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What a miserable day!

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I am sorry for posting this rant. I do really hate to complain to

anyone but I really need to get a few things off my chest that are

driving me up the wall. I feel like hell. I was bawling while trying

to make my daughters toaster waffles this morning. I could not get

the lid off of her sippy cup, could barely spread the margarine on

her waffles and to make matters all the worse, my husband was sitting

at the table, said " that bad huh? " and went upstairs.

My house is a disaster, I have not vacumed all week, the dishes are

piliing up and I had a fight with my hubby about laundry. He wants to

know where all the clean towells are....well if he put some in the

washer there would be some! I just spent the last hour tidying up the

living room so you can actually walk (2 year olds make huge messes

with their toys) and I asked him to get Livia dressed and he said " I

guess so, even though I have to go to work. " hmmmmm. The only reason

I was killing myself trying to clean up the mess is because I have to

work today too and if I don't do it, I know he won't. So now I feel

like my arms are being ripped out of their sockets. My Vioxx has not

quite kicked in for the day and I know that all the stuff I just did,

as well as having to work a very physical job for 6 hours tonight are

going to render me utterly useless and in agony tommorow.

I am still trying to get my groove going where I can do these things

and not feel like heck the next day but I just can't seem to get

caught up on the housework. I have zero help from my hubby when it

comes to this sort of thing becuse he is and always will be a momma's

boy who is used to having it all done for him. In the past it was not

that big of a deal because I only work 3 days a week and he workes 4-

5 days. I chose to stay home with my daughter and only work part

time. But now, I know I need the help and he just won't get it

through his thick skull that I can't do everything at the moment. I

keep telling him it is not going to get any better if he does not

care of does not help me so that I can rest. Sorry this is so darned

long. I am just frustrated and angry at myself for not being able to

cope with this and not being able to not do everything.


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