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Re: I have less amazing news

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I am so sorry to hear that, Carol! What test is your doctor referring

to, serum amylase, lipase, trypsin?? How high is it?

Many, many medications can be responsible for pancreatitis.

Corticosteroids are well-known culprits. Even Remicade can cause

pancreatitis. Unfortunately, we don't know much about drug combinations

and pancreatitis.

What is your full list of current meds?

I hope you and the doctors can figure this out and that you can feel

more comfortable soon.

[ ] I have less amazing news

> I just got a call back from the Dr, and according to the results of


> blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be hospitalizing me

right now

> if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on just water and see

how I

> do. My husband, of course, was far less than sensitive and caring and


> about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a moron. Oh well. I'm


> to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow, and he wants me to


> my rheumatologist to see if any of them medications I'm on are the


> , a... any input? I'm also going to need an ultrasound to

check for

> gallstones.


> Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no

luck at

> all " list. What a bummer.


> Love to all,


> Carol

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I have had pancreatitis, actually I was hospitalized 13 times for it. The

reason I had it was scar tissue in the bile duct, but that is rare. I do know

one of the main causes for it is gall stones. Don't eat anything it could make

it worse. I don't understand why your doctor doesn't have you on an IV. That

is how they treat it. Maybe he is waiting for the test to come back. Try to

rest that is all you can do.

Lynn (MeMom)

Carol wrote:

> I just got a call back from the Dr, and according to the results of the

> blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be hospitalizing me right now

> if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on just water and see how I

> do. My husband, of course, was far less than sensitive and caring and I'm

> about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a moron. Oh well. I'm going

> to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow, and he wants me to call

> my rheumatologist to see if any of them medications I'm on are the cause.

> , a... any input? I'm also going to need an ultrasound to check for

> gallstones.


> Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at

> all " list. What a bummer.


> Love to all,


> Carol




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Hi Lynn,

The tests have already come back with elevated enzymes. He doesn't have me

on an IV because I don't have insurance, and he said he'll give me 24 hrs on

just water to see if I get any better. He said if I had insurance he'd have

me in the hospital already, and that he's not willing to mess around with

this for very long.

You've had this 13 times! It's such an incredibly sharp pain. I never knew

how much this could hurt. I can't imagine going through this thirteen

times! My doctor did mention that gallstones could be the culprit, and

that he'll be doing an ultrasound this week to check the possibility. I

think he figures I'll probably end up in the hospital anyway, and he might

as well wait to do the ultrasound for now. I'd love for this to go away

without my having to be hospitalized..

How are thing going, since your operation? I hope you're doing better.

Thanks for the info!

Much love,


Re: [ ] I have less amazing news


I have had pancreatitis, actually I was hospitalized 13 times for it.


reason I had it was scar tissue in the bile duct, but that is rare. I do


one of the main causes for it is gall stones. Don't eat anything it could


it worse. I don't understand why your doctor doesn't have you on an IV.


is how they treat it. Maybe he is waiting for the test to come back. Try


rest that is all you can do.

Lynn (MeMom)

Carol wrote:

> I just got a call back from the Dr, and according to the results of the

> blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be hospitalizing me right


> if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on just water and see how I

> do. My husband, of course, was far less than sensitive and caring and I'm

> about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a moron. Oh well. I'm going

> to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow, and he wants me to call

> my rheumatologist to see if any of them medications I'm on are the cause.

> , a... any input? I'm also going to need an ultrasound to check


> gallstones.


> Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck


> all " list. What a bummer.


> Love to all,


> Carol




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I'm okay Carol having some problems but okay. I was going to call the surgeon

to ask about the pain from the muscle and the belching but I think I will just

wait a few more days. I won't get to talk to him anyway so it doesn't really


The pain from pancreatitis is terrible. I think you will probably have to be in

the hospital. Each time it happened to me, I was in for a week. No food, no

water, nothing. They bring food back in very slowly. I hope all goes well for

you, I will keep you in my prayers.

Lynn (MeMom)

Carol wrote:

> Hi Lynn,


> The tests have already come back with elevated enzymes. He doesn't have me

> on an IV because I don't have insurance, and he said he'll give me 24 hrs on

> just water to see if I get any better. He said if I had insurance he'd have

> me in the hospital already, and that he's not willing to mess around with

> this for very long.


> You've had this 13 times! It's such an incredibly sharp pain. I never knew

> how much this could hurt. I can't imagine going through this thirteen

> times! My doctor did mention that gallstones could be the culprit, and

> that he'll be doing an ultrasound this week to check the possibility. I

> think he figures I'll probably end up in the hospital anyway, and he might

> as well wait to do the ultrasound for now. I'd love for this to go away

> without my having to be hospitalized..


