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Kathy in IL

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<PRE>thanks tess, i am on injectable. i asked if i should take folic acid and


said no. i just got back from the police dept. someone hit my car while it

sat in front of my house. more fun that i just don't need. the whole side of

my car. waaahhhh kathy in il

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Hi Kathy...Yikes, I'm so sorry about your car! Will the person who hit

it take care of the damages? They better! You poor kid...when it

rains, it pours.

Did your Dr. say why she didn't want you to take folic acid? I think

it's pretty standard with mtx, of course I don't know if perhaps your

Dr. thinks it's not good for some reason I'm not familiar with.

Well, kiddo, I hope you have a peaceful, non-eventful, pain-free


Lots of Love & Oodles of Hugs...


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<PRE>i don't know who hit my car. they just left. all i know is it was a white

car. i told the police that the people across the streey from me have friends

with a white car that will make a u turn in front of my house to park in

front of theirs. i gave the the address. now i wait. i think my dr was just

waiting to see if i could take this before adding the folic acid. i know they

told me if i did not get better there was a couple things they could try. i

did my 2nd injection yesterday. this morning i woke up with my period, yhay i

haven't had in almost a year and a half. i'm just going to store that info

for awhile. enough already!!! kathy in il

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Kathy... remember my posts last year about the MTX???! Beware of the

" period " ... it is NOT. I went through menopause 10 years ago... NO

periods for 10 years. My doctor swore it was just a female problem

because " MTX does NOT cause this. " And he also, at the same time,

exclaimed that, " MTX does NOT cause Bleeding Gums! Go see your dentist! "

Then I complained of lungs hurting... he never x-rayed. Said that was

not NECESSARY. And he " listened " to them on the last 2 visits I had with

him. You could hear me wheez and struggle to breathe in the next room,

my husband said! But this doctos " listened " with his little toy hanging

from his ears and said, " CLEAR AS A BELL! "

TWO WEEKS LATER I came down with (the words of the ER) " The strangest

looking case of Pneumonia that we have ever seen! We have NEVER seen

lungs this bad! " It took From Christmas until April of me taking

antibiotic shots every 3 days and daily antibiotics by mouth to " get rid

of the strange pneumonia " .

By the way... I fired that Doctor when this happened Christmas. So went

off the MTX.

I stayed wheezy until this June, then relapsed with " Pneumonia " again!

And again a run of antibiotics. THis September I had another Chest

x-ray... and THAT WAS " clear as a bell " . So I guess I am " cured " ! Ha!

But look how long that took! Almost a year to the day I started the MTX.

I was only on MTX about 4 months. *Sept. 2001-Dec.2001. I would PRAY

that anyone of you on the MTX be aware, it IS used as an " abortion drug "

(My OBGYN was appauled the doctor sent me to her because she said,

" duhhhh...YES it will cause this! " ) And if any...ANY bleeding

occurs...gums, a scratch bleeding too much, and vaginal, etc... PLEASE

go to the doctor and demand it is looked into, because it IS what the

MTX can do. I swear, I think Doctors never read the " inserts " .

I don't want any of you going through what I did, because of a doctor

who can't read the info on a drug he prescribes. It was the WORST year

of my life! Not only the " disease " ...but the diseaseS it caused me to

have to " recover " from. Sorry if this scares any of ya'll taking MTX

now. But be aware, not ALL of us have the same reactions. But Kathy...

that was how mine started with the MTX! Vaginal bleeding...then the

gums. Then 3 months into treatment, the LUNGS. So please have this


Susie (Elf)

kringlemom@... wrote:

> <PRE>i don't know who hit my car. they just left. all i know is it

> was a white

> car. i told the police that the people across the streey from me have

> friends

> with a white car that will make a u turn in front of my house to park

> in

> front of theirs. i gave the the address. now i wait. i think my dr

> was just

> waiting to see if i could take this before adding the folic acid. i

> know they

> told me if i did not get better there was a couple things they could

> try. i

> did my 2nd injection yesterday. this morning i woke up with my period,

> yhay i

> haven't had in almost a year and a half. i'm just going to store that

> info

> for awhile. enough already!!! kathy in il



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Hi Kathy,

Thank you. How have you been? I see today and will be

curious to hear her take on everything. I have only been seeing GI

docs as of late. It will be " nice " to only have to deal with RA again



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<PRE>hey al, nothing much new here. just gave myself my 3rd injection of

methotrexate. still waiting to hear from my " former employer " about my

disability status. they are making me wait as long as possible. i called the

company many months ago and told them i would not sign the severence

agreement until i heard about the appeal on my disability. my foot dr and

jennifer had me out on disability. the foot dr released me but my rheumi did

not. i should have still been on disability. then they came back about a

month later (end of march) and said well since you are not on disability any

longer we can tell you that your job was eliminated in feb. they are trying

to break me. today i got a call from a collection agency. saying i owe at & t

long distance $37.50. they cashed my check of $47.22 on november 1st, yet my

acct was turned into collection 11/9. they must've misapplied this. still no

news on who hit my car. so i have to scrape up $500 from my family to fix my

car because it is still financed. sorry to vent. i have been on the phone

with at & t all day trying to find out what their problem is. i have a bill

that says i owe them $4.33 on the 14th, yet i am in collection. but at the

end of the call they say, we'd love to have you back as a customer!!!! kathy

in il

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  • 2 weeks later...

<PRE>thanks tess. today has been the day from hell. trying to figure out what to

do, trying to figure out why i have 3 local phone companies that all want

$$$$$. my mom thinks i should quit and take my severence. my dad thinks i

should offer a fee atty the $ they would get reimbursed from all our cobra

pymts if we win. (thats about 4000 now) i am eligible for medicare in

june.(that would be another 3000) my sister doesn't think my company will

ever settle. i am sick and need to be home. i am young and broke and need to

be working. i need insurance benefits. meantime my life is just passing by.

i have such a headache and stomachache. carol i hope you enjoyed your

visit to chicago. seems we missed each other again. kathy in il

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