthy” way to grieve,

it is good to share and let each deal with their pain in the way that is

best for them.

You are a very special lady Tess, thank you for sharing your story with us.

You really made me smile with your description of your biopsy appointment

but I’m really sorry that it was such a nightmare. You poor thing, you must

be so stressed having to wait another two weeks.

Sorry you are feeling so miserable right now, I think that getting a second

opinion is a brilliant idea! Your first responsibility is to yourself my

friend and if your doctor is not addressing your issues you have every right

to look somewhere else. I’m so glad that your appointment went well and

that she seems willing to take the time to help you.

You are in my prayers.

Lots of love and ((((((((((((((soft gentle angel hugs))))))))))))))))


P.S. I loved your swing poem, it brought back some wonderful memories.

Subject: Re: Swelling - Kat


I’m so sorry you are feeling so down. Please feel free to cry on our

shoulders whenever you need it, many of us have been where you are now and

understand how you are feeling. I wish there was something I could say to

make you feel better but please know you are much loved here exactly how you

are and that you are not to blame for something that is beyond your control.

I have been on Prednisone for over 18 months now and was also taking

hormone treatments to fall pregnant, I put on a lot of weight and had a lot

of very nasty comments about it. Now that I’ve just fallen pregnant and am

no longer on the hormones and have drastically cut my prednisone I’m losing

weight effortlessly, despite eating more than before. Hopefully you will

have the same experience.

I hope that you feel better soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers

(((((((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))))))))))


Hi Myra,

It’s nice to meet you and welcome to the group!

I’m sorry that you have had such a difficult road to diagnosis and that your

family has not given you the support you need. You have come to a safe

place where you will find information, support and friendship. When I was

diagnosed about 18 months ago (I was 25 years old) my Rheumy gave me some

pamphlets from Arthritis foundation that explained RA and it’s affect on the

patient and their families, I showed them to my family and it really helped

them to understand what I was going through. I was very lucky though as my

husband is very supportive and came to the first appointments with me and

asked lots of questions, I think he knows more about RA than I do LOL!

I hear you on the fatigue, I also have a very demanding job and am now

having to totally re-evaluate what I’m going to do in the future when I have

my baby. I’ve managed up till now but I don’t know if I will be able to cope

with this job, a baby and RA all at once. Besides I don’t want to be too

exhausted to enjoy my baby when I get home and worry about the added stress

causing me flares (it does now when it’s really hectic at work) and leaving

me incapable of looking after my baby. Anyway I just wanted you to know

that a lot of us go through the same problems as you do and that you are not

a freak, and you are not alone.

I hope that we can offer you some of the support that you are missing.

I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

Take care,


Hi Stacey!

I’m so glad Wyatt had such a good time skating. I’m sorry that your sisters

comments hurt you though, you are a good person and I agree wholeheartedly

that going to church doesn’t make someone “good”, it’s what’s in your heart

that counts and yours is made of gold.

I hope you are feeling better than you were my friend.

Sending lots of love and ((((((((((((((((((huge hugs))))))))))))))))))



I’m so glad you finally got the Enbrel! Congratulations! I will pray that

it works miracles for you.



Dear ,

Congratulations on getting your social disability, what a relief. I’m glad

you have such a supportive Rheumy. Sorry about the dizziness, make sure you

go and see your GP if I hope that everything goes well and that you manage

to find some acceptance about your retirement and some relief from the pain.

Take care,


Hi Jane,

I’m so sorry that you are having such a hard time getting your family to

understand how sick you are feeling. It is difficult when we don’t feel

supported. The only thing I can think of suggesting is trying to educate

them as much as possible. In the meantime please feel free to ask for

support from us as needed, we will do our best to try and make up for some

of the support that you are missing in your life right now.




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Heidi- I too have been a little incognito and missed your good news. Congrats!

Will let my mom know too...she will be thrilled that maybe her prayers played a

part in this too. Acturally Arthur can be agentleman during pregnancy. I have

heard of remissions of RA during a pregnancy. Best wishes and big hugs!

> Hi Everyone!


> Wow! I am finalllllllllllly caught up on the posts! Pheeeeeeew! Now I

> feel much better!


> Sorry I’ve been a bit incognito lately but I’ve been catching up at work

> after my holiday and I’ve been so tired lately when I get home I just end up

> veging out on the couch like a sloth LOL! I’m going to try and not get

> behind again, it’s scary how long it takes to catch up on a few missed days.

> I missed you all bunches.


> We went to see the Gynae again on Tuesday morning, he did an ultrasound and

> we saw our little tadpole, he/she?? looks like a little kidney bean but we

> saw and heard the little heart beating!! It was so amazing and really fast!

> We got it on video and we watched again the last few nights – it’s our new

> form of entertainment LOL! Everything is going very well, the doc says it’s

> very well implanted?. I am now 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant and the tadpole

> is due on 10th July 2003. So far I’m not getting sick, just a little queasy

> sometimes, I’m really tired but consider myself really lucky, and my boobs

> are becoming like Dolly Parton’s – gosh what will they look like in 9 months

> time LOL! I’ve told Jules this is my Playboy moment – It’s now or never

> LOL! We are going to keep the sex of the baby a surprise but it’s already

> confusing me – I don’t know what to call my baby – he? she? it? So I’m

> sticking to tadpole for now :-) LOL!