> How are thing going, since your operation? I hope you're doing better.


> Thanks for the info!


> Much love,


> Carol


> Re: [ ] I have less amazing news


> Carol,

> I have had pancreatitis, actually I was hospitalized 13 times for it.

> The

> reason I had it was scar tissue in the bile duct, but that is rare. I do

> know

> one of the main causes for it is gall stones. Don't eat anything it could

> make

> it worse. I don't understand why your doctor doesn't have you on an IV.

> That

> is how they treat it. Maybe he is waiting for the test to come back. Try

> to

> rest that is all you can do.

> Lynn (MeMom)


> Carol wrote:


> > I just got a call back from the Dr, and according to the results of the

> > blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be hospitalizing me right

> now

> > if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on just water and see how I

> > do. My husband, of course, was far less than sensitive and caring and I'm

> > about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a moron. Oh well. I'm going

> > to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow, and he wants me to call

> > my rheumatologist to see if any of them medications I'm on are the cause.

> > , a... any input? I'm also going to need an ultrasound to check

> for

> > gallstones.

> >

> > Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck

> at

> > all " list. What a bummer.

> >

> > Love to all,

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks for the prayers, Lynn. I'm headed to the Dr. in a few minutes. He's

going to give me a prescription for oxycontin for the pain. I think you're

right that I'm going to end up in the hospital either way. I almost wish my

Dr. would just insist and put me in today, but I'll give it a chance until

tomorrow. It would be nice to save the money.

I hope your pain subsides soon. It's frustrating to call your Dr. and get

secondhand information. I called my rheumy this morning at my MD's

insistence to ask if any of my medications could be causing the

pancreatitis, and the nurse told me that he said that all of them could be,

and that any medication can cause pancreatitis. She said he doesn't want me

to stop any of my meds, though. Now, something was probably lost in her

secondhand information, and I would have liked to ask him a little more

about whether I should keep taking my meds now, or after I'm well. The MD

made the decision that I should stop my RA meds for a few days, though,

until this passes.

Love and hugs and prayers that you feel better also,


Re: [ ] I have less amazing news


> Carol,

> I have had pancreatitis, actually I was hospitalized 13 times for it.

> The

> reason I had it was scar tissue in the bile duct, but that is rare. I do

> know

> one of the main causes for it is gall stones. Don't eat anything it could

> make

> it worse. I don't understand why your doctor doesn't have you on an IV.

> That

> is how they treat it. Maybe he is waiting for the test to come back. Try

> to

> rest that is all you can do.

> Lynn (MeMom)


> Carol wrote:


> > I just got a call back from the Dr, and according to the results of the

> > blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be hospitalizing me right

> now

> > if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on just water and see how


> > do. My husband, of course, was far less than sensitive and caring and


> > about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a moron. Oh well. I'm


> > to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow, and he wants me to


> > my rheumatologist to see if any of them medications I'm on are the


> > , a... any input? I'm also going to need an ultrasound to check

> for

> > gallstones.

> >

> > Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no


> at

> > all " list. What a bummer.

> >

> > Love to all,

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> >

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I am sorry to hear that you are continuing in such

pain - I hope that the 24 hour trial does the trick,

but, if not, you really do need to be hospitalized.

This is not something to be taken lightly, my friend.

In the hospital they can better control your pain and

watch over you to make sure nothing else starts up. I

had pancreatitis when I had cholecystitis caused by

gallstones stuck in the bile duct - so gallbladder

could also be the cause of the pain. Let us know how

you are doing - I hope you get some pain relief soon

and your RA does not kick in too.

Kathe in CA

--- Carol <carol@...> wrote:

> Hi Lynn,


> The tests have already come back with elevated

> enzymes. He doesn't have me

> on an IV because I don't have insurance, and he said

> he'll give me 24 hrs on

> just water to see if I get any better. He said if I

> had insurance he'd have

> me in the hospital already, and that he's not

> willing to mess around with

> this for very long.


> You've had this 13 times! It's such an incredibly

> sharp pain. I never knew

> how much this could hurt. I can't imagine going

> through this thirteen

> times! My doctor did mention that gallstones could

> be the culprit, and

> that he'll be doing an ultrasound this week to check

> the possibility. I

> think he figures I'll probably end up in the

> hospital anyway, and he might

> as well wait to do the ultrasound for now. I'd

> love for this to go away

> without my having to be hospitalized..


> How are thing going, since your operation? I hope

> you're doing better.


> Thanks for the info!


> Much love,


> Carol



> Re: [ ] I have less amazing news


> Carol,

> I have had pancreatitis, actually I was

> hospitalized 13 times for it.

> The

> reason I had it was scar tissue in the bile duct,

> but that is rare. I do

> know

> one of the main causes for it is gall stones. Don't

> eat anything it could

> make

> it worse. I don't understand why your doctor

> doesn't have you on an IV.

> That

> is how they treat it. Maybe he is waiting for the

> test to come back. Try

> to

> rest that is all you can do.

> Lynn (MeMom)


> Carol wrote:


> > I just got a call back from the Dr, and according

> to the results of the

> > blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be

> hospitalizing me right

> now

> > if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on

> just water and see how I

> > do. My husband, of course, was far less than

> sensitive and caring and I'm

> > about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a

> moron. Oh well. I'm going

> > to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow,

> and he wants me to call

> > my rheumatologist to see if any of them

> medications I'm on are the cause.

> > , a... any input? I'm also going to need

> an ultrasound to check

> for

> > gallstones.

> >

> > Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad

> luck, I'd have no luck

> at

> > all " list. What a bummer.

> >

> > Love to all,

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> >

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Sorry Carol. I feel so bad that you have to suffer because you don¹t have

insurance. I hope it passes without the need for hospitalization. You may

have no choice but to stop your RA meds, but the temporary stopping

hopefully will resolve the pancreatitis without your suffering from an RA

flare on top of the pancreatitis.

This really is a bummer.


> I just got a call back from the Dr, and according to the results of the

> blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be hospitalizing me right now

> if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on just water and see how I

> do. My husband, of course, was far less than sensitive and caring and I'm

> about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a moron. Oh well. I'm going

> to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow, and he wants me to call

> my rheumatologist to see if any of them medications I'm on are the cause.

> , a... any input? I'm also going to need an ultrasound to check for

> gallstones.


> Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at

> all " list. What a bummer.


> Love to all,


> Carol






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I do not know how you can walk around. It is so painful, I couldn't walk,

sit, or move. It was just awful. It the hospital they gave me morphine for the

pain. I went right out until the worst was over. Please try to take care of



Carol wrote:

> Thanks for the prayers, Lynn. I'm headed to the Dr. in a few minutes. He's

> going to give me a prescription for oxycontin for the pain. I think you're

> right that I'm going to end up in the hospital either way. I almost wish my

> Dr. would just insist and put me in today, but I'll give it a chance until

> tomorrow. It would be nice to save the money.


> I hope your pain subsides soon. It's frustrating to call your Dr. and get

> secondhand information. I called my rheumy this morning at my MD's

> insistence to ask if any of my medications could be causing the

> pancreatitis, and the nurse told me that he said that all of them could be,

> and that any medication can cause pancreatitis. She said he doesn't want me

> to stop any of my meds, though. Now, something was probably lost in her

> secondhand information, and I would have liked to ask him a little more

> about whether I should keep taking my meds now, or after I'm well. The MD

> made the decision that I should stop my RA meds for a few days, though,

> until this passes.


> Love and hugs and prayers that you feel better also,

> Carol


> Re: [ ] I have less amazing news

> >

> > Carol,

> > I have had pancreatitis, actually I was hospitalized 13 times for it.

> > The

> > reason I had it was scar tissue in the bile duct, but that is rare. I do

> > know

> > one of the main causes for it is gall stones. Don't eat anything it could

> > make

> > it worse. I don't understand why your doctor doesn't have you on an IV.

> > That

> > is how they treat it. Maybe he is waiting for the test to come back. Try

> > to

> > rest that is all you can do.

> > Lynn (MeMom)

> >

> > Carol wrote:

> >

> > > I just got a call back from the Dr, and according to the results of the

> > > blood test I have pancreatitis. He said he'd be hospitalizing me right

> > now

> > > if I had insurance, but he'll give me 24 hours on just water and see how

> I

> > > do. My husband, of course, was far less than sensitive and caring and

> I'm

> > > about to cry right now. Sometimes he's such a moron. Oh well. I'm

> going

> > > to have to postpone my Remicade infusion tomorrow, and he wants me to

> call

> > > my rheumatologist to see if any of them medications I'm on are the

> cause.

> > > , a... any input? I'm also going to need an ultrasound to check

> > for

> > > gallstones.

> > >

> > > Well, you can add me to the " If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no

> luck

> > at

> > > all " list. What a bummer.

> > >

> > > Love to all,

> > >

> > > Carol

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dearest Carol...All my love & prayers for a quick healing resolution to

this problem. Golly, kiddo, you've had more than your share. Know you

are much loved & prayed for.




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Hi Carol,

Sounds like you have joined my new club. I'm sorry to hear the news. I hope

its not too painful for you. Seems like one thing after another for you too.

Hang in there.

Love and Hugs

Stacey in PA

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