> I’ve dropped the Pred to 3.5mg’s and Arthur is still being the ultimate

> gentleman (maybe it’s too crowded in here for him now LOL!), I’m coping

> amazingly well, a tiny bit of pain and stiffness in the mornings but it’s

> laughable really. Jules is being such a sweetie pie, he’s a total mother

> hen and is watching me very carefully, he’s babying me, it’s great.


> I told them at work, my first boss was great – I actually told him that I

> had RA – needed to explain that I’d have more doctor appointments than your

> average pregnant woman and plus I prefer to bring it out now in case I want

> to try and negotiate for shorter hours once the baby’s born – keeping my

> options open. It turns out that his wife, whom I’ve met a few times, also

> has RA! Amazing coincidence isn’t it. Anyway he was great and knew exactly

> what I was going through and is being really supportive. The CEO “big boss”

> wasn’t as great when I told him, his reaction was “Oh nooooo” – not the most

> politically correct answer nowadays – it was so bad that I had to laugh. He

> was a bit confused when I started laughing but then also saw the funny side

> and then went kind of “oh well, I suppose I should also add

> congratulations”. So all in all it went off okay.


> My next appointment is on 17th December, I can’t wait.


> I’ve bunched all my replies below, sorry if I missed anyone – I lost one or

> two of the posts - I will try to be a good girl and keep up from now on!

> Sending you all tons of ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) and lots of

> love,

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((((((((Kathy))))))))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are having so much trouble with your tummy. Sending

> prayers and ((((((((((((gentle hugs)))))))))))))))) your way,

> Love,

> Heidi


> Subject: OK, now I'm getting depressed...


> ((((((((((((((((((((((((Camille))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are feeling so down and have this new diagnosis to add to

> your burden. It must be very difficult dealing with RA, your new baby and

> now this. I wish there was something I could do to help but please know

> that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free to have your pity party,

> we all know how you feel and we all go down that road sometimes – we

> understand.

> Sending (((((((((((((((big gentle hugs))))))))))))))))) and mugs of virtual

> hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((Jan))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well. I’m also hopelessly behind and

> am almost caught up on the posts but have had to give up on a lot of the

> ones I missed on holiday – I’ll never have the time.

> I hope you feel better soon.

> ((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))

> Heidi



> Hi Jeannine,


> Thanks so much for the congratulations, I have a friend here at work who has

> a digital camera so I’m going to try get some photo’s to post as soon as my

> bump starts to show.


> I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter, you must be so worried. Sorry too

> about all the pain you’ve been in lately, I have definitely noticed a

> correlation between high stress at work and flares, it’s good that you could

> take some time off.


> You and your daughter are in my prayers, please let us know how she’s doing

> and how her blood tests turn out.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Hi Sue,

> I’m sorry you had such a frustrating time at your Rheumy’s office. I hope

> that they can find a way to bring your wbc up without compromising your RA.

> Do you have to accept working with the fellow or can you ask your Rheumy to

> see you himself?

> I hope you feel better today,

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: Re: Re: Jen


> Hi Kathe!

> Poor Jen, I only just saw her posts, I’ve been incognito the last few days,

> trying to catch up at work after my holiday and my little tadpole is making

> me as sleepy as a bear in winter (I just plonk down on the couch when I get

> home now and even fall asleep most of the time LOL!). I did send Jen a mail

> directly so that she would know that she wasn’t being ignored but I’m glad

> she’s had the time to meet you wonderful bunch.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Hi ,

> Congratulations on your new grandbaby to be and good luck for your move.

> I’m sure you will really enjoy spending more time with your family.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Subject: back

> Hi Colleen!

> It’s great to hear from you again and wonderful news that your RA is under

> control!

> I hope that you manage to find a way to get onto some long term meds soon

> and that this good news continues!

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: lessons learned deeply


> Oh ((((((((((((((((((((((Tess)))))))))))))))))))))))) your beautiful story

> brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sad for you that you lost Vince so young

> and that you and his family had to go through that terribly sad experience.

> It’s wonderful that you could all be together and share your grief and

> comfort each other. I agree with you there is no “healthy” way to grieve,

> it is good to share and let each deal with their pain in the way that is

> best for them.

> You are a very special lady Tess, thank you for sharing your story with us.

> You really made me smile with your description of your biopsy appointment

> but I’m really sorry that it was such a nightmare. You poor thing, you must

> be so stressed having to wait another two weeks.


> Sorry you are feeling so miserable right now, I think that getting a second

> opinion is a brilliant idea! Your first responsibility is to yourself my

> friend and if your doctor is not addressing your issues you have every right

> to look somewhere else. I’m so glad that your appointment went well and

> that she seems willing to take the time to help you.

> You are in my prayers.

> Lots of love and ((((((((((((((soft gentle angel hugs))))))))))))))))

> Heidi

> P.S. I loved your swing poem, it brought back some wonderful memories.



> Subject: Re: Swelling - Kat


> ((((((((((((((Kat)))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are feeling so down. Please feel free to cry on our

> shoulders whenever you need it, many of us have been where you are now and

> understand how you are feeling. I wish there was something I could say to

> make you feel better but please know you are much loved here exactly how you

> are and that you are not to blame for something that is beyond your control.

> I have been on Prednisone for over 18 months now and was also taking

> hormone treatments to fall pregnant, I put on a lot of weight and had a lot

> of very nasty comments about it. Now that I’ve just fallen pregnant and am

> no longer on the hormones and have drastically cut my prednisone I’m losing

> weight effortlessly, despite eating more than before. Hopefully you will

> have the same experience.

> I hope that you feel better soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers

> (((((((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))))))))))

> Heidi


> Hi Myra,

> It’s nice to meet you and welcome to the group!

> I’m sorry that you have had such a difficult road to diagnosis and that your

> family has not given you the support you need. You have come to a safe

> place where you will find information, support and friendship. When I was

> diagnosed about 18 months ago (I was 25 years old) my Rheumy gave me some

> pamphlets from Arthritis foundation that explained RA and it’s affect on the

> patient and their families, I showed them to my family and it really helped

> them to understand what I was going through. I was very lucky though as my

> husband is very supportive and came to the first appointments with me and

> asked lots of questions, I think he knows more about RA than I do LOL!

> I hear you on the fatigue, I also have a very demanding job and am now

> having to totally re-evaluate what I’m going to do in the future when I have

> my baby. I’ve managed up till now but I don’t know if I will be able to cope

> with this job, a baby and RA all at once. Besides I don’t want to be too

> exhausted to enjoy my baby when I get home and worry about the added stress

> causing me flares (it does now when it’s really hectic at work) and leaving

> me incapable of looking after my baby. Anyway I just wanted you to know

> that a lot of us go through the same problems as you do and that you are not

> a freak, and you are not alone.

> I hope that we can offer you some of the support that you are missing.

> I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Stacey!

> I’m so glad Wyatt had such a good time skating. I’m sorry that your sisters

> comments hurt you though, you are a good person and I agree wholeheartedly

> that going to church doesn’t make someone “good”, it’s what’s in your heart

> that counts and yours is made of gold.

> I hope you are feeling better than you were my friend.

> Sending lots of love and ((((((((((((((((((huge hugs))))))))))))))))))

> Heidi



> Kathe!

> I’m so glad you finally got the Enbrel! Congratulations! I will pray that

> it works miracles for you.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Dear ,

> Congratulations on getting your social disability, what a relief. I’m glad

> you have such a supportive Rheumy. Sorry about the dizziness, make sure you

> go and see your GP if I hope that everything goes well and that you manage

> to find some acceptance about your retirement and some relief from the pain.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Jane,

> I’m so sorry that you are having such a hard time getting your family to

> understand how sick you are feeling. It is difficult when we don’t feel

> supported. The only thing I can think of suggesting is trying to educate

> them as much as possible. In the meantime please feel free to ask for

> support from us as needed, we will do our best to try and make up for some

> of the support that you are missing in your life right now.

> Hugs,

> Heidi







> _________________________________________________________________

> Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

> http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail




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So happy to know that everything is going well with

your little tadpole! You will eventually get over the

sleepiness after month 3 so hang in there! The baby's

due date means it will be a little moonchild (I prefer

that to cancer), and even though I may be a little

biased (I am June 30th), this is a great birth sign!

Not to insult any other signs, of course! You'll have

a little comedian!

Isn't it amazing to hear that little heart beat? So

tiny, and yet the heart is just thumping away. I

loved to hear it and even had a stethoscope at home

that I used to listen on my own!

I am sure that Jen will really enjoy getting in touch

with you and sharing baby talk.

Kathe in CA

--- Heidi Steppe-Hoareau <steps122@...> wrote:

> Hi Everyone!


> Wow! I am finalllllllllllly caught up on the posts!

> Pheeeeeeew! Now I

> feel much better!


> Sorry I’ve been a bit incognito lately but I’ve been

> catching up at work

> after my holiday and I’ve been so tired lately when

> I get home I just end up

> veging out on the couch like a sloth LOL! I’m going

> to try and not get

> behind again, it’s scary how long it takes to catch

> up on a few missed days.

> I missed you all bunches.


> We went to see the Gynae again on Tuesday morning,

> he did an ultrasound and

> we saw our little tadpole, he/she?? looks like a

> little kidney bean but we

> saw and heard the little heart beating!! It was so

> amazing and really fast!

> We got it on video and we watched again the last

> few nights – it’s our new

> form of entertainment LOL! Everything is going very

> well, the doc says it’s

> very well implanted?. I am now 6 weeks and 6 days

> pregnant and the tadpole

> is due on 10th July 2003. So far I’m not getting

> sick, just a little queasy

> sometimes, I’m really tired but consider myself

> really lucky, and my boobs

> are becoming like Dolly Parton’s – gosh what will

> they look like in 9 months

> time LOL! I’ve told Jules this is my Playboy moment

> – It’s now or never

> LOL! We are going to keep the sex of the baby a

> surprise but it’s already

> confusing me – I don’t know what to call my baby –

> he? she? it? So I’m

> sticking to tadpole for now :-) LOL!


> I’ve dropped the Pred to 3.5mg’s and Arthur is still

> being the ultimate

> gentleman (maybe it’s too crowded in here for him

> now LOL!), I’m coping

> amazingly well, a tiny bit of pain and stiffness in

> the mornings but it’s

> laughable really. Jules is being such a sweetie

> pie, he’s a total mother

> hen and is watching me very carefully, he’s babying

> me, it’s great.


> I told them at work, my first boss was great – I

> actually told him that I

> had RA – needed to explain that I’d have more doctor

> appointments than your

> average pregnant woman and plus I prefer to bring it

> out now in case I want

> to try and negotiate for shorter hours once the

> baby’s born – keeping my

> options open. It turns out that his wife, whom I’ve

> met a few times, also

> has RA! Amazing coincidence isn’t it. Anyway he

> was great and knew exactly

> what I was going through and is being really

> supportive. The CEO “big boss”

> wasn’t as great when I told him, his reaction was

> “Oh nooooo” – not the most

> politically correct answer nowadays – it was so bad

> that I had to laugh. He

> was a bit confused when I started laughing but then

> also saw the funny side

> and then went kind of “oh well, I suppose I should

> also add

> congratulations”. So all in all it went off okay.


> My next appointment is on 17th December, I can’t

> wait.


> I’ve bunched all my replies below, sorry if I missed

> anyone – I lost one or

> two of the posts - I will try to be a good girl and

> keep up from now on!

> Sending you all tons of

> ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) and lots of

> love,

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((((((((Kathy))))))))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are having so much trouble with

> your tummy. Sending

> prayers and ((((((((((((gentle hugs))))))))))))))))

> your way,

> Love,

> Heidi


> Subject: OK, now I'm getting depressed...




> I’m so sorry you are feeling so down and have this

> new diagnosis to add to

> your burden. It must be very difficult dealing with

> RA, your new baby and

> now this. I wish there was something I could do to

> help but please know

> that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free

> to have your pity party,

> we all know how you feel and we all go down that

> road sometimes – we

> understand.

> Sending (((((((((((((((big gentle

> hugs))))))))))))))))) and mugs of virtual

> hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate

> sprinkles.

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((Jan))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well. I’m

> also hopelessly behind and

> am almost caught up on the posts but have had to

> give up on a lot of the

> ones I missed on holiday – I’ll never have the time.

> I hope you feel better soon.

> ((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))

> Heidi



> Hi Jeannine,


> Thanks so much for the congratulations, I have a

> friend here at work who has

> a digital camera so I’m going to try get some

> photo’s to post as soon as my

> bump starts to show.


> I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter, you must

> be so worried. Sorry too

> about all the pain you’ve been in lately, I have

> definitely noticed a

> correlation between high stress at work and flares,

> it’s good that you could

> take some time off.


> You and your daughter are in my prayers, please let

> us know how she’s doing

> and how her blood tests turn out.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Hi Sue,

> I’m sorry you had such a frustrating time at your

> Rheumy’s office. I hope

> that they can find a way to bring your wbc up

> without compromising your RA.

> Do you have to accept working with the fellow or can

> you ask your Rheumy to

> see you himself?

> I hope you feel better today,

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: Re: Re: Jen


> Hi Kathe!

> Poor Jen, I only just saw her posts, I’ve been

> incognito the last few days,

> trying to catch up at work after my holiday and my

> little tadpole is making

> me as sleepy as a bear in winter (I just plonk down

> on the couch when I get

> home now and even fall asleep most of the time

> LOL!). I did send Jen a mail

> directly so that she would know that she wasn’t

> being ignored but I’m glad

> she’s had the time to meet you wonderful bunch.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Hi ,

> Congratulations on your new grandbaby to be and good

> luck for your move.

> I’m sure you will really enjoy spending more time

> with your family.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Subject: back

> Hi Colleen!

> It’s great to hear from you again and wonderful news

> that your RA is under

> control!

> I hope that you manage to find a way to get onto

> some long term meds soon

> and that this good news continues!

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: lessons learned deeply


> Oh

> ((((((((((((((((((((((Tess))))))))))))))))))))))))

> your beautiful story

> brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sad for you that

> you lost Vince so young

> and that you and his family had to go through that

> terribly sad experience.

> It’s wonderful that you could all be together and

> share your grief and

> comfort each other. I agree with you there is no

> “healthy” way to grieve,

> it is good to share and let each deal with their

> pain in the way that is

> best for them.

> You are a very special lady Tess, thank you for

> sharing your story with us.

> You really made me smile with your description of

> your biopsy appointment

> but I’m really sorry that it was such a nightmare.

> You poor thing, you must

> be so stressed having to wait another two weeks.


> Sorry you are feeling so miserable right now, I

> think that getting a second

> opinion is a brilliant idea! Your first

> responsibility is to yourself my

> friend and if your doctor is not addressing your

> issues you have every right

> to look somewhere else. I’m so glad that your

> appointment went well and

> that she seems willing to take the time to help you.

> You are in my prayers.

> Lots of love and ((((((((((((((soft gentle angel

> hugs))))))))))))))))

> Heidi

> P.S. I loved your swing poem, it brought back some

> wonderful memories.



> Subject: Re: Swelling - Kat


> ((((((((((((((Kat)))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are feeling so down. Please feel

> free to cry on our

> shoulders whenever you need it, many of us have been

> where you are now and

> understand how you are feeling. I wish there was

> something I could say to

> make you feel better but please know you are much

> loved here exactly how you

> are and that you are not to blame for something that

> is beyond your control.

> I have been on Prednisone for over 18 months now

> and was also taking

> hormone treatments to fall pregnant, I put on a lot

> of weight and had a lot

> of very nasty comments about it. Now that I’ve just

> fallen pregnant and am

> no longer on the hormones and have drastically cut

> my prednisone I’m losing

> weight effortlessly, despite eating more than

> before. Hopefully you will

> have the same experience.

> I hope that you feel better soon. You are in my

> thoughts and prayers

> (((((((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))))))))))

> Heidi


> Hi Myra,

> It’s nice to meet you and welcome to the group!

> I’m sorry that you have had such a difficult road to

> diagnosis and that your

> family has not given you the support you need. You

> have come to a safe

> place where you will find information, support and

> friendship. When I was

> diagnosed about 18 months ago (I was 25 years old)

> my Rheumy gave me some

> pamphlets from Arthritis foundation that explained

> RA and it’s affect on the

> patient and their families, I showed them to my

> family and it really helped

> them to understand what I was going through. I was

> very lucky though as my

> husband is very supportive and came to the first

> appointments with me and

> asked lots of questions, I think he knows more about

> RA than I do LOL!

> I hear you on the fatigue, I also have a very

> demanding job and am now

> having to totally re-evaluate what I’m going to do

> in the future when I have

> my baby. I’ve managed up till now but I don’t know

> if I will be able to cope

> with this job, a baby and RA all at once. Besides I

> don’t want to be too

> exhausted to enjoy my baby when I get home and worry

> about the added stress

> causing me flares (it does now when it’s really

> hectic at work) and leaving

> me incapable of looking after my baby. Anyway I

> just wanted you to know

> that a lot of us go through the same problems as you

> do and that you are not

> a freak, and you are not alone.

> I hope that we can offer you some of the support

> that you are missing.

> I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Stacey!

> I’m so glad Wyatt had such a good time skating. I’m

> sorry that your sisters

> comments hurt you though, you are a good person and

> I agree wholeheartedly

> that going to church doesn’t make someone “good”,

> it’s what’s in your heart

> that counts and yours is made of gold.

> I hope you are feeling better than you were my

> friend.

> Sending lots of love and ((((((((((((((((((huge

> hugs))))))))))))))))))

> Heidi



> Kathe!

> I’m so glad you finally got the Enbrel!

> Congratulations! I will pray that

> it works miracles for you.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Dear ,

> Congratulations on getting your social disability,

> what a relief. I’m glad

> you have such a supportive Rheumy. Sorry about the

> dizziness, make sure you

> go and see your GP if I hope that everything goes

> well and that you manage

> to find some acceptance about your retirement and

> some relief from the pain.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Jane,

> I’m so sorry that you are having such a hard time

> getting your family to

> understand how sick you are feeling. It is

> difficult when we don’t feel

> supported. The only thing I can think of suggesting

> is trying to educate

> them as much as possible. In the meantime please

> feel free to ask for

> support from us as needed, we will do our best to

> try and make up for some

> of the support that you are missing in your life

> right now.

> Hugs,

> Heidi









> Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months

> FREE*.

> http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail




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Thank You for e-mailing me when you had the chance. It feels good to

know that someone out there understands all that I am going threw.

Sometimes I think my mind is going to explode with all the questioins

and worries that is filling it up. I just want to do the right thing.

But, most of all Congratulations on your wonderful tadpole. I looked

up the very first post that you put in the club when you found out

you were pregnant and my husband and I read it together with tears

streaming down our faces. We could feel how excited you were just by

you words.

God Bless


> Hi Everyone!


> Wow! I am finalllllllllllly caught up on the posts! Pheeeeeeew!

Now I

> feel much better!


> Sorry I've been a bit incognito lately but I've been catching up at


> after my holiday and I've been so tired lately when I get home I

just end up

> veging out on the couch like a sloth LOL! I'm going to try and not


> behind again, it's scary how long it takes to catch up on a few

missed days.

> I missed you all bunches.


> We went to see the Gynae again on Tuesday morning, he did an

ultrasound and

> we saw our little tadpole, he/she?? looks like a little kidney bean

but we

> saw and heard the little heart beating!! It was so amazing and

really fast!

> We got it on video and we watched again the last few nights –

it's our new

> form of entertainment LOL! Everything is going very well, the doc

says it's

> very well implanted?. I am now 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant and the


> is due on 10th July 2003. So far I'm not getting sick, just a

little queasy

> sometimes, I'm really tired but consider myself really lucky, and

my boobs

> are becoming like Dolly Parton's – gosh what will they look like in

9 months

> time LOL! I've told Jules this is my Playboy moment – It's now or


> LOL! We are going to keep the sex of the baby a surprise but it's


> confusing me – I don't know what to call my baby – he? she? it? So


> sticking to tadpole for now :-) LOL!


> I've dropped the Pred to 3.5mg's and Arthur is still being the


> gentleman (maybe it's too crowded in here for him now LOL!), I'm


> amazingly well, a tiny bit of pain and stiffness in the mornings

but it's

> laughable really. Jules is being such a sweetie pie, he's a total


> hen and is watching me very carefully, he's babying me, it's great.


> I told them at work, my first boss was great – I actually told him

that I

> had RA – needed to explain that I'd have more doctor appointments

than your

> average pregnant woman and plus I prefer to bring it out now in

case I want

> to try and negotiate for shorter hours once the baby's born –

keeping my

> options open. It turns out that his wife, whom I've met a few

times, also

> has RA! Amazing coincidence isn't it. Anyway he was great and

knew exactly

> what I was going through and is being really supportive. The

CEO " big boss "

> wasn't as great when I told him, his reaction was " Oh nooooo " – not

the most

> politically correct answer nowadays – it was so bad that I had to

laugh. He

> was a bit confused when I started laughing but then also saw the

funny side

> and then went kind of " oh well, I suppose I should also add

> congratulations " . So all in all it went off okay.


> My next appointment is on 17th December, I can't wait.


> I've bunched all my replies below, sorry if I missed anyone – I

lost one or

> two of the posts - I will try to be a good girl and keep up from

now on!

> Sending you all tons of ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) and

lots of

> love,

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((((((((Kathy))))))))))))))))))))))

> I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble with your tummy.


> prayers and ((((((((((((gentle hugs)))))))))))))))) your way,

> Love,

> Heidi


> Subject: OK, now I'm getting depressed...


> ((((((((((((((((((((((((Camille))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

> I'm so sorry you are feeling so down and have this new diagnosis to

add to

> your burden. It must be very difficult dealing with RA, your new

baby and

> now this. I wish there was something I could do to help but please


> that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free to have your

pity party,

> we all know how you feel and we all go down that road sometimes –


> understand.

> Sending (((((((((((((((big gentle hugs))))))))))))))))) and mugs of


> hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((Jan))))))))))))))))

> I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. I'm also hopelessly

behind and

> am almost caught up on the posts but have had to give up on a lot

of the

> ones I missed on holiday – I'll never have the time.

> I hope you feel better soon.

> ((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))

> Heidi



> Hi Jeannine,


> Thanks so much for the congratulations, I have a friend here at

work who has

> a digital camera so I'm going to try get some photo's to post as

soon as my

> bump starts to show.


> I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter, you must be so worried.

Sorry too

> about all the pain you've been in lately, I have definitely noticed


> correlation between high stress at work and flares, it's good that

you could

> take some time off.


> You and your daughter are in my prayers, please let us know how

she's doing

> and how her blood tests turn out.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Hi Sue,

> I'm sorry you had such a frustrating time at your Rheumy's office.

I hope

> that they can find a way to bring your wbc up without compromising

your RA.

> Do you have to accept working with the fellow or can you ask your

Rheumy to

> see you himself?

> I hope you feel better today,

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: Re: Re: Jen


> Hi Kathe!

> Poor Jen, I only just saw her posts, I've been incognito the last

few days,

> trying to catch up at work after my holiday and my little tadpole

is making

> me as sleepy as a bear in winter (I just plonk down on the couch

when I get

> home now and even fall asleep most of the time LOL!). I did send

Jen a mail

> directly so that she would know that she wasn't being ignored but

I'm glad

> she's had the time to meet you wonderful bunch.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Hi ,

> Congratulations on your new grandbaby to be and good luck for your


> I'm sure you will really enjoy spending more time with your family.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Subject: back

> Hi Colleen!

> It's great to hear from you again and wonderful news that your RA

is under

> control!

> I hope that you manage to find a way to get onto some long term

meds soon

> and that this good news continues!

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: lessons learned deeply


> Oh ((((((((((((((((((((((Tess)))))))))))))))))))))))) your

beautiful story

> brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sad for you that you lost Vince

so young

> and that you and his family had to go through that terribly sad


> It's wonderful that you could all be together and share your grief


> comfort each other. I agree with you there is no " healthy " way to


> it is good to share and let each deal with their pain in the way

that is

> best for them.

> You are a very special lady Tess, thank you for sharing your story

with us.

> You really made me smile with your description of your biopsy


> but I'm really sorry that it was such a nightmare. You poor thing,

you must

> be so stressed having to wait another two weeks.


> Sorry you are feeling so miserable right now, I think that getting

a second

> opinion is a brilliant idea! Your first responsibility is to

yourself my

> friend and if your doctor is not addressing your issues you have

every right

> to look somewhere else. I'm so glad that your appointment went

well and

> that she seems willing to take the time to help you.

> You are in my prayers.

> Lots of love and ((((((((((((((soft gentle angel


> Heidi

> P.S. I loved your swing poem, it brought back some wonderful




> Subject: Re: Swelling - Kat


> ((((((((((((((Kat)))))))))))))))))

> I'm so sorry you are feeling so down. Please feel free to cry on


> shoulders whenever you need it, many of us have been where you are

now and

> understand how you are feeling. I wish there was something I could

say to

> make you feel better but please know you are much loved here

exactly how you

> are and that you are not to blame for something that is beyond your


> I have been on Prednisone for over 18 months now and was also


> hormone treatments to fall pregnant, I put on a lot of weight and

had a lot

> of very nasty comments about it. Now that I've just fallen

pregnant and am

> no longer on the hormones and have drastically cut my prednisone

I'm losing

> weight effortlessly, despite eating more than before. Hopefully

you will

> have the same experience.

> I hope that you feel better soon. You are in my thoughts and


> (((((((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))))))))))

> Heidi


> Hi Myra,

> It's nice to meet you and welcome to the group!

> I'm sorry that you have had such a difficult road to diagnosis and

that your

> family has not given you the support you need. You have come to a


> place where you will find information, support and friendship.

When I was

> diagnosed about 18 months ago (I was 25 years old) my Rheumy gave

me some

> pamphlets from Arthritis foundation that explained RA and it's

affect on the

> patient and their families, I showed them to my family and it

really helped

> them to understand what I was going through. I was very lucky

though as my

> husband is very supportive and came to the first appointments with

me and

> asked lots of questions, I think he knows more about RA than I do


> I hear you on the fatigue, I also have a very demanding job and am


> having to totally re-evaluate what I'm going to do in the future

when I have

> my baby. I've managed up till now but I don't know if I will be

able to cope

> with this job, a baby and RA all at once. Besides I don't want to

be too

> exhausted to enjoy my baby when I get home and worry about the

added stress

> causing me flares (it does now when it's really hectic at work) and


> me incapable of looking after my baby. Anyway I just wanted you to


> that a lot of us go through the same problems as you do and that

you are not

> a freak, and you are not alone.

> I hope that we can offer you some of the support that you are


> I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Stacey!

> I'm so glad Wyatt had such a good time skating. I'm sorry that

your sisters

> comments hurt you though, you are a good person and I agree


> that going to church doesn't make someone " good " , it's what's in

your heart

> that counts and yours is made of gold.

> I hope you are feeling better than you were my friend.

> Sending lots of love and ((((((((((((((((((huge


> Heidi



> Kathe!

> I'm so glad you finally got the Enbrel! Congratulations! I will

pray that

> it works miracles for you.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Dear ,

> Congratulations on getting your social disability, what a relief.

I'm glad

> you have such a supportive Rheumy. Sorry about the dizziness, make

sure you

> go and see your GP if I hope that everything goes well and that you


> to find some acceptance about your retirement and some relief from

the pain.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Jane,

> I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time getting your

family to

> understand how sick you are feeling. It is difficult when we don't


> supported. The only thing I can think of suggesting is trying to


> them as much as possible. In the meantime please feel free to ask


> support from us as needed, we will do our best to try and make up

for some

> of the support that you are missing in your life right now.

> Hugs,

> Heidi







> _________________________________________________________________

> Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

> http://join.msn.com/?page=features/featuredemail

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It really is amazing to hear the heartbeat and see the pictures of such a

tiny person. I'm glad everything is going well and you're feeling good.

I am so excited for you and Jules. Enjoy this Playboy moment. In a few

months, you may change your mind LOL! I think it's great that you're going

to be surprised at the sex of your baby. I guess it's nice to be able to

prepare for a boy or girl, but I like the element of surprise.

What a surprise to find out your boss's wife has RA too. At least you'll

have an understanding boss.

Take care of yourself and eat your veggies!!!


> Hi Everyone!


> Wow! I am finalllllllllllly caught up on the posts! Pheeeeeeew! Now I

> feel much better!


> Sorry I’ve been a bit incognito lately but I’ve been catching up at work

> after my holiday and I’ve been so tired lately when I get home I just end up

> veging out on the couch like a sloth LOL! I’m going to try and not get

> behind again, it’s scary how long it takes to catch up on a few missed days.

> I missed you all bunches.


> We went to see the Gynae again on Tuesday morning, he did an ultrasound and

> we saw our little tadpole, he/she?? looks like a little kidney bean but we

> saw and heard the little heart beating!! It was so amazing and really fast!

> We got it on video and we watched again the last few nights – it’s our new

> form of entertainment LOL! Everything is going very well, the doc says it’s

> very well implanted?. I am now 6 weeks and 6 days pregnant and the tadpole

> is due on 10th July 2003. So far I’m not getting sick, just a little queasy

> sometimes, I’m really tired but consider myself really lucky, and my boobs

> are becoming like Dolly Parton’s – gosh what will they look like in 9 months

> time LOL! I’ve told Jules this is my Playboy moment – It’s now or never

> LOL! We are going to keep the sex of the baby a surprise but it’s already

> confusing me – I don’t know what to call my baby – he? she? it? So I’m

> sticking to tadpole for now :-) LOL!


> I’ve dropped the Pred to 3.5mg’s and Arthur is still being the ultimate

> gentleman (maybe it’s too crowded in here for him now LOL!), I’m coping

> amazingly well, a tiny bit of pain and stiffness in the mornings but it’s

> laughable really. Jules is being such a sweetie pie, he’s a total mother

> hen and is watching me very carefully, he’s babying me, it’s great.


> I told them at work, my first boss was great – I actually told him that I

> had RA – needed to explain that I’d have more doctor appointments than your

> average pregnant woman and plus I prefer to bring it out now in case I want

> to try and negotiate for shorter hours once the baby’s born – keeping my

> options open. It turns out that his wife, whom I’ve met a few times, also

> has RA! Amazing coincidence isn’t it. Anyway he was great and knew exactly

> what I was going through and is being really supportive. The CEO “big boss”

> wasn’t as great when I told him, his reaction was “Oh nooooo” – not the most

> politically correct answer nowadays – it was so bad that I had to laugh. He

> was a bit confused when I started laughing but then also saw the funny side

> and then went kind of “oh well, I suppose I should also add

> congratulations”. So all in all it went off okay.


> My next appointment is on 17th December, I can’t wait.


> I’ve bunched all my replies below, sorry if I missed anyone – I lost one or

> two of the posts - I will try to be a good girl and keep up from now on!

> Sending you all tons of ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) and lots of

> love,

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((((((((Kathy))))))))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are having so much trouble with your tummy. Sending

> prayers and ((((((((((((gentle hugs)))))))))))))))) your way,

> Love,

> Heidi


> Subject: OK, now I'm getting depressed...


> ((((((((((((((((((((((((Camille))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are feeling so down and have this new diagnosis to add to

> your burden. It must be very difficult dealing with RA, your new baby and

> now this. I wish there was something I could do to help but please know

> that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free to have your pity party,

> we all know how you feel and we all go down that road sometimes – we

> understand.

> Sending (((((((((((((((big gentle hugs))))))))))))))))) and mugs of virtual

> hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.

> Heidi



> ((((((((((((Jan))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well. I’m also hopelessly behind and

> am almost caught up on the posts but have had to give up on a lot of the

> ones I missed on holiday – I’ll never have the time.

> I hope you feel better soon.

> ((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))

> Heidi



> Hi Jeannine,


> Thanks so much for the congratulations, I have a friend here at work who has

> a digital camera so I’m going to try get some photo’s to post as soon as my

> bump starts to show.


> I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter, you must be so worried. Sorry too

> about all the pain you’ve been in lately, I have definitely noticed a

> correlation between high stress at work and flares, it’s good that you could

> take some time off.


> You and your daughter are in my prayers, please let us know how she’s doing

> and how her blood tests turn out.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Hi Sue,

> I’m sorry you had such a frustrating time at your Rheumy’s office. I hope

> that they can find a way to bring your wbc up without compromising your RA.

> Do you have to accept working with the fellow or can you ask your Rheumy to

> see you himself?

> I hope you feel better today,

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: Re: Re: Jen


> Hi Kathe!

> Poor Jen, I only just saw her posts, I’ve been incognito the last few days,

> trying to catch up at work after my holiday and my little tadpole is making

> me as sleepy as a bear in winter (I just plonk down on the couch when I get

> home now and even fall asleep most of the time LOL!). I did send Jen a mail

> directly so that she would know that she wasn’t being ignored but I’m glad

> she’s had the time to meet you wonderful bunch.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Hi ,

> Congratulations on your new grandbaby to be and good luck for your move.

> I’m sure you will really enjoy spending more time with your family.

> Hugs,

> Heidi



> Subject: back

> Hi Colleen!

> It’s great to hear from you again and wonderful news that your RA is under

> control!

> I hope that you manage to find a way to get onto some long term meds soon

> and that this good news continues!

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Subject: lessons learned deeply


> Oh ((((((((((((((((((((((Tess)))))))))))))))))))))))) your beautiful story

> brought tears to my eyes. I’m so sad for you that you lost Vince so young

> and that you and his family had to go through that terribly sad experience.

> It’s wonderful that you could all be together and share your grief and

> comfort each other. I agree with you there is no “healthy” way to grieve,

> it is good to share and let each deal with their pain in the way that is

> best for them.

> You are a very special lady Tess, thank you for sharing your story with us.

> You really made me smile with your description of your biopsy appointment

> but I’m really sorry that it was such a nightmare. You poor thing, you must

> be so stressed having to wait another two weeks.


> Sorry you are feeling so miserable right now, I think that getting a second

> opinion is a brilliant idea! Your first responsibility is to yourself my

> friend and if your doctor is not addressing your issues you have every right

> to look somewhere else. I’m so glad that your appointment went well and

> that she seems willing to take the time to help you.

> You are in my prayers.

> Lots of love and ((((((((((((((soft gentle angel hugs))))))))))))))))

> Heidi

> P.S. I loved your swing poem, it brought back some wonderful memories.



> Subject: Re: Swelling - Kat


> ((((((((((((((Kat)))))))))))))))))

> I’m so sorry you are feeling so down. Please feel free to cry on our

> shoulders whenever you need it, many of us have been where you are now and

> understand how you are feeling. I wish there was something I could say to

> make you feel better but please know you are much loved here exactly how you

> are and that you are not to blame for something that is beyond your control.

> I have been on Prednisone for over 18 months now and was also taking

> hormone treatments to fall pregnant, I put on a lot of weight and had a lot

> of very nasty comments about it. Now that I’ve just fallen pregnant and am

> no longer on the hormones and have drastically cut my prednisone I’m losing

> weight effortlessly, despite eating more than before. Hopefully you will

> have the same experience.

> I hope that you feel better soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers

> (((((((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))))))))))

> Heidi


> Hi Myra,

> It’s nice to meet you and welcome to the group!

> I’m sorry that you have had such a difficult road to diagnosis and that your

> family has not given you the support you need. You have come to a safe

> place where you will find information, support and friendship. When I was

> diagnosed about 18 months ago (I was 25 years old) my Rheumy gave me some

> pamphlets from Arthritis foundation that explained RA and it’s affect on the

> patient and their families, I showed them to my family and it really helped

> them to understand what I was going through. I was very lucky though as my

> husband is very supportive and came to the first appointments with me and

> asked lots of questions, I think he knows more about RA than I do LOL!

> I hear you on the fatigue, I also have a very demanding job and am now

> having to totally re-evaluate what I’m going to do in the future when I have

> my baby. I’ve managed up till now but I don’t know if I will be able to cope

> with this job, a baby and RA all at once. Besides I don’t want to be too

> exhausted to enjoy my baby when I get home and worry about the added stress

> causing me flares (it does now when it’s really hectic at work) and leaving

> me incapable of looking after my baby. Anyway I just wanted you to know

> that a lot of us go through the same problems as you do and that you are not

> a freak, and you are not alone.

> I hope that we can offer you some of the support that you are missing.

> I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Stacey!

> I’m so glad Wyatt had such a good time skating. I’m sorry that your sisters

> comments hurt you though, you are a good person and I agree wholeheartedly

> that going to church doesn’t make someone “good”, it’s what’s in your heart

> that counts and yours is made of gold.

> I hope you are feeling better than you were my friend.

> Sending lots of love and ((((((((((((((((((huge hugs))))))))))))))))))

> Heidi



> Kathe!

> I’m so glad you finally got the Enbrel! Congratulations! I will pray that

> it works miracles for you.

> Hugs,

> Heidi


> Dear ,

> Congratulations on getting your social disability, what a relief. I’m glad

> you have such a supportive Rheumy. Sorry about the dizziness, make sure you

> go and see your GP if I hope that everything goes well and that you manage

> to find some acceptance about your retirement and some relief from the pain.

> Take care,

> Heidi



> Hi Jane,

> I’m so sorry that you are having such a hard time getting your family to

> understand how sick you are feeling. It is difficult when we don’t feel

> supported. The only thing I can think of suggesting is trying to educate

> them as much as possible. In the meantime please feel free to ask for

> support from us as needed, we will do our best to try and make up for some

> of the support that you are missing in your life right now.

> Hugs,

> Heidi







